Jun Yu (於 俊), Ph.D. |
Associate Professor at University of Science and Technology of China. |
Visiting Scholar at the State University of New York, the United States of America. |
Affiliations: 1. Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China. 2. National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, IFLYTEK Corporation and University of Science and Technology of China. |
Email: harryjun@ustc.edu.cn, junyu@buffalo.edu. |
Telephone: (+86)13856070316. |
Office/Lab: Room 301/Room 316, Experimental Building (West Part), West Campus, University of Science and Technology of China. |
Work Experience |
2016.12 - Visiting Scholar |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo, the United States of America. |
2014.03 - Associate Professor |
Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China. |
2012.12 - Research Director |
National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, IFLYTEK Corporation and University of Science and Technology of China. |
2010.06 - 2014.02 Post-Doctor |
Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China. |
Research Interests |
Multi-Modal Human Computer Interaction, Video-Based 3D Facial Motion Tracking, Face Recognition, Facial Expression Recognition, Affective Computing, Visual Speech Synthesis, Performance/Text/Speech/Music/Song Driven Facial Animation with the Emphasis on Articulatory Modeling and Animation, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Graphics. |
Papers & Patents |
1. Published 80+ Journal and Conference Papers, Including IEEE TCYB, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE THMS, Science China, IEEE SPL, MTAP, CJE, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, ACM MM, IEEE ICME, IEEE ICASSP, IEEE BIBM, IEEE ICIP, IEEE VCIP, IEEE DSP, IEEE ICSP, MMM, IEEE/ACM UCC, ICIG, ISCSLP, etc. |
2. Authorized 11 Patents of China. |
Professional Activities |
1. Member of the Technical Committee - Biological Information and Artificial Life, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). |
2. IEEE Member. ACM Member. CCF Member. CAA Member. |
3. Review Expert for Natural Science Foundation of China. |
4. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Human Machine System, IEEE Virtual Reality, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Computers & Graphics, Chinese Journal of Electronics. |
5. Session Chair of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Chengdu, China, 2016. |
6. Session Chair of the 17th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on System Identification, Beijing, China, 2015. |
7. Invited Speaker of the Sino-German Symposium on "Advanced Computer-Aided Feedback Methods for Second Language and Pronunciation Training", Sino-German Science Center, Shanghai, China, 2015. |
8. Program Committee Member, the Conference on Biological Information and Artificial Life, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2016-2017. |
9. Teaching Committee Member, Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China. |
Awards & Appraisal |
1. World's FIRST 10K Best Paper Award Finalist at IEEE ICME 2017. |
2. The State Scholarship, China Scholarship Council, 2016. |
3. Outstanding Researcher (Top 5%), University of Science and Technology of China, 2016. |
4. Best Paper Award, Academic Forum of National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2016. |
5. Outstanding Researcher, National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2015. |
6. The Second Prize (the First Author), Natural Sciences Award for Outstanding Academic Papers, Anhui Province, China, 2015. |
7. The Achievement "Visualization of Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation" is Appraised by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2015. |
8. Outstanding Researcher (Top 5%), University of Science and Technology of China, 2015. |
9. Best Paper Award, Academic Forum of National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2015. |
10. Outstanding Researcher, National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2015. |
11. Excellent Researcher (Top 25%), University of Science and Technology of China, 2014. |
12. 3 Excellent Prizes, the First Ph.D. Application Innovation Achievements Exhibition, University of Science and Technology of China, 2014. |
13. Best Paper Award, Academic Forum of National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2014. |
14. Excellent Researcher, National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2014. |
15. Excellent Post-Doctor, University of Science and Technology of China, 2013. |
16. Excellent Researcher (Top 25%), University of Science and Technology of China, 2013. |
17. Excellent Researcher, National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing, China, 2013. |
18. IEEE Student Travel Grants, 2013. |
Funds |
1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572450), 2016/01-2019/12, 800,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61303150), 2014/01-2016/12, 250,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
3. The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2012M521248), 2012/01-2013/12, 50,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
4. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2350000002), China, 2016/01-2018/12, 1,000,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
5. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2100100020), China, 2013/01-2014/12, 100,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
6. The Open Project Program of the State Key Laboratory (A1501), Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2015/01-2016/12, 100,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
7. The Open Project Program of the State Key Laboratory (KFKT2016B08), Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2016/01-2017/12, 100,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
8. The Open Project Program of the State Key Laboratory (BUAA-VR-16KF-12), Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2016/05-2018/04, 100,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
9. The Natural Science Foundation (1708085QF138), Anhui Province, China, 2017/07-2019/06, 80,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
10. The Research Funds from IFLYTEK Corporation (ES2100100086), 2014/10-2015/10, 300,000CNY/RMB, PI. |
11. The Project from International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) (2012GB102007), 2012/01-2015/12, 8,510,000CNY/RMB, Co-PI. |
12. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61472393), 2015/01-2018/12, 800,000CNY/RMB, Co-PI. |
13. The Project from the Science and Technology Program (13Z02008), Anhui Province, China, 2013/07-2014/06, 3,000,000CNY/RMB, Co-PI. |
14. The Project from the Science and Technology Program (11010202192), Anhui Province, China, 2011/07-2012/12, 500,000CNY/RMB, Co-PI. |
15. The Project from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2013340022001172), 2012/10-2015/12, 500,000CNY/RMB, Co-PI. |
Teaching & Supervising |
1. Teaching the Course "Image Measuring Technology" for Graduate Students. |
2. Supervising 2 Ph.D. Candidate Student, 5 Master Candidate Students and 2 Undergraduate Students. They Have Won Several Remarkable Scholarships, Such as Hua Wei Scholarship. |
Publications |
Patents |
Products & Demos |
1. An Online Pronunciation Training Platform for International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is Publically Available: http://iword.cass.cn/IPA/IPALEARN.php, and Adopted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and IFLYTEK Corporation. |
2. 3D Head Model Reconstruction from Multiple Images (Visible+MRI_Images, Depth_Images). |
3. 3D Facial Animation From Appearance to Internal Articulators (Appearance, Internal Articulators). |
4. Text/Speech-Driven 3D Articulatory Animation (Articulatory_Animation). |
5. Text-Driven 3D Expressive Facial Animation (Chinese_Text, English_Text). |
6. Video-Driven 3D Facial Motion Tracking, Expression Recognition and 3D Expressive Facial Animation (Single_Video). |
7. Musical (Song+Score+Lyric)-Driven 3D Singing Virtual Head (Chinese_Lyric 1, Chinese_Lyric 2, English_Lyric 1, English_Lyric 2). |
8. Musical (Song+Score+Lyric)-Driven Emotional 3D Singing Virtual Head (Chinese_Lyric, English_Lyric). |
9. Digital Video Stabilization (DVS). |
10. Image-Based Face Detection and Recognition (FR). |
11. 3D Hair Style Modeling and Animation (HSMA). |
Hobbies |
1. Table Tennis. The Champion of the Table Tennis Game of University of Science and Technology of China, 2004. |
2. Basketball. |
3. Badminton. |
4. Fitness. |
Links |
Teaching Material of the Course "Image Measuring Technology" on Baidu Webdisk: |
usermane: harryjun@ustc.edu.cn, password: imagemeassure. | |
Since April 2016 Last update:
2017-08-08 16:58 |