Extremal Combinatorics, 2021 Spring, USTC


  • Jie Ma, Email: jiema@ustc.edu.cn, Office: 1603, School of Math

  • Teaching assistant:

  • Jun GAO, email: gj0211@mail.ustc.edu.cn

  • The following is the class notes given in the whole semester:


    I appreciate all participants for sorting it out! The full list of participants include: Yihan Chen, Ke Fang, Jun Gao, Hongjun Ge, Jinye He, Nianxin Ren, Zelin Ren, Mingyuan Rong, Yuxuan Tang, Hongyu Wang, Yuntao Wang, Yuze Wu, Dapeng Xu, Miao Xu, Tianchi Yang, Zhi Yi, Wanchen Zhang, Yuanwen Zheng, Zhihen Zheng. Special thanks go to my teaching assistant Jun Gao for his many valuable time.