Lab 3: Privilege Separation

Lab Overview

In this lab, you'll explore privilege separation. The key insight of privilege separation is to give minimal privilege to each component of a system, so that when one component of the system is comprised, other components will not be comprised too.

To make the discussion concrete, you will do this lab for the Touchstone web server, that is, you will privilege-separate the Touchstone web server by giving each component appropriate privilege. To be specific, you will first examine possible bugs in the source code of the Touchstone web server, and comprise the Touchstone web server by designing and performing exploitations. Finally, you will break up the application into privilege-separated components to minimize the effects of possible vulnerabilities.

This lab consists of three parts:

  • Part A: you will examine the architecture of the Touchstone web server. The Touchstone web server in this lab differs dramatically from those from lab 1 and 2, the current one is based on the idea of services;
  • Part B: you will explore jail, by which you can constraint the service in some fake root directory; and
  • Part C: you will privilege-separate the Touchstone web server by assigning each component appropriate privilege.

Lab Environment

Download lab 3 code to start with. In order to bind to the port 80 (the default HTTP port), you will start the touchstone web server with the root privilege in this lab (in Linux, only root-privilege process can bind to port less than 1024):
      $ make
      $ sudo ./touchstone 
        Password: (enter seed password)
Open your browser and go to this URL, you will get a web page. Contact us, if you do not get this page.

In this lab, you will disable ASLR:

      $ su root
        Password: (enter root password)
      # sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0
which will make your exploitations easier. However, keep in kind that it's also possible to compromise the application when ASLR and other protections are on, just as you did in lab 2.

Part A: The Touchstone Web Server

To help you finish this lab, let's first examine the architecture and source code of the Touchstone web server, which differs from the ones that you've seen in previous labs.

The overall design and architecture of the Touchstone web server is described in the following figure. The server consists of three main components: the server (server), the HTTP request dispatcher (httpd), and one or more services (Filesv, Banksv, etc..).

The server launches the HTTP dispatcher httpd, and two services: the filesv and the banksv (indicated by the solid black arrows). The server accepts incoming connections on the 80 port (the upper grey arrow), and routes the request to the HTTP dispatcher (the dotted grey arrow). The HTTP dispatcher reads the request line from the coming socket (the first line) and decides which kind the request belongs to. Generally speaking, a web server will accept static and dynamic requests. To illustrate this, the Touchstone web server consists of two sample services to serve static web pages and dynamic bank services, which models a typical web-based electronic bank. Nevertheless to say, a production web server will likely to contain more kinds of services.

Next, the dispatcher will route the requests to the corresponding service. The service continues to read the HTTP headers and the body (if any), and respond appropriately. Now, the Touchstone is up.

The main design consideration for the current architecture is to simplify design and to increase throughout. By routing different request into different service, each service can be kept as simple as possible and be implemented without too much difficulty. By using a multi-process architecture, requests can be processed concurrently and high throughout can be achieved (hopefully).

Exercise 1. In order to gain deeper understanding of the internal architecture of the Touchstone web server, let's use gdb to debug the banksv service.

First, launch the server:

  $ sudo ./touchstone
now use gdb to attach to the banksv service:
  $ ps -a
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
  24356 pts/0    00:00:00 touchstone
  24357 pts/0    00:00:00 filesv
  24358 pts/0    00:00:00 banksv
  24359 pts/0    00:00:00 httpd
  $ sudo gdb 
  Password: (enter seed password)
  (gdb) attach 24358
  Attaching to process 24358
  (gdb) b Handle_post 
  Breakpoint 1 at 0x80d0d9f: file handle.c, line 28.
  (gdb) set follow-fork-mode child
this will set a break point on the function Handle_post. Now open your browser and visit the URL, click the Register (or the Login) button, a POST http request will be sent to the Touchstone (as indicated by the FORM), and the above break point will be hit. Now let's continue the execution:
  (gdb) c
  Continuing. (waiting user for clicking register or login button from index.html)
  [New process 25533]
  [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
  Breakpoint 1, Handle_post (uri=0xbf951084 "/", fd=6) at handle.c:74
  74        char *info = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n";
And then single-step the source code, examine carefully where the user input goes:
  (gdb) n
  75        Body_t *b = getBody(&num);
  (gdb) n
  77        char *name = b[0]->value;
  (gdb) n
  78        char *pwd  = b[1]->value;
  (gdb) n
  80        char *type = b[num-1]->value;
  (gdb) p name
   $3 = 0x90ca4b8 "sa12"   <----login user name
  (gdb) p pwd
   $4 = 0x90ca6c0 "1234"   <----login user password
  (gdb) p type
   $6 = 0x90ca8c8 "Login"  <----Post Request type
Next, the user input will be be fed into the database:
  (gdb) n
   82        init_db();
  (gdb) s               
   init_db () at ./sql_lite3/sqlhelper.c:32
   32        if(open_db()==SUCCESS){

Exercise 2. Finally, you will write some code. Extend the current sqlite3 user table, to add more information. For instance, you can add time and IP address to the user table, so that when one user has logged in, the web page can display the last login time, the current login address, etc.. You may want to read some sqlite3 documentations.

Part B: Jail and Jail Breaking

In this part, we will discuss jail and jail breaking. Jail is a special form of sandbox, which provides a restricted environment to run programs that are not completely trustworthy. For example, if the program is downloaded from an untrusted source, running the program in an unrestricted environment can expose the system to potential risks. If these programs can be executed in a restricted environment, even if the programs behave maliciously (the programs might contain malicious contents or they might be compromised by attackers during the execution), their damage is confined within the restricted environment.


Recall that in order to bind to the port 80, the server, along with the dispatcher and the services, run with the root privilege. However, this may incur serious security vulnerabilities. To make the discussion concrete, let's try to steal some some important or sensitive files from the Touchstone host.

The filesv service is responsible for the HTTP's GET method, which will (basically) reads a local file and responds to the client. Normal HTTP request is supposed to access only those files stored in the web server, say, index.html. However, an adversary can visit any file in the file system, with the root privilege.

Exercise 3. Modify the code snippet in the browser.c to send a constructed HTTP request to the web server to visit /etc/passwd file. That is, you can read that file remotely, as follows.

  $ ./browser 80
  sock_client = 3
  Response = HTTP/1.1 200 OK


To defeat this kind of attack, one can use the the basic idea of choot to isolate code that has potential security vulnerabilities.

Exercise 4. Add some code to the server.c to add chroot support. Change root directory from / to /jail . After this, you can compile and run the new web server:

  $ cd server
  $ make 
  $ sudo ./
   + grep -qv uid=0
   + id 
   + rm -rf /jail
   + mkdir -p /jail
   + cp -p index.html /jail
   + ./ touchstone /jail
   + ./ httpd /jail
  $ cd /jail
  $ sudo ./touchstone
Now re-do exercise 3 to visit the file /etc/passwd. If your chroot protection works, your browser will behave like this (leaking no sensitive information):
  $ ./browser 80
  sock_client = 3
  Response = HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  File does not exist!

Jail Breaking

The basic idea of jail is to confine each process into its own (fake) root directory, however, this is not true for root-privileged processes. If a root-privileged process is comprised, the process may escape from the jail, this is called jail breaking. Unfortunately, this is pretty true for the Touchstone web server: all process are root-privileged by default, so it's possible for these process to break the jail, once they are comprised.

Challenge! Perform the buffer-overflow attack, as you did in the lab 1, inject shell code into the server and execute. The primary task of the shell code is to break the jail. And then read or unlink the file /etc/passwd.

Part C: Privilege Separation

Privilege separation is a technique to divide a program into small parts which are limited to the specific privileges they require in order to finish a specific task. This is used to mitigate the potential damage of a computer security attack.

Two aspects make privilege separation challenging in the real world and in this lab. First, privilege separation requires that you take apart the application and split it up in separate pieces. Although it is relatively easy to split the Touchstone web application, spliting real-world applications may be very difficult, if not impossible. And it's very common that you must redesign certain parts to make privilege separation possible.

Second, you must ensure that each piece runs with minimal privileges, which requires setting permissions precisely and configuring the pieces correctly. Hopefully, by the end of this lab, you'll have a better understanding of why many applications have security vulnerabilities related to failure to properly separate privileges: proper privilege separation is hard!

Having surveyed the structure of Touchstone and acquired the base knowledge about jail, now let's start to think about how to apply privilege separation to the infrastructure of Touchstone, so that bugs in one component won't allow an adversary to comprise the whole system.

Privilege-separate the web server setup using Unix principals and permissions

As introduced in Part A, Touchstone consists of three parts: the httpd(dispatcher), the filesv service and the banksv service. The httpd dispatcher routes requests to corresponding services. As the httpd daemon runs with root privilege, so it can

Exercise 5. Modify your browser code to inject some shell code the server. Your shell code attack the httpd daemon and unlink the file /db/users.db. Using ret-to-libc attack can make this a little simpler.

The reason for this problem is that Touchstone violates one basic security principal: least privilege. Different process should not delete some files belonging to another process: the dynamic services should not unlink static files that the server is serving. Conversely, the static service should not touch the databases. Here, you can see the reason why the Touchstone web server is splited into different services.

To mitigate this problem, you should run the dispatcher and these services under unprivileged users rather than root. Also, you should set up appropriate permissions for files and databases.

Exercise 6. Modify the function in the file server.c , to set up the user and group IDs properly when services are launched. Think carefully about how your code can set the user and group IDs by setresuid()、setgroups()、setresgid().

Set file and directory permissions to ensure that the static service cannot read the database files from the dynamic service, and vice versa. Try to modify the to set the permission for different files.

Exercise 7. Compile the new Touchstone web server:

  $ make 
  $ sudo ./
   + grep -qv uid=0
   + id 
   + rm -rf /jail
   + mkdir -p /jail
   + cp -p index.html /jail
   + ./ touchstone /jail
   + ./ httpd /jail
  $ cd /jail
  $ sudo ./touchstone
try to perform buffer overflow attack against the web serve. Can you trick the web server into mis-behaving? Is it exploitable?

Challenge! Perform buffer overflow attack on the Touchstone web server. Can you succeed? If yes, how?


This completes the lab. Remember to hand in your solution to the information system.