Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory, 2017 Spring, USTC


  • Âí½Ü, Email: jiema@ustc.edu.cn, Office: 1603, School of Math

  • Lecture Outline:

    Lecture 1

    Gallai-Roy Theorem, and Gallai-Milgram Theorem.

    Lecture 2

    Posa's Theorem on cycle partition, and Gyargas-Sarkozy Conjecture on linear cycle partition and their result on weak cycle partition.

    Lecture 3

    Gyargas-Sarkozy Conjecture on linear cycle partition: continued.

    Lecture 4

    Gyargas-Sarkozy Conjecture on linear cycle partition: continued.

    Lecture 5

    k-critical graphs.

    Lecture 6

    Alon-Krivelevich-Seymour Theorem on the longest path in k-critical graphs.

    Lectures 7-10

    Result of Kostochka-Sudakov-Verstraete on the consecutive cycles in k-chromatic triangle-free graphs

    Lecture 11

    Moore graphs and Benson's construction.

    Lecture 12

    Polarity graphs.

    Lecture 13

    Hypergraph Turan number of {C3,C4}.

    Lecture 14


    Lecture 15

    Norm-graphs: continued.

    Lecture 16

    Turan numbers of complete bipartite graphs: an improvment.

    Lecture 17

    Asymptotic Turan numbers of linear paths and cycles in hypergraphs.

    Lecture 18

    Asymptotic Turan numbers of linear paths and cycles in hypergraphs: continued.

    Lecture 19

    Asymptotic Turan numbers of linear paths and cycles in hypergraphs: completed.