Publications of Ligang Liu
(Up to 2011)
Hongbo Fu, Shizhe Zhou, Ligang Liu, Niloy J. Mitra. Animated Construction of Line Drawings. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 30(6), Article No.133: 1-10, 2011. [Project page]
Kai Xu, Hanlin Zheng, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ligang Liu, Yueshan Xiong. Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 30(4), Article No.80: 1-10, 2011. [Project page]
Guo Li, Ligang Liu, Hanlin Zheng, Niloy Mitra. Analysis, Reconstruction and Manipulation using Arterial Snakes. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 29(5), Article No.152: 1-10, 2010. [Project page]
Shizhe Zhou, Hongbo Fu, Ligang Liu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Xiaoguang Han. Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH), 29(4), Article No. 126: 1-10, 2010. [Project page]
Kai Xu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tao Ju, Ligang Liu, Hao Zhang, Shizhe Zhou, Yueshan Xiong. Feature-Aligned Shape Texturing. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 28(5), Article No. 108: 1-7, 2009. [Project page]
Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Ligang Liu, Guo Li, Min Meng, Yueshan Xiong. Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 28(5), Article No. 138: 1-10, 2009.[Project page]
Xin Tong, Jingdan Zhang, Ligang Liu, Xi Wang, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum. Synthesis of Bi-directional Texture Functions on Arbitrary Surfaces. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH), 21(3): 665-672, 2002. [Paper] [Demo] [Talk]
Eurographics |
Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu, Kun Liu. Paint Mesh Cutting. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 30(2), 603-611, 2011. [Project page]
Yanzhen Wang, Kai Xu, Jun Li, Hao Zhang, Ariel Shamir, Ligang Liu, Zhiquan Cheng, Yueshan Xiong. Symmetry Hierarchy of Man-Made Objects. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 30(2), 287-296, 2011. [Project page]
Ligang Liu, Renjie Chen, Lior Wolf, Daniel Cohen-Or. Optimizing photo composition. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 29(2): 469-478, 2010. [Project page]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Zhonggui Chen, Guojin Wang. Easy Mesh Cutting. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 25(3): 283-291, 2006. [Project page]
Journal papers |
Yin Xu, Ligang Liu, Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler. Capacity-Constrained Delaunay Triangulation for Point Distributions. Computers&Graphics (Proc. Shape Modeling International), 35(3), 510-516, 2011. [Project page]
Min Meng, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu. A Comparative Evaluation of Foreground/Background Sketch-based Mesh Segmentation Algorithms. Computers&Graphics (Proc. Shape Modeling International), 35(3), 650-660, 2011. [Project page]
Min Meng, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu. iCutter: a direct cut-out tool for 3D shapes. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 22(4), 335-342, 2011. [Project page]
Yin Xu, Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu. Embedding a Triangular Graph within a Given Boundary. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28, 349-356, 2011.[Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Bin Wang, Wenping Wang. Feature Enhancement by Vertex Flow for 3D Shapes. Computer-Aided Design and Applications (ISSN 1686-4360), 8(5): 649-664, 2011. [Paper]
Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler. An As-Rigid-As-Possible Approach to Sensor Network Localization. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 6(4), Article 35: 1-21, 2010. [Project page]
Renjie Chen, Yin Xu, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu. A Spectral Characterization of the Delaunay Triangulation. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27(4): 295-300, 2010. [Paper]
Binbin Lin, Xiaofei He, Yuan Zhou, Ligang Liu, Ke Lu. Approximately harmonic projection: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm. Pattern Recognition, 43: 3307-3313, 2010.[Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Yigang Wang. B-Mesh: A Modeling System for Base Meshes of 3D Articulated Shapes. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics), 29(7): 2169-2178, 2010. [Project page]
Yong Jin, Ligang Liu, Qingbiao Wu. Nonhomogeneous Scaling Optimization for Realtime Image Resizing. The Visual Computer (Proc. CGI), 26(6-8): 769-778, 2010. [Project page]
Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Craig Gotsman, Hua Huang. Mesh reconstruction by meshless denoising and parameterization, Computers&Graphics (Proc. SMI), 34(3): 198-208, 2010. [Paper] [Talk]
Guanghua Tan, Wei Chen, Ligang Liu. Image Driven Shape Deformation using Styles. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE C), 11(1): 27-35, 2010. [Paper]
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Guangchang Dong. Local resampling for patch-based texture synthesis in vector fields. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 38(1/2/3): 124-133, July, 2010. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Lei Zhang, Binbin Lin, Guojin Wang. Fast Approach for Computing Roots of Polynomials using Cubic Clipping. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(5): 547-559, 2009. [Paper]
Jianwei Hu, Ligang Liu, Guozhao Wang. Easy Cross Parameterization for Articulated Shapes. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE A), 10(10): 1428-1438, 2009. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Lei Zhang, Yin Xu, Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler. A Local/Global Approach to Mesh Parameterization. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)), 27(5): 1495-1504, 2008. [Project page]
Jianwei Hu, Ligang Liu, Guozhao Wang. Dual Laplacian Morphing for Triangular Meshes. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Proc. International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA)), 18: 271-277, 2007. [Project page]
Ligang Liu, Chiew-Lan Tai, Zhongping Ji, Guojin Wang. Non-Iterative Approach for Global Mesh Optimization. Computer-Aided Design, 39(9): 772-782, 2007. [Project page]
Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Zhongping Ji, Guojin Wang. Manifold Parameterization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. Computer Graphics International), 4035: 160-171, 2006. [Project page]
Oscar Kin-Chung Au, Chiew-Lan Tai, Ligang Liu, Hongbo Fu. Dual Laplacian Editing for Meshes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(3): 386-395, 2006. [Project page] [Paper]
Hongwei Lin, Guojin Wang, Ligang Liu, Hujun Bao. Parameterization for Fitting Triangular Mesh. Progress in Natural Science, 16(11): 1214-1221, 2006. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Bo Zhang, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum. Polygonal Shape Blending with Topological Evolutions. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(1): 77-89, 2005. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Explicit Representation for NURBS Curves and Surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 19(6): 409-419, 2002. [Paper]
Hongwei Lin, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Boundary Evaluation for Interval Bézier Curves. Computer-Aided Design, 34(9): 637-646, 2002. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Two Types of Polynomial Approximation to Rational Surfaces. Journal of Software, 12(5): 650-655, 2001. [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Three-dimensional Shape Blending: Intrinsic Solutions to Spatial Interpolation Problems. Computers & Graphics, 23(4): 535-545, 1999. [Paper]
Conference papers |
Yong Jin, Ligang Liu, Qingbiao Wu. iFrames: A Multi-level Keyframe Extraction and Navigation Tool for Videos. Proc. CAD/Graphics, 176-182, 2011.[Paper]
Renjie Chen, Daniel Freedman, Zachi Karni, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu. Content-Aware Image Resizing by Quadratic Programming. Proc. CVPR Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (NORDIA), 1-8, 2010. (The Best Paper Award) [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu. Realtime aesthetic image retargeting. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetic in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, O. Deussen and P. Jepp (eds.), 1-8, 2010. [Paper] [Demo] [Talk]
Zhonggui Chen, Ligang Liu, Zhenyue Zhang, Guojin Wang. Surface Parameterization via Aligning Optimal Local Flattening. Proc. ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM), Beijing, China, pp.291-296, 2007. [Paper] [Talk] [Poster]
Wenhao Song, Ligang Liu. Stretch-based Tetrahedral Mesh Manipulation. Proc. Graphics Interface, Montreal, Canada, pp.319-325, 2007. [Paper] [Talk]
Min Meng, Ligang Liu. Sketching Image Morphing Using Moving Least Squares. Proc. the 3rd Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, Seoul, Korea, pp.190-197, 2007. [Paper] [Demo] [Talk]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. A global Laplacian Smoothing Approach with Feature Preservation. Proc. the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, HongKong, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 269-274, 2005. (The Best Student Paper Award) [Paper] [Talk]
Renjiang Zhang, Ligang Liu, Weiyin Ma, Guojin Wang. Construction of Cubic Triangular Patches with C1 Continuity Around a Corner. Proc. the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, HongKong, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 73-78, 2005. [Paper] [Talk]
Oscar Kin-Chung Au, Chiew-Lan Tai, Hongbo Fu, Ligang Liu. Mesh Editing with Curvature Flow Laplacian. Proc. Symposium on Geometry Processing, short paper (poster), 2005. [Short paper] [TR] [Poster]
Wenhao Song, Ligang Liu, Xunnian Yang. Fast and Robust Ridge-Ravine Detection on Triangular Meshes by Smooth Parametric Functions. Proc. Pacific Graphics, short paper, pp.109-111, 2005. [Paper] [Poster]
Ligang Liu, Guopu Wang, Bo Zhang, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum, Perceptually based Approach for Planar Morphing. Proc. Pacific Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, Seoul, Korea, Oct., pp. 111-120, 2004. [Paper] [Demo] [Talk]
Xi Wang, Lifeng Wang, Ligang Liu, Shimin Hu, Baining Guo. Interactive modeling of tree bark. Proc. Pacific Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, Alberta, Canada, Oct, pp. 83-90, 2003. [Paper] [Demo] [Talk]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Recursive Formulae for Hermite Polynomial Approximations to Rational Bézier Curves. Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing, IEEE Computer Society, Hong Kong, Apr., pp.190-197, 2000. [Paper]
Papers in Chinese |
Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu, Ligang Liu. Efficient Algorithm for Surface Simplification Based on Variational Mesh. Journal of Software, 22(5):1097-1105, 2011. (In Chinese) (金勇,吴庆标,刘利刚. 基于变分网格的曲面简化高效算法. 软件学报, 22(5):1097-1105, 2011.) [Paper]
Wei Zhu, Ligang Liu. Tone-preserving Colorization of Black-and-White Cartoon Images. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 23(3): 392-398, 2011. (In Chinese) (朱薇, 刘利刚. 保色调的黑白卡通图像着色算法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 23(3): 392-398, 2011.) [Paper]
Yin Xu, Ligang Liu. As-Rigid-As-Possible Deformation Method Based on Adaptive Subdivision. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 23(6): 977-984, 2011. (In Chinese) (徐寅, 刘利刚. 基于自适应细分的保刚性变形算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 23(6): 977-984, 2011.) [Paper]
Jinliang Wu, Ligang Liu. Context-aware Focus+Context visualization technique. Journal of Computer Applications. 31(1): 6-10, 2011. (in Chinese) (吴金亮,刘利刚. 基于内容的Focus+Context可视化技术,计算机应用,31(1): 6-10, 2011.) [Paper]
Shizhe Zhou, Ligang Liu. Realtime Digital Bas-Relief Modeling. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 22(3): 434-439, 2010. (In Chinese) (周世哲,刘利刚. 实时数字浮雕建模,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 22(3): 434-439, 2010.) [Paper]
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Guangchang Dong. Detection of Principle Lines in Images. Journal of Image and Graphics of China, 15(3): 403-408, 2010. (In Chinese) (陈仁杰,刘利刚,董光昌.图像主特征直线的检测算法,中国图象图形学报,15(3): 403-408, 2010.) [Paper]
Pengfei Xu, Ligang Liu. Developability Optimization Algorithm for 3D Mesh Surfaces. Chinese Journal of Computers, 33(5): 927-934, 2010. (In Chinese) (徐鹏飞,刘利刚. 三维网格曲面的可展性优化算法,计算机学报,33(5): 927-934, 2010.) [Paper]
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Guangchang Dong. Mesh Smoothing with Vertex Tolerance Constraints. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 44(9): 61-65, 2010. (In Chinese) (陈仁杰,刘利刚,董光昌. 严格顶点约束的网格光顺算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 44(9): 61-65, 2010.) [Paper]
Dongmei Zhang, Ligang Liu. Feature-preserving Mesh Smoothing Algorithm Based on the Weighted Least Squares. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 22(9): 1497-1501, 2010. (In Chinese) (张冬梅,刘利刚. 保特征的加权最小二乘三角网格光顺算法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 22(9): 1497-1501, 2010.) [Paper]
Zhonggui Chen, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Exemplar-based Image Completion using Global Optimization. Computer Research and Development, 46(1): 144-15, 2009. (In Chinese) (陈中贵, 刘利刚, 王国瑾. 基于全局优化的图像块填充修复方法. 计算机研究与发展, 46(1): 144-150, 2009.)[Paper]
Dongmei Zhang, Ligang Liu. Angle-filtering based Smoothing Algorithm for Planar Graphs. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 43(6): 1042-1046, 2009. (In Chinese) (张冬梅, 刘利刚. 基于角度滤波的平面图形光顺算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 43(6): 1042-1046, 2009.)[Paper]
Jianwei Hu, Lincong Fang, Ligang Liu, Guozhao Wang. Mesh Segmentation Based on 3D Delaunay Triangulation. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 21(12): 1729-1732, 2009. (In Chinese) (胡建伟,方林聪,刘利刚,汪国昭. 基于Delaunay四面体剖分的网格分割算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 21(12): 1729-1732, 2009.) [Paper]
Dongmei Zhang, Ligang Liu. Efficient Approach for High Quality Compatible Triangulations between Polygons. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 42(5): 780-784, 2008. (In Chinese) (张冬梅,刘利刚. 多边形高质量同构三角剖分的有效算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 42(5): 780-784, 2008.) [Paper]
Min Meng, Ligang Liu. Local Color Transfer based on Gradient Domain. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 20(7): 838-842, 2008. (In Chinese) (孟敏,刘利刚. 勾画式局部颜色迁移. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 20(7): 838-842, 2008.) [Paper]
Min Meng, Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu. Interactive Mesh Segmentation Based on Feature Preserving Harmonic Field. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 20(9): 1146-1152, 2008. (In Chinese) (孟敏,计忠平,刘利刚. 基于保特征调和场的交互式网格分割,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 20(9): 1146-1152, 2008.) [Paper]
Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. As-Similar-As Possible Planar Parameterization. Journal of Image and Graphics of China, 13(12): 2383-2387, 2008. (In Chinese) (张磊,刘利刚,王国瑾. 保相似的网格参数化方法. 中国图像图形学报, 13(12): 2383-2387, 2008.) [Paper]
Dongmei Zhang, Ligang Liu. Planar Shape Blending Algorithm with Preserving Interior Similarity. Computer Research and Development, 44(11): 1932-1938, 2007. (In Chinese) (张冬梅,刘利刚. 保内部相似性的平面形状混合算法. 计算机研究与发展, 44(11): 1932-1938, 2007.) [Paper]
Yichuan Ding, Ligang Liu. Optimal Vertex Matching Algorithm for Polygonal Shapes. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 41(9): 1532-1536, 2007. (In Chinese) (丁弋川,刘利刚. 多边形顶点匹配优化算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 41(9): 1532-1536, 2007.) [Paper]
Shaozhong Ren, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Detail Preserving Planar Shape Editing. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 19(1): 42-47, 2007. (In Chinese) (任绍忠,刘利刚,王国瑾,保细节平面形状编辑,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,19(1): 42-47, 2007.) [Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. A Novel Axial Deformation Algorithm without Local Self-intersection. Chinese Journal of Computers, 29(5), 828-834, 2006. (In Chinese) (计忠平,刘利刚,王国瑾. 无局部自交的轴变形新方法,计算机学报,29(5): 828-834, 2006.) [Paper]
Weiguo Wang, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Geometric Extension of Nonadjacent Cubic Bezier Curves. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 18(12): 1911-1917, 2006. (In Chinese) (王维国,刘利刚,王国瑾. 三次Bezier曲线间的几何延拓算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,18(12): 1911-1917, 2006.) [Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Feature Preserving Mesh Simplification based on Corner Cutting. Computer Research and Development, 43(12): 2144-2151, 2006. (In Chinese) (计忠平,刘利刚,王国瑾. 基于割角的保特征网格简化算法.计算机研究与进展, 43(12): 2144-2151, 2006.) [Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Mesh Simplification based on Local Polynomial Fitting. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 40(12): 2083-2087, 2006. (In Chinese) (计忠平,刘利刚,王国瑾. 基于局部多项式拟合的网格简化算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 40(12): 2083-2087, 2006.) [Paper]
Shaozhong Ren, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Feature Preserving Shape Blending Based on Scaling Invariant Intrinsic Variables. Journal of Image and Graphics of China, Vol. 11 (Supplement), June, 147-154, 2006. (In Chinese) (任绍忠, 刘利刚, 王国瑾. 保特征形状过渡的伸缩内在量算法. 中国图像图形学报, 增刊, 6月, 147-154, 2006.) [Paper]
Hongkun Li, Guojin Wang, Ligang Liu. B-spline Expression of Integral Curvature Line on NURBS Surface. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 18(3): 390-395, 2006. (In Chinese) (李宏坤,王国瑾,刘利刚,NURBS曲面上积分曲率线的B样条表示,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 18(3): 390-395, 2006.) [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Optimal Approximation to Curve Offset based on Shifting Control Points. Journal of Software, 13(3): 398-403, 2002. (In Chinese) (刘利刚, 王国瑾. 基于控制顶点偏移的等距曲线最优逼近. 软件学报, 13(3): 398-403, 2002.) [Paper]
Huahao Shou, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Offset Approximation Algorithm based on Liu Hui's Circle Subdivision Method. Applied Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities, 17(1): 105-112, 2002. (In Chinese) (寿华好, 刘利刚, 王国瑾. 基于刘徽割圆术的等距线逼近算法. 高校应用数学学报, 17(1): 105-112, 2002.) [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang, Huahao Shou. Approximation by Interval Bezier Surfaces. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 12(9): 645-650, 2000. (In Chinese) (刘利刚, 王国瑾, 寿华好. 区间Bézier曲面逼近. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 12(9): 645-650, 2000.) [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Offset Surface Approximation Algorithm based on The Triangulation Approximation to Sphere. Journal of Engineering Graphics, 21(3): 70-74, 2000. (In Chinese) (刘利刚, 王国瑾. 基于球面三角网格逼近的等距曲面逼近算法. 工程图学学报, 21(3): 70-74, 2000.) [Paper]
Guojin Wang, Guodong Chen, Ligang Liu, Huahao Shou. CAGD Models of Form-Position Tolerance. Chinese Science Abstracts, 6(2): 197-200, 2000. (In Chinese) (王国瑾, 陈国栋, 刘利刚, 寿华好. 形位公差的计算几何模型. 中国学术期刊文摘, 6(2): 197-200, 2000.) [Paper]
Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang. Shape blending between 3D triangular meshes based on their intrinsic variables. Chinese Journal of Computers, 21(9): 850-854, 1998. (In Chinese) (刘利刚, 王国瑾. 基于内在变量的空间三角网格的形状混合. 计算机学报, 21(9): 850-854, 1998.) [Paper]
Others |
Ligang Liu. Algorithm Research on Geometric Approximation and Geometric Interpolation in Surface Modeling. Ph.D. Dissertation, Zhejiang University, June 2001. (In Chinese) (刘利刚. 曲面造型中几何逼近与几何插值的算法研究. 浙江大学博士论文, 2001年6月) [PDF]
刘利刚. 实数系基本定理等价性的完全互证. 数学的实践与认识,2008, 38(24): 246-252.[Paper]
刘利刚. 从Stolz定理到L'Hospital法则. 数学的实践与认识,2008, 38(5): 163-167. [Paper]
Also see the old page of publication list.
Copyright © Ligang Liu |