
Equipment Resources



Lab Microscopes:

Online Booking and Ordering System


Facility Equipment:

Our Core Facility has equipment including Zeiss LSM710, Zeiss LSM880+Airyscan, MuVi Light-sheet, Olympus FluoView Multi-photon, Olympus FV3000 Confocal, Transmission Electron Microscope, Mass Spectrometries, Ultracentrifuges, HPLCs, Leica Cryostats, Biacore T200SPR, and multiple Flow Cytometers.


Online Resources and Lab Protocols

Collections of Drosophila Protocols


Information center of fly research at Flybase

Protocols from Flyrani.org

Protocols from Bio-protocol

Methods from FlyBook

Drosophila Developmental Biology Methods

Biological Procedures Online

Springer Nature Experiments

Bioz (Collections of reagents and protocols such as antibodies and their working concentrations.)



Collections of Drosophila stocks

Centers of fly stocks: Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC) , Kyoto Stock Center (DGRC) , Vienna Drosophila Resource Center (VDRC) , NIG-fly, FlyROF, Tsinghua Fly Center .


Reviews of Drosophila Biology

More comprehensive reviews of fly biology can be found at FlyBook, Interactive Fly.


Microscopy Related

FPbase: Database of fluorescent proteins (FPs), their sequences and properties.

FBDB: Database of genetically encodable fluorescent protein biosensors.

OptoBase: Database of genetically encodable optogenetic molecules.

MicroscopeU (Here, you can learn almost everything about the Microscopes.



Basic Fly Biology



Basic Fly Techniques


Excellent Online Courses



Fly Bioinformatics

Review of fly bioinformatic tools: Data pushing: a fly-centric guide to bioinformatics tools.

Collections of fly bioinformatic tools at DRSC Center.

Online tool for fly genome engineering: CRISPR fly design.






Western Blot

Find antibodies for fly proteins: Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB).




Find qPCR primers for fly genes: FlyPrimerBank.







Collection of plasmids and cloning techniques can be found at Addgene and DGRC (fly vectors at Drosophila Genomics Resource Center).


Tissue Culture

More videos of tissue culture can be found at JoVE, Abnova, and DGRC (Collection of fly cell lines and protocols)



Seahorse XF






Biacore SPR



Thunder Microscope



Luxendo MuVi SPIM



Image Processing and Analysis

More online resources of software applications important for our study: Fiji/ImageJ (Macro), Fiji Scripting Tutorial , R / Rstudio , MatLab (need a USTC license) / Octave, and Python.


We strongly suggest interested people to find more protocols of Drosophila handling, dissection, and staining at JoVE and iBiology Techniques.