Undergraduate Course: Electromagnetism (022506,022504)

Course Outline


School of Physical Sciences



Course type



Available to all students


Electric fields; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell electromagnetic equation

Teaching object

School of Physical Sciences, School for the gifted young, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, School of earth and Space Science, School of Chemistry and Materials Science, School of Life Sciences, School of Engineering Science, and other undergraduate students interested in the course.

Course website



Teaching language




Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics》,Hu Y.Q, Chen F.Z, Ye B.J, Science press.

for Spring semester

Electromagnetism for interdisciplinary science》,Ye,B.J., University of Science and Technology of China Press.

for Fall semester

Reading list

The Feynman Lectures on Physics Second , R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands, Pearson-Wesley Press

Course description

Electromagnetism is a course on the electromagnetic phenomena and the electromagnetic interaction. It involves the time-independent and time-dependent properties of electric and magnetic fields in vacuum, conductor and media. The main contents include electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic forces, electromagnetic properties of the conductor and media, electromagnetic induction, DC and AC circuits, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic wave. In addition, the latest development of electromagnetic science and its applications are also discussed in this course.



Students MUST have passed: mechanics



Vector analysis and preliminary field theory





Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course it is intended that a student will be able to:

1) Formulate and solve the fields produced by electric charge and current.

2) Define and explain charge and current densities (in bulk and on surfaces and lines), and conductivity.

3) Define, and use the concepts of electric and magnetic dipoles; calculate the fields from dipoles and forces and torques on them.

4) Define and explain: polarization and magnetization; the fields D, H, E and B; the relation between E, B and the force on a particle; polarization charges and magnetization currents; boundary conditions on fields at interfaces between media.

5) Define and explain the electromagnetic energy density; nonlinear media such as ferromagnets

6) Formulate and solve boundary-value problems using: uniqueness principles; the method of images; qualitative reasoning based on field lines; the equations of Biot-Savart, Faraday, Ampere, Gauss.

7) Derive and apply the concepts of: Maxwell's displacement current; the continuity equation; self- and mutual inductance; Poynting's vector; energy flux; radiation pressure.

8) Derive and explain electromagnetic radiation using plane-wave solutions of Maxwell's equations, production and propagation of electromagnetic wave, the skin effect in conductors.

9) Understand how to measure electric fields and magnetic fields.


Assessment Information

Coursework, 20%
Degree Examination, 80%


Special Arrangements

Electromagnetism paperVisit the electromagnetics research unitElectromagnetism project report


Additional Information


1)Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law; electric fields; Gauss's Law; the scalar potential; electric field energy; capacitance; resistance; the electric dipole; surface charge and boundary problemsphenomenology of dielectric materials; Ohm's law ; Kirchhoff's law and DC circuit.

2) Magnetostatics: Magnetic force and current, magnetic fields; Biot-Savart Law; Gauss's Law and Ampere's Law , the Lorentz force; the magnetic dipole; surface currents and boundary problems; magnetic materials and magnetization, Hall effect.

3)Induction: electromotive force; Faraday's Law; Vortex electric field; mutual and self- inductance; magnetic field energy; simple AC circuits; transformers.

4) Maxwell's equations: time-dependent properties of electric and magnetic fields in vacuum; the displacement current; electromagnetic radiation; energy in electromagnetic fields; monochromatic plane waveselectromagnetic wave in Conductor; plane waves in media and across boundaries.



Course organiser

Prof Bangjiao Ye
Tel: (0551)63607422
Email: bjye@ustc.edu.cn

Course secretary

Miss Xiaohua Liu

Tel: (0551)630600719
Email: lxh@ustc.edu.cn