Our Mission |
Haiyi Liang |
Materials are microscopically structured. The specific geometry and topology naturally introduce separations in spatial, temporal and energetic scales, fundamentally dictating its response to external stimuli. The vast ways in tuning geometry and topology of materials offer vast choices in designing novel materials with novel functions. We are interested in probing the roles of geometry and topology on the mechanical behaviors of natural and artificial matter, via a combinational efforts of computational and simple theoretical considerations. Now, 3D printing is helping us to play and realize our dreams. |
Uni. of Sci. Tech. of China |
Hefei, Anhui, 230027 P.R.C |
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Tel:86-0551-63601622 |
新闻 |
1.包信和校长调研增材制造联合实验室 |
2.中国科大在细胞微管动力学的理论模型研究中取得进展 |
招聘博士后 |
1. 计算力学 |
2. 高分子材料和双网络水凝胶合成 |
3. 三维打印 |
Representative Publications
Fully physically cross-linked hydrogel as highly stretchable, tough, self-healing and sensitive strain sensors (2020) Polymer, YZ Liang, XY Sun, Q Lv, YX Shen, Haiyi Liang
Folding simulation of rigid origami with Lagrange multiplier method (2020) International Journal of Solids and Structures, YC Hu, Haiyi Liang
Investigation of nanoparticles shape effects on MHD nanofluid flow and heat transfer over a rotating stretching disk through porous medium (2020)  International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, U Rashid, Haiyi Liang
Rigid-foldable generalized Miura-ori tessellations for three-dimensional curved surfaces (2020)  Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, YC Hu, YX Zhou, Haiyi Liang
Mechanics and kinetics of dynamic instability (2020)  eLife, TCT Michaelsa, S Feng, Haiyi Liang, L. Mahadevan
Fully Physically Cross-Linked Double Network Hydrogels with Strong Mechanical Properties, Good Recovery and Self-healing Properties (2020)  Soft Matter, LN Ye, Q Lv, XY Sun, YZ Liang, PW Fang, XY Yuan, M Li, XZ Zhang, XF Shang and Haiyi Liang
Tough and Stretchable Dual Ionic Cross-linked Hydrogel with High Conductivity and Fast-Recovery Property for High-Performance Flexible Sensors (2020)  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , Liang Yongzhi, Ye Lina, Sun Xingyue, Lv Qiong, Liang Haiyi
An automated 3D visible light stereolithography platform for hydrogel-based micron-sized structures (2019)  AIP Advances, DD Li, AQ Miao, XS Jin, XF Shang, Haiyi Liang, and RH Yang
Design of cylindrical and axisymmetric origami structures based on generalized Miura-ori pattern (2019)  Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, YC Hu, Haiyi Liang, HL Duan
Enhancement in mechanical properties of selectively laser-melted AlSi10Mg aluminum alloys by T6-li (2018) 
Materials Science and Engineering: A , L.F. Wang, J. Sun, X Yu, Y. Shi, X.G. Zhu, L.Y. Cheng, H.H. Liang, B. Yan, L.J. Guo
Entropic elasticity based coarse-grained model of lipid membranes (2018) 
The Journal of Chemical Physics, S Feng, YC Hu, and Haiyi Liang
Dynamic electro-regulation of stiffness gradient hydrogel (2018) 
RSC Advances, RH Yang, Haiyi Liang
Topology, geometry, and mechanics of Z-plasty (2018) 
Physical Review Letters, EA. Matsumoto, Haiyi Liang, & L. Mahadevan
Mechanical metamaterials associated with stiffness, rigidity and compressibility: a brief review (2018) 
Progress in Materials Science, X.L. Yu, J Zhou, Haiyi Liang, Z.Y. Jiang, L.L. Wu
Multi-materials 3D printing application of shell biomimetic structure (2016) 
Chinese Science Bulletin, XY Ma, Haiyi Liang, s& LF Wang
A Highly Efficient Metal‐Free Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst Assembled from Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene (2016) 
Advanced Materials, J Yang , HY Sun , Haiyi Liang , HX Ji , Li Song , C Gao , & HX Xu
Laser printing hierarchical structures with the aid of controlled capillary-driven self-assembly (2015) 
PNAS, YL Hu, ZX Lao, BP Cummingb, D Wu, J Lia, Haiyi Liang, JR Chu, WH Huang, and M Gu
Boundary-dominant Flower Blooming Simulation (2015) (Best Paper Award) movie
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, JF Li, M Liu, WW Xu, Haiyi Liang, and LG Liu
Toughening mystery of natural rubber deciphered by double network incorporating hierarchical structures (2014) 
Scientific Reports, WM Zhou, XY Li, J Lu, ND Huang, L Chen, ZM Qi, LB Li, and Haiyi Liang
Geometric Mechanics of Periodic Pleated Origami (2013) 
Physical Review Letters, ZY Wei, ZV Guo, L Dudte, Haiyi Liang, and L. Mahadevan.
Growth, geometry, and mechanics of a blooming lily (2011) 
PNAS, Haiyi Liang, L Mahadevan.
On the growth and form of the gut (2011) 
Nature, T Savin, NA. Kurpios, AE. Shyer, P. Florescu, Haiyi Liang, L. Mahadevan, CJ. Tabin.
The Shape of a Long Leaf (2009) 
PNAS, 106, 22049. Haiyi Liang, L Mahadevan.
Elasticity of Floppy and Stiff Random Networks (2008) 
Physical Review Letters, 101, 215501. M Wyart, Haiyi Liang, A Kabla, L Mahadevan.
Size Dependent Elasticity of Nanowires: Non-linear Effects (2005) 
Physical Review B, 71, 241403. Haiyi Liang, M Upmanyu, HC Huang.