Type inference

In this lecture, we will talk about type inference, i.e, when
type annotations are omitted from the specific programs, the
compiler (type checker) can infer (re-construct) the necessary
type informations, and thus guarantee the type safety of the
program. Nevertheless to say, programmers can benefit
a lot from this facility: their programs are type-safe even
though they don't write down any type annotations, all the hard
work are taken care by the type checker. This feature is
available, to various degree, in almost all modern programming

To make our discussion concrete, let's first recall the typed
lambda calculus with booleans. The syntax looks like:

  T -> Bool | T->T
  e -> true | false | if (e1, e2, e3)
     | x | \lambda x:T.e | e e

i.e., we have only one base type Bool. Here are the typing rules
for this language:

 G |- true: Bool

 G |- false: Bool

 G |- e1: Bool    G |- e2: T    G |- e3: T
 G |- if (e1, e2, e3): T

 x:T \in G
 G |- x: T

 G, x:T |- e: T'
 G |- \lambda x:T.e: T->T'

 G |- e1: T -> T'      G |- e2: T
 G |- e1 e2: T'

These typing rules check and guarantee the type constraints during
the type checking phase, for instance, the sub-derivation G|-e1: Bool
in the T-If rule requires that one must check the return type of
this recursive call to make sure it can return only the desired type. From
the implementation point of view, we are guaranting the well-typed
properties for every subexpression (sub-tree).

Now, consider what happens if one want to omit all the type
annotations from a given expression, that is, we are defining an
untyped lambda calculus:
  e -> true | false | if (e1, e2, e3)
     | \lambda x.e | e e

however, I still want the language to be strongly-typed, for instance,
the following expression:

  \lambda x. if (x, true, false)

is well-typed iff the type of the variable "x" is "Bool", but not, say
"Bool->Bool". Let's look at the typing derivations for this specific
expression to make it clear how this informal idea can be made formal:

---------------------    -------------------------   ----------------------------
 G, x:T |- x: T  ~{}      G, x:T |- true: Bool ~{}     G, x:T |- false: Bool ~{}
 G, x: T |- if (x, true, false): Bool   ~{T=Bool, Bool=Bool}
 G |- \lambda x. if (x, true, false): Bool  ~{T=Bool, Bool=Bool}

some interesting points are worthing remarking here: first, as the
lambda abstraction is untyped, so, we need to generate a fresh type
variable for each lambda variable before entering it into the typing
context; second, inteads of checking the typing constraint in place,
we just generate and record these constraints with the hope that
these constraints are indeed satisfiable. Note that these constraints
are written in a set notation are are increasing monotonely. For
instance, the final constraint set {T=Bool, Bool=Bool} is
satisfiable by choosing T=Bool. Informally, we are postponing typing
checking from tree walking phase to constraint solving phase.

With this in mind, we define a new set of types:

  T -> X | Bool | T->T

note that the newly added type X is a type variable. And we can give
the typing (along with constraint generation) rules:

 G |- true: Bool ~{}

 G |- false: Bool ~{}

 G |- e1: T1 ~S1        G |- e2: T2 ~S2       G |- e3: T3 ~S3
 G |- if (e1, e2, e3): T2 ~{T1=Bool, T2=T3}\/S1\/S2\/S3

 x:T \in G
 G |- x: T ~{}

 G, x:T |- e: T' ~S          (with T fresh)
 G |- \lambda x.e: T->T'  ~S

 G |- e1: T1 ~S1      G |- e2: T2 ~S2
 G |- e1 e2: T2 ~{T1=T2->T}\/S1\/S2      (with T fresh)

From the implementation point of view, the typing checking function
take as input the typing contex G and the expression e, and
generate the expression'e type T with a typing constraint S.

I leave the following two problems as exercises:
  1. Prove or disprove that there is only type variable bindings
     in any typing context G. That is, for any x:T \in G, T must
     be a type variable, but not Bool or function type.
  2. Is it possible to modify the above typing rules to make
     every derivation just returns a type varible? Note that
     this judgement does not hold for the current typing rules. (Why?)

The remaining task is to find out a solution (if one exists) for
the generated constraint. Before we present the formal rules, we
start by studing an example, consider this expression "x y", we
can write down its typing derivation:

---------------------  -----------------------
 x:T, y:U |- x: T ~{}   x:T, y:U |- y: U ~{}
 x:T, y:U |- x y: V ~{T=U->V}
 x:T | \lambda y. x y: U->V ~{T=U->V}
 |- \lambda x.\lambda y. x y: T->U->V ~{T=U->V}

the solution for the the generated constraint {T=U->V} trivially:
it's also T=U->V, it's worth remarking here is that the solution
is a list of equations with a type variable at the left-hand side:
  X1 = T1
  X2 = T2
   ...             (1)
  Xn = Tn
and each Ti (1<=i<=n) can also contain type variables, just as
the above example illustrates. These equations will be used next.

Applying the solution to the expression's type, we get the "real"
type of that expression, even though it may still contain type

We can treat the generated constraint as a list, but rather than
a set, to make the notation easier. We write down a judgment
                 |-> cs => f

to denote the solution of the constraint cs is f, recall that f
is a list of equations as in (1).

The constraint solving rules are based on the induction of the
form of cs:

 |-> [] => []

   |-> cs => f
 |-> (Bool, Bool)::cs => f

      X = Y  |-> cs => f
-------------------------------------(both X and Y are type variables)
 |-> (X, Y)::cs => f

 X\not\in FV(T)     |-> [X|->T]cs => f
 |-> (X, T)::cs => f o [x|->T]

 X\not\in FV(T)     |-> [X|->T]cs => f
 |-> (T, X)::cs => f o [x|->T]

 |-> (S1=T1)::(S2=T2)::cs => f
 |-> (S1->S2, T1->T2)::cs => f

With these rules, we can give an substitution-based unification
algorithms (Robinson 1971):

unify (C)
  case C of
    | [] => return
    | x::C' =>
      case x of
        | X=Y => if X=Y 
                 then unify (C')
                 else unify([X|->Y)C') o [X|->Y]
        | X=S or S=X => if X\not\in FV(S)
                        then unify ([X|->S)C') o [X|->S]
                        else fail
        | S1->S2=T1->T2 => unify (S1=T1::S2=T2::C')
Though simple and easy to implement, this algorith suffers from
the exponential running time. Consider the following example
constraint set:

  {x2=x1->x1, x3=x2->x2, x4=x3->x3, ..., xn=xn-1->xn-1}

I leave it an exercise to prove that there is 2^{n-1} x1's in the
term xn, when using Robinson's algorithm above. However, this does
not mean these rules are intrinsically exponential, but the
implementation of the algorithm is inappropiate. In deed, there
are near linear algorithms for this. These algorithms are more
or less relies on more fancy term representations (say DAG) and
more efficient data structures (say union-find).


The implicit-typed lambda-calculus is very powerful, given the
fact that there exists efficient type unification algorithms. 
However, in practice, the type system may be still overly
rigid. Consider this example expression below:
  (\lambda f. (f 3, f true)) (\lambda x.x)

at first glance, this expression is well-formed, and evaluates
as following:

  (\lambda f. (f 3, f true)) (\lambda x.x)
  -> ((\lambda x.x) 3, (\lambda x.x) true)
  -> (3, true)

the final value is a tuple with the first element an integer and
the second element a boolean. However, if we try to present a
typing derivation, we may get stuck, consider the first sub-expression,
we may write this:

-----------------  -------------------    -----------------------------------
  f:X |- f: X ~{}   f:X |- 3: Nat ~{}       f:X |- f: X    f:X |- true: Bool  
--------------------------------------    -----------------------------------
  f:X |- f 3: Y ~{X=Nat->Y}                 f:X |- f true: Z ~{X=Bool->Z}
  f:X |- (f 3, f true): Y*Z ~{X=Nat->Y, X=Bool->Z}
  |- (\lambda f. (f 3, f true)): X->Y*Z, ~{X=Nat->Y, X=Bool->Z}

as you can see, the result constraint {X=Nat->Y, X=Bool->Z} can
is not satisfiable. 

The problem here is that we choose an eager way to assign a type
to a term. Instead, we can prefer to assign type in a lazy way.
Recall the "let" expression from chapter 11 of TAPL, we can
rewrite the above term as:

  let f = \lambda x.x in (f 3, f true) end

with the typing rule for this expression looks like: (we write
G'=G, x:\forall X.X->X)
                                 G' |- f: \forall X.X->X ~{}
                               ------------------------------  -------------------
                                 G' |- f: Y->Y ~{}               G' |- 3: Nat ~{}                
-----------------------        ---------------------------------------------------
  G, x:X |- x:X ~{}              G' |- f 3: Y ~{Y=Nat}                                  ...
----------------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------
  G |- \lambda x.x: X->X ~{}     G, f: \forall X.X->X |- (f 3, f true): Y*Z ~{Y=Nat, Z=Bool}
  G |- let f = \lambda x.x in (f 3, f true): Y*Z ~{Y=Nat, Z=Bool}

Some derivations for "f true" is omitted for space limit, I leave
it as an exercise.

The key idea here is to generalize the type of the "let"-binding
expression as much as possible when binding happens, and postpone
the instantiation to a concreate type until its first use. This
idea was first explored by Damas and Milner, hence the name
"DM polymorphism".

We can now present the formal system (extending our previous

  S -> Bool | X | S->S
  T -> \forall X.T | S
  e -> true | false | if(e1, e2, e3)
     | x | \lambda x.e | e e | let x=e in e end

There is a new syntac form "let", from the point of view of
its evalutation behaviour, the term is equivalent to:

  let x=e1 in e2 end ==> (\lambda x.e2) e1

however, the typing rule for "let" is different, as we'll discuss

There are two forms of types: raw types S and normal types T. Raw
types S consists of two forms Bool and arrow type ->, but no
universal qualifier \forall. And type T contains universal
qualifier and is called prenex polymorphism, as the universal
type variables are always at header positions.

Here are the typing rules:

  G |- true: Bool ~{}

  G |- false: Bool ~{}

  G |- e1: T1 ~S1    G |- e2: T2 ~S2   G |- e3: T3 ~S3
  G |- if(e1, e2, e3): T2 ~{T1=Bool}\/{T2=T3}\/S1\/S2\/S3

  x:\forall X1...Xn.S \in G
  G |- x: [X1|->Y1, X2|->Y2, ..., Xn|->Yn]S ~{}

  G, x: X |- e: S ~U
  G |- \lambda x.e: X->S ~U

  G |- e1: T1 ~U1      G |- e2: T2 ~U2
  G |- e1 e2: Y ~{T1=T2->Y}\/U1\/U2

  G |- e1: S ~U1   G, x:\forall X1...Xn.S |- e2: S' ~U2
  G |- let x=e1 in e2 end: S' ~U1\/U2

The only way we can generalize a type from S to T is in the T-Let
rule, where the type S of the expression e1 is generalized to
\forall X1...Xn.S, where X1 to Xn are free type variables in the
type S.  Note that we should avoid the pitfall to introduce spurious
bound variables in the T-Let rule. To be specific, we should only
introduce bindings for variable that are NOT free in G. I leave
this as an exercise. And the only way we can instantiate a polymorphic
type is through the T-Var rule, in which we can choose fresh type
variable Yi for each bound variable Xi (for 1<=i<=n).

It's worth remarking that, in these rules, expressions can only
be of raw type S, but not type T. I leave this as an exercise to
justify this fact.