Surface Mesh Framework
We provide a simple code framework for surface mesh processing. This framework mainly contains following functions:
1. Open and save mesh file. We support general polygon mesh, such as traingle and quad mesh.
2. Basic rendering modes. Especially combining the wireframe and flat shading modes is very userful for doing geometric computing research.

Figure 1: Rendering the anisotropic mesh using wireframe and flat shading modes. The anisotropic mesh is generated by our LCT method [1].
3. Capture rendering region. Save the rendering region as images.
4. Pick point, vertex, edge, face on the input mesh.
Third party librires: OpenMesh and Qt.
Download: Compiled with Visual Studio 2013, Compiled with Visual Studio 2017, With point pick (CMake), Without point pick (CMake)
Volumetric Mesh Framework
We provide a simple code framework for volumetric mesh processing. This framework mainly contains following functions:
1. Open and save mesh file. We support tetrahedral and all-hex mesh in "OVM" file format. This format is supported by OpenVolumeMesh. You can transfer the "VTK" file into "OVM" by OpenFlipper.
2. Basic rendering modes. Especially combining the wireframe and flat shading modes is very userful for doing geometric computing research. Also the interier elements can be shown by changing slider bar on the left.

Figure 2: Rendering the all-hex mesh contianing boundary surface and interior elements. The all-hex mesh is generated by our PolyCube-based method [2].
3. Capture rendering region. Save the rendering region as images.
Third party librires: OpenVolumeMesh, OpenMesh and Qt. Rencently it is comppiled with Visual Studio 2013.
Download: Compiled with Visual Studio 2013, Data download: some OVM models
Low isometric distortion spherical parameterizations
We provide the code for computing low isometric distortion spherical parameterizations.

Figure 3: The left mesh is the input genus-0 surface and the right one is the output spherical parameterization result, that is generated by our AHSP method [3].
Download: code (BaiduYun), code (Dropbox)
[1]: Xiao-Ming Fu, Yang Liu, John Snyder, Baining Guo. Anisotropic simplicial meshing using local convex functions. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2014, 33(6). [Bibtex].
[2]: Xiao-Ming Fu, Chong-Yang Bai, Yang Liu. Efficient Volumetric PolyCube-Map Construction. Computer Graphics Forum. 2016, 35(7): 97-106. [Bibtex].
[3]: Xin Hu, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu. Advanced Hierarchical Spherical Parameterizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2017. [Bibtex].
This page is maintained by Xiao-Ming Fu.
If you have any questions about the codes, please send the email to: fuxm AT