Welcome to Jinlong Li's Homepage
Jinlong Li (中文版)
Associate Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science and Technology | Office: Room 601, West Building of Science and Technoly, West Campus |
University of Science and Technology of China | Phone : |
Hefei, Anhui, 230027 | Email : jlli@ustc.edu.cn |
China |
About me
Research Interests
- Evolutionary algorithms. Landscape analysis, modeling solution space, tuning parameters of evolutionary algorithms for real world problems, and so on. A current research interest is to tackle with searching Unique Input/Output sequences(UIO) problem from software engineering.
- Cognitive Radio. Modeling frequency spectrum usages,scheduling wireless channels. This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC).
- Cloud Computing. Topological structure of distributed storage nodes, Peer-to-Peer network, network structure of Massive multiplayers Online Game(MMOG).
- Data Mining and Machine Learning.
Selected papers
- Jinlong Li, Guanzhou Lu, Xin Yao, Fitness Landscape-based Parameter Tuning Method for Evolutionary Algorithms for Computing Unique Input Output Sequences, ICONIP,2011, LNCS 7063.
- Jingbo Shen, Jinlong Li, Xufa Wang, SCDN: Stable Content Distribution Network based on demands,Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 70, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 880-888.
- Jinlong Li,Ping Zhu, Xu-fa Wang, Chain store game based channel allocation in cognitive radio system,THE JOURNAL OF CHINA UNIVERSITIES OF POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2010,17(1).
- Jinbo Shen, Jinlong Li, Xufa Wang, Constructing searchable P2P network with randomly selected long-distance, Complex Sciences 2009, LNICST, Springer.
- Ping Zhu,Jinglong Li, Xufa Wang, Scheduling Model for Cognitive Radio, 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications,2008.
- Shanshan Liu Jinlong Li Xufa Wang, Local Reputation for P2P MMOG Design, PDCAT 2007.
Granted Patent Applications
- Methods,System and Devices of Releasing Object States (对象状态发布的方法、系统及装置, NO.101374143).
- Methods,System and nodes of Managing distributed Virtual Environment(分布式虚拟环境的管理方法、系统及节点 NO. 101072160).
- System,Devices and Methods of Clustering of Content Nodes (内容节点双向聚类的系统、装置及方法 NO. 101729387A).
- Methods, System and Devices of Managing, Searching Content in Distributed Network (一种分布式网络的管理方法、内容查询方法、系统及装置 NO. 101594316).
- Positions for master students