Homework: Scheduling

Submit your solutions before the beginning of the next lecture to any course staff.

Part One: Scheduling

Remember that we discussed locking a linked list implementation. The insert code was:
        struct list *l;
        l = list_alloc();
        l->next = list_head;
        list_head = l;
and if we run the insert on multiple processors simultaneously with no locking, this ordering of lines can cause one of the inserts to be lost:
        CPU1                           CPU2
        struct list *l;
        l = list_alloc();
        l->next = list_head;
                                       struct list *l;
                                       l = list_alloc();
                                       l->next = list_head;
                                       list_head = l;
        list_head = l;

In this case, CPU2's new list element will be lost when CPU1 updates list_head. Adding a lock that protects the final two lines of insert() makes the read and write of list_head atomic, so that this ordering is impossible.

The reading for this lecture includes the implementation of sleep() and wakeup(), which processes running in the kernel use to coordinate with each other. Usually one process waits for something to happen by calling sleep(), and another process later indicates that the event has occured by calling wakeup(). For example, a read() on an empty pipe involves a sleep() to wait for input; a later write() to the pipe calls wakeup().

One problem that the sleep() and wakeup() implementations avoid is races in which process A has decided to sleep but has not quite gone to sleep, at which point process B calls wakeup() but doesn't see that A is sleeping and thus does not wake A up. If it were possible for this to occur, A would have missed the event it was sleep()ing for, and its sleep() might never terminate.

Read the code with this in mind, and answer these questions:

Turn in: How does the ptable.lock help avoid this problem? Give an ordering of instructions (like the above example for linked list insertion) that could result in a wakeup being missed if the ptable.lock were not used. You need only include the relevant lines of code.

Turn in: sleep is also protected by a second lock, its second argument, which need not be the ptable.lock. Look at the example in ide.c, which uses the idelock. Give an ordering of instructions that could result in a wakeup being missed if the idelock were not being used. (Hint: this should not be the same as your answer to question 2. The two locks serve different purposes.)

Part Two: User-level threads

In this assignment you will complete a simple user-level thread package by implementing the code to perform context switching between threads.

Switching threads

Download uthread.c and uthread_switch.S into your xv6 directory. Make sure uthread_switch.S ends with .S, not .s. Add the following rule to the xv6 Makefile after the _forktest rule:

_uthread: uthread.o uthread_switch.o
	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e main -Ttext 0 -o _uthread uthread.o uthread_switch.o $(ULIB)
	$(OBJDUMP) -S _uthread > uthread.asm
Make sure that the blank space at the start of each line is a tab, not spaces.

Add _uthread in the Makefile to the list of user programs defined by UPROGS.

Run xv6, and run uthread from the xv6 shell, and you will observe a panic.

Your job is to complete thread_switch.S, so that you see output similar to this (make sure to run with CPUS=1):

~/classes/6828/xv6$ make CPUS=1 qemu-nox
dd if=/dev/zero of=xv6.img count=10000
10000+0 records in
10000+0 records out
5120000 bytes transferred in 0.037167 secs (137756344 bytes/sec)
dd if=bootblock of=xv6.img conv=notrunc
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes transferred in 0.000026 secs (19701685 bytes/sec)
dd if=kernel of=xv6.img seek=1 conv=notrunc
307+1 records in
307+1 records out
157319 bytes transferred in 0.003590 secs (43820143 bytes/sec)
qemu -nographic -hdb fs.img xv6.img -smp 1 -m 512 
Could not open option rom 'sgabios.bin': No such file or directory
cpu0: starting
init: starting sh
$ uthread
my thread running
my thread 0x2A30
my thread running
my thread 0x4A40
my thread 0x2A30
my thread 0x4A40
my thread 0x2A30
my thread 0x4A40

Before jumping into uthread_switch.S, first understand how uthread.c uses thread_switch. uthread.c has two global variables current_thread and next_thread. Each is a pointer to a thread structure. The thread structure has a stack for a thread and a saved stack pointer (sp, which points into the thread's stack). The job of uthread_switch is to save the current thread state into the structure pointed to by current_thread, restore next_thread's state, and make current_thread point to where next_thread was pointing to, so that when uthread_switch returns next_thread is running and is the current_thread.

You should study thread_create, which sets up the initial stack for a new thread. It provides you good hint what thread_switch should do. In particular, note that thread_create allocates 32 bytes of space for saving registers. That is all x86 registers, and the intent is that thread_switch use the assembly instructions popal and pushal to restore and save registers.

To write the assembly in thread_switch, you need to know how the C compiler lays out struct thread in memory, which is as follows:

    | 4 bytes for state|
    | stack size bytes |
    | for stack        |
    | 4 bytes for sp   |
    --------------------  <--- current_thread

    | 4 bytes for state|
    | stack size bytes |
    | for stack        |
    | 4 bytes for sp   |
    --------------------  <--- next_thread
The variables next_thread and current_thread each contain the address of a struct thread.

To write the sp field of the struct that current_thread points to, you should write assembly like this:

   movl current_thread, %eax
   movl %esp, (%eax)
This saves %esp in current_thread->sp. This works because sp is at offset 0 in the struct. You can study the assembly the compiler generates for uthread.c by looking at uthread.asm.

To test your code it might be helpful to single step through your thread_switch using gdb. You can do this as follows:

(gdb) symbol-file _uthread
Load new symbol table from "/Users/kaashoek/classes/6828/xv6/_uthread"? (y or n) y
Reading symbols from /Users/kaashoek/classes/6828/xv6/_uthread...done.
(gdb) b thread_switch
Breakpoint 1 at 0x204: file uthread_switch.S, line 9.
(gdb) c
In your xv6 shell, type "uthread", and gdb will break at thread_switch. Now you can type commands like the following to inspect the state of uthread:
(gdb) print /x *next_thread
$3 = {sp = 0x49e8, stack = {0x0 , 0x66, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0}, 
  state = 0x1}
What address is 0x166, which sits on the top of the stack of next_thread?

Submit: your modified uthread_switch.S

Challenge exercises

The user-level thread package interacts badly with the operating system in several ways. For example, if one user-level thread blocks in a single call, another user-level thread won't run, because the user-level threads scheduler doesn't know that one of its threads has been descheduled by the xv6 scheduler. As another example, two user-level threads will not run concurrently on different cores, because the xv6 scheduler isn't aware that there are multiple threads that could run in parallel. Note that if two user-level threads were to run truly in parallel, this implementation won't work because of several races (e.g., two threads on different processors could call thread_schedule concurrently, select the same runnable thread, and both run it on different processors.)

There are several ways of addressing these problems. One is using scheduler activations and another is to use one kernel thread per user-level thread (as Linux kernels do). Implement one of these ways in xv6.

Add locks, condition variables, barriers, etc. to your thread package.

Part Three: Barriers

In this assignment we will explore how to implement a barrier using condition variables provided by the pthread library. Condition variables are a sequence coordination technique similar to xv6's sleep and wakeup.

Download barrier.c and compile it on your laptop:

$ gcc -g -O2 -pthread barrier.c
$ ./a.out 2
Assertion failed: (i == t), function thread, file barrier.c, line 55.
The 2 specifies the number of threads that synchronize on the barrier ( nthread in barrier.c). Each thread sits in a tight loop. In each loop iteration a thread calls barrier() and then sleeps for some random number of microseconds. The assert triggers, because one thread leaves the barrier before the other thread has reached the barrier. The desired behavior is that all threads should block until nthreads have called barrier.

Your goal is to achieve the desired behavior. In addition to the lock primitives that you have seen before, you will need the following new pthread primitives (see man pthread for more detail):

pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);  // go to sleep on cond, releasing lock mutex
pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond);     // wake up every thread sleeping on cond
pthread_cond_wait releases the mutex when called, and re-acquires the mutex before returning.

We have given you barrier_init(). Your job is to implement barrier() so that the panic won't occur. We've defined struct barrier for you; its fields are for your use.

There are two issues that complicate your task:

Test your code with one, two, and more than two threads.

Turn in: your modified barrier.c