
USTC Summer School 2015 (001M0601)

Advances in Computer Graphics


图形与几何计算实验室 (Graphics&Geometric Computing Laboratory)

中国科学技术大学 (University of Science and Technology of China)


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  • 2014年8月2日:本次暑期课程的问卷调查(点击进入),请参与课程的老师和同学积极参与填写,谢谢!

  • 2015年8月1日:中科大的选课的本科生的课程考核要求(点击进入),deadelin:2015年8月31日

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  • 2015年6月26日:科大东区附近的酒店信息(中国科技大学东校区周边酒店信息下载),需要者请自行预订,由于暑期学校活动较多,须尽早预定酒店住宿

  • 2015年6月26日:已通过注册系统向选课学员发送了邮件,请各位学员务必于6月29日之前按照要求完成课程的报名。

  • 2015年6月26日:课程注册人数已满,不再接受注册。

  • 2015年6月24日:注册人数即将满额,注册系统将于近日关闭。

  • 2015年6月19日:中国科技大学东校区周边酒店信息下载。请外地学员及早自行预订住宿。

  • 2015年6月15日:课程开始注册,点击注册注册之前请务必仔细查阅“课程注册说明文档”)。名额满后,即不再开放注册。

  • 2015年6月14日:注册课程之前请仔细查阅“课程注册说明文档”(点击下载PDF)。

  • 2015年5月20日:注册系统将在6月中旬开放。名额有限,敬请关注。

  • 2015年3月17日:今年的暑期课程时间定为2015年7月27日至7月31日共5天。授课计划初步确定 ,今年的课程将继续完全免费。



  • 《计算机图形学前沿进展》(课程编号:001M06)为中国科技大学暑期学期的课程。课程由数学科学学院中科大图形与几何计算实验室(GCL)刘利刚老师(微博)和其他各位老师及国内外学者共同授课。本年度课程的主题为“3D几何感知与建模、 虚拟现实与3D打印”。若对计算机图形学中的几何处理不太熟悉的同学,可提前看一下 刘利刚老师开设的本科生课程《计算机图形学》(201320142015)和研究生课程《数字几何处理》的主页(其中有较完善的课程课件提供下载 )

  • 该课程为全校性公共选修课程,面向应用数学、计算机科学、信息科学等相关专业的学生,欢迎数学学院、少年班学院、信息学院、计算机学院等学院的本科生高年级学生和研究生来选课 。

  • 若本校的本科生需要该课程的学分,需要在校教务系统中进行选课。

  • 该课程以介绍计算机图形学领域的最新的研究成果及进展为主,同时兼顾本科生也会介绍该领域的一些基本问题和研究方向,只要有《线性代数》、《微积分》、《解析几何》、《微分几何》等课程知识的学生都可以听懂。

  • 本次课程的内容涵盖几何建模、网格化技术、形状的感知分析、结构分析及功能性分析、点云处理、深度相机、细分造型技术、3D打印、Unity3D引擎、虚拟现实等内容,内容丰富和前沿,是了解计算机图形学前沿和未来方向的非常难得的机会。

  • 上课时间:2015年7月27日至7月31日

  • 上课地点:中国科技大学东区5教202室

  • 学分:2


















Ruigang Yang

3D Body Shape Modeling and Motion Tracking using a Single Depth Camera



Structure-aware Geometry Processing










Ron Goldman

Pyramid algorithms for curves and surfaces














智能三维几何感知、建模与分析 (1)



智能三维几何感知、建模与分析 (2)









Points-based Modeling



How to do advanced research?




Denis Zorin

State-of-the-art techniques for global parametrization and quadrangulation (1)


Denis Zorin

State-of-the-art techniques for global parametrization and quadrangulation (2)





Richard Zhang

Shape compaction for design and fabrication







 3D打印 中的计算机图形学研究研讨会




  • Denis Zorin, New York University, USA

    Denis Zorin is a Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics and the Chair of the Computer Science Department at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. His areas of research include geometric modeling and processing, physically-based simulation and numerical methods for scientific computing. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the California Institute of Technology; before joining the faculty at NYU, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. He was a Sloan Foundation Fellow, received the NSF CAREER award, and several IBM Faculty Partnership Awards. He is a co-recipient of the ACM Gordon Bell Prize. His former students and postdocs went on to become faculty members at many leading universities.

  • Ron Goldman, Rice University, USA 

    Ron Goldman is a Professor of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Professor Goldman received his B.S. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1968 and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University in 1973.

    Professor Goldman’s current research interests lie in the mathematical representation, manipulation, analysis and reconstruction of shape using computers. His work includes research in computer aided geometric design, solid modeling, computer graphics, subdivision, polynomials and splines. He is particularly interested in algorithms for polynomial and piecewise polynomial curves and surfaces, as well as in applications of algebraic and differential geometry to geometric modeling. He most recent focus is on the uses of quaternions and Clifford algebras in computer graphics.

    Dr. Goldman has published over a hundred articles in journals, books, and conference proceedings on these and related topics. He has also published two books on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling: Pyramid Algorithms: A Dynamic Programming Approach to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling, and An Integrated Introduction to Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Dr. Goldman is currently an Associate Editor of Computer Aided Geometric Design.

    Before returning to academia, Dr. Goldman worked for ten years in industry solving problems in computer graphics, geometric modeling, and computer aided design. He served as a Mathematician at Manufacturing Data Systems Inc., where he helped to implement one of the first industrial solid modeling systems. Later he worked as a Senior Design Engineer at Ford Motor Company, enhancing the capabilities of their corporate graphics and computer aided design software. From Ford he moved on to Control Data Corporation, where he was a Principal Consultant for the development group devoted to computer aided design and manufacture. His responsibilities included database design, algorithms, education, acquisitions, and research.

    Dr. Goldman left Control Data Corporation in 1987 to become an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. He joined the faculty at Rice University in Houston, Texas as a Professor of Computer Science in July 1990.

  • Hao (Richard) Zhang, Simon Fraser University, Canada

    Hao (Richard) Zhang is a full professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada, where he directs the graphics (GrUVi) lab. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Dynamic Graphics Project (DGP), Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, and his M.Math. and B.Math degrees from the University of Waterloo. Richard's research area is computer graphics with a focus on geometry modeling and processing, shape analysis, and 3D content creation. He has published more than 90 papers on these topics. He is an editor-in-chief of Computer Graphics Forum and an editorial board member of Graphical Models. He has served on the program committees of all major computer graphics conferences including SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP), among others, and is SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 course chair, a paper co-chair for SGP 2013 and Graphics Interface 2015. He received an NSERC DAS (Discovery Accelerator Supplement) Award in 2014, a Most Cited Paper Award for the journal Computer-Aided Design in 2010, the Best Paper Award from SGP 2008, and a Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) Research Excellence Award at SFU in 2014.

  • Ruigang Yang, University of Kentucky, USA

    Ruigang Yang is currently a full professor of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky. He obtained his PhD degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his MS degree from Columbia University. His research interests span over computer graphics and computer vision, in particular in 3D reconstruction and 3D data analysis. He has published over 100 papers, which, according to Google Scholar, has received over 7000 citations with an h-index of 38 (as of 2015). He has received a number of awards, including US NSF Career award in 2004 and the Dean’s Research Award in 2013. He is currently an associate editor of IEEE TPAMI and a senior member of IEEE.

  • 潘志庚,杭州师范大学



    主要研究方向为:虚拟现实、数字博物馆、互动艺术、数字娱乐与游戏等。发表国际重要期刊和顶级会议论文80余篇,其中SCI论文70余篇;发表的论文被国内外学者广泛引用;根据Google Scholar,论著被他引近2000余次。其中2012年发表在TVCG上的论文成为全球1%高引论文;2006年发表在C&G上的论文,成为2005年以来被ScienceDirect列入中国作者发表的所有计算机论文中,最受关注的50篇论文(排名第七)。

    这些理论研究成果除了被学术界承认外,还在国家重大工程或项目(虚拟奥运博物馆,航海模拟,漫游京杭大运河和上海世博会)中得到成功应用。2001年获得中国高校科技进步奖 (自然科学类)二等奖, 2008年获得国家科技进步二等奖(排名第三),2011年获得上海市科技进步一等奖。2000 年分别获得浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目和教育部优秀青年教师教学科研奖励计划(即新世纪人才计划),2002-2005/2013-2016二次担任浙江省特聘教授(钱江学者)。

  • 刘洋,微软亚洲研究院

    刘洋,微软亚洲研究院研究员。2000年和2003年于中国科学技术大学数学系获得理学学士及硕士学位。2008年于香港大学计算机系获得博士学位。2008年至2010年于法国INRIA/LORIA研究所从事博士后研究。2010年至今工作于微软亚洲研究院网络图形组。 研究兴趣包括几何建模与优化,建筑几何, 计算机图形学等方向。

  • 黄惠,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    Hui Huang is a Professor of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), where she is also the Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Computing and Digital Engineering and the Director of the Visual Computing Research Center and the Director of the Shenzhen Key Lab of Visual Computing and Visual Analytics. Her research interests are mainly on Computer Graphics and Scientific Computing. She has published more than a dozen papers in the top international journals and conferences. She now serves on the editorial board of Computer Graphics Forum and as the committee member of numerous international conferences. She is the recipient of 2015 Guangdong Technological Innovation Leading Talent Award, 2014 Guangdong Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award, 2013 CAS Youth International Cooperation Award, 2012 CAS Lujiaxi Young Talent Award and 2011 Shenzhen Peacock Talent Award. For more details, please check her homepage:

  • 蔺宏伟,浙江大学

    蔺宏伟,男,博士,副研究员,博士生导师。1996年于浙江大学应用数学系获学士学位,后在国有大型企业工作3年。2004年于浙江大学数学系获博士学位。自2004年至今,在浙江大学数学系及CAD&CG国家重点实验室工作。曾赴香港科技大学,美国Brigham Young University,香港中文大学和日本国立横滨大学进行访问和合作研究。主持国家自然科学基金3项,浙江省自然科学基金1项,参与973项目与国家基金重点项目各一项。近年来,从事几何迭代法,曲线曲面造型,等几何分析等方面的研究工作。在TVCG, SIAM Scientific Computing,CMAME,TOG,CAD,CAGD等国内外期刊发表或录用论文50余篇(第一作者通讯作者33篇,SCI收录31篇)。曾获2014年度陆增镛CAD&CG高科技一等奖,2013年度国家自然科学二等奖,2008年度教育部自然科学一等奖,及2006年度中国计算机学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖。

  • 邓重阳,杭州电子科技大学

    邓重阳,杭州电子科技大学副教授。2008年在浙江大学获应用数学博士学位。多次在香港城市大学访问,2014.06-2014.11在瑞士提挈诺大学任访问教授。完成国家自然科学基金数学天元青年基金,青年基金各1项,现主持面上项目1项。在ACM TOG发表论文1篇,另在Computer Graphics Forum,Computer-Aided Design,Computer Aided Geometric Design等期刊发表论文10余篇。主要研究方向为细分曲线曲面,推广重心坐标,曲线曲面插值与逼近等。

  • 徐凯,国防科技大学,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    徐凯,2011年9月于国防科大计算机学院获得博士学位。2008至2010年赴加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学进行访问研究。研究兴趣为几何处理与建模、计算机视觉、机器人三维感知等。在SIGGRAPH和SIGGRAPH Asia发表论文10篇。现担任Computers & Graphics期刊副主编。担任SGP、PG、GMP和Chinagraph等国际国内会议的程序委员。2013年获全军优秀博士论文奖。2013年获陆增镛CAD&CG高科技奖二等奖。2014年获湖南省自然科学一等奖(排名第3)。

  • 郑友怡,上海科技大学

    Youyi Zheng is an Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech University, China. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Yale University during 2013 to 2015 and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at KAUST during 2011 to 2013. He obtained his Ph.D from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Computer Science in 2011 and his master and bachelor's degree in 2007 and 2005 respectively, both from Zhejiang University. His research interests are Imaging, Geometric Modeling, and Human Computer Interaction.

  • 张鑫,Unity Technologies


  • 胡瑞珍,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    胡瑞珍,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院可视计算中心助理研究员。分别于2010年和2015年在浙江大学获得理学学士和应用数学博士学位。2012年12月至2014年12月获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学进行访问研究。研究兴趣主要集中在计算机图形学,特别是形状分析、几何处理和模型制造。近年来以第一作者在图形学国际顶级会议SIGGRAPH (Asia)和Symposium Geometry Processing上发表多篇文章。

  • 刘利刚,中国科学技术大学




  • Title: State-of-the-art techniques for global parametrization and quadrangulation
    Lecturer: Denis Zorin, New York University, USA

    Abstract: Surface parametrization makes it possible to work with surfaces using powerful machinery developed for functions on planar domains, including a broad range of image processing tools: it enables a variety of efficient and high-quality techniques for filtering, compression, feature detection and matching, deformation and solving equations on surfaces.

    Global parametrization, i.e., partitioning a surface into domains mapped to the plane, has emerged as the essential tool for regular resampling of surface geometry as well as other types of data defined on surfaces. Fundamental understanding of the problem and its connections to many important concepts in differential and conformal geometry rapidly improved over the past several years leading to many novel algorithms.

    In this course, I will review main advances in the area in recent years. I will cover a number of aspects of the problem, including its basic formulation, methods for design of guiding cross-field and improving parametrization quality (optimization of suitably chosen distortion measures, both global and worst-case), in particular constraint-based methods for ensuring parametrization injectivity.

  • Title: Shape compaction for design and fabrication
    Lecturer: Hao (Richard) Zhang, Simon Fraser University, Canada

    Abstract: Compact shape *representations*, e.g., compression, is a well-studied problem. In this talk however, I will pose the problem of compaction at the shape *configuration* level. The term shape configuration refers to how a shape, real or conceptual, is physically modelled (e.g., in terms of design and composition of its parts) and spatially arranged (e.g., in terms of shape/part positioning and possibly in relation to other shapes). The required storage is the actual physical space the shape configuration occupies. Compact shape configurations can save valuable space in industrial settings, e.g., for storage, shipping, 3D printing, etc., leading to cost reduction.

    I will mainly cover two new problems on shape compaction involving stacking and folding. We call the two works stackabilization and foldabilization. In the most general setting, both problems are very hard. I will show our particular instantiations of the problems, present our geometric and combinatorial formulations and solutions, and discuss many possible variations.

  • Title: Pyramid Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces
    Lecturer: Ron Goldman, Rice University, USA

    Abstract: Pyramid algorithms are dynamic programming procedures for organizing, visualizing, and analyzing recursive algorithms for freeform curves and surfaces. Important examples of pyramid algorithms include:
    • Neville’s algorithm for Lagrange interpolation,
    • de Casteljau’s evaluation algorithm and subdivision procedures for Bezier approximation,
    • de Boor’s evaluation algorithm and knot insertion procedures for B-spline curves and surfaces.
    In this lecture we provide an introduction to pyramid algorithms, and we show how to use pyramid algorithms to understand the organization and properties of a variety of fundamental procedures for freeform curves and surfaces.

  • Title: 3D Body Shape Modeling and Motion Tracking using a Single Depth Camera
    Lecturer: Ruigang Yang, University of Kentucky, USA

    Abstract: In this talk, I will talk about low-level 3D sensing with different modalities, in a pretty high level though.

  • Title: 虚拟现实及应用最新进展
    Lecturer: 潘志庚,杭州师范大学

    Abstract: 虚拟现实技术是21世纪影响人类生活的一项重要技术,VR/AR/MR等技术在近10多年来得到了广泛的研究和应用,几乎涉及到人类生活的方方面面。本报告结合作者20多年的研究经历,讨论虚拟现实的最新进展,特别是作者参与完成的几个重要项目,包括虚拟奥运博物馆、航海模拟、漫游京杭大运河、上海世博会等,另外对电子试衣、网络虚拟健身等也有介绍。

  • Title: 几何建模与处理中的网格最优化
    Lecturer: 刘洋,微软亚洲研究院

    Abstract: 网格是计算机图形学里重要且基本的结构之一,它可以离散地表达连续曲面以及三维体。网格质量的优劣严重影响着计算机动画、几何建模、物理仿真等应用结果的好坏。在本报告中我将围绕最优网格的生成与处理这个主题,介绍我们最近的在Siggraph/Siggraph Asia,TVCG上发表的一系列工作,其中包括各向同性和各向异性的网格化,四边形网格,六边形网格和六面体网格的生成,极小曲面、常曲率曲面的造型,基于曲率线控制的曲面造型,自支撑网格的设计与构建 以及最优网格映射等课题。

  • Title: Points-based Modeling
    Lecturer: 黄惠,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    Abstract: Nowadays scanning, capturing, processing, analyzing and reconstructing have formed a prevalent pipeline for 3D and 4D model generation. In this lecture, I would like to go through the whole procedure and briefly introduce state-of-the-art algorithms on each technical aspect.

  • Title: 几何迭代法及其应用
    Lecturer: 蔺宏伟,浙江大学

    Abstract: 几何迭代法,又称渐进迭代逼近(PIA: Progressive-iterative approximation),是一种具有明显几何意义的迭代方法。通过不断调整曲线曲面的控制顶点,生成的极限曲线曲面插值(逼近)给定的数据点集。本报告从理论和应用两个方面对几何迭代法进行了介绍。在理论方面,介绍了插值型几何迭代法的迭代格式,收敛性证明,局部性质,加速方法;以及逼近型迭代法的迭代格式,和收敛性证明。进而,本报告展示了几何迭代法在几个方面的成功应用,包括自适应数据拟合,大规模数据拟合,对称曲面拟合,插值给定位置,切矢量,和曲率矢量的曲线迭代生成,有质量保证的四边网格和六面体网格生成,三变量B-spline体的生成等。

  • Title: 细分造型方法
    Lecturer: 邓重阳,杭州电子科技大学

    Abstract: 由于具有适用于任意拓扑网格等优点,细分曲面广泛应用于计算机动画等领域。本课程的主要内容为细分方法的发展历史,常用的细分方法及其蕴含的数学原理,细分领域最近的研究进展及待解决的若干问题等。

  • Title: 智能三维几何感知、建模与分析
    Lecturer: 徐凯,国防科技大学,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    Abstract: 随着三维获取和建模技术的飞速发展,三维几何数据正呈现前所未有的增长速度。针对大规模三维模型数据集进行联合分析,并运用分析结果驱动自动化、高质量的三维几何感知与建模,进一步成为推动三维几何大数据发展的重要途径。智能计算方法在其中的作用日益重要。围绕这一主题,结合近年国际前沿的最新成果,本课程主要介绍以下三个方面:1)三维模型集合联合分析;2)数据驱动的三维几何感知与建模;3)智能化的机器人自主三维感知与建模。

  • Title: Structure-aware Geometry Processing
    Lecturer: 郑友怡,上海科技大学

    Abstract: 3D geometry is now easy to acquire. The acquired data, however, remains unorganized, low-level, and lack of semantic information, which makes subsequent handling and processing difficult, and hinders efficient use of model collections. In this course, I will focus on the introduction of recent technical developments in structure-aware geometry processing and various computational frameworks to extract high-level geometric abstractions from the unorganized and heterogeneous 3D data.

  • Title: 引领潮流的Unity引擎
    Lecturer: 张鑫,Unity Technologies

    Abstract: Unity引擎目前已经成为了世界上最为著名的游戏引擎之一。在本次讲座中,我们将为您介绍Unity引擎的发展历程,功能特色及其在游戏、虚拟现实等领域的应用。通过本次讲座,您不仅可以对Unity引擎有足够充分的了解,同时也会对游戏、虚拟现实等领域的未来发展趋势有更加清晰的认知。

  • Title: 三维形状的功能性分析
    Lecturer: 胡瑞珍,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院

    Abstract: 近些年来,在计算机图形学领域出现了越来越多对于几何形状的高层分析和处理的研究工作。研究者们渐渐从传统的几何细节分析转向结构分析。作为结构分析的进一步扩展,三维模型的功能性分析指的是分析整个模型和每个组成部件的功能。功能性一直都被作为区分不同种类物体的主要依据,因此功能性的分析和识别对于物体的理解起到至关重要的作用。本次课程将对功能性做不同的诠释并介绍对应的不同的分析方法,包括基于功能模型、基于可供性和基于上下文,同时还将对不同分析方式的适用范围进行讨论。





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