


1.     Manman Liu, Duo Jin, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Kaiming Cao, Junjie Cheng, Xiaohu Zheng, Andrew Wang, Yangzhong Liu*. Enhancing Tumor Immunotherapy by Multivalent anti-PD-L1 Nanobody Assembled via Ferritin Nanocage. Advanced Science 2024, 11(20), 202308248 [Link]

2.     Junjie Cheng#*, Li Li#, Duo Jin#, Yajie Zhang, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Jianhua Zou, Yi Dai, Yang Zhu, Manman Liu, Miya Zhang, Yongfu Sun*, Yangzhong Liu*, Xiaoyuan Chen*. A non-metal single atom nanozyme for cutting off the energy and reducing the power of tumors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63(16), e202319982 [Link]

3.     Yu Wang,# Kaiming Cao,# Mingxi Zong, Siming Yuan, Na Zhang, Yangzhong Liu*. Mutual promotion of co-condensation of KRAS G-quadruplex and a well-folded protein HMGB1. Nucleic Acids Res., 2024, 52(1), 288–299 [Link]

4.     Duo Jin, Manman Liu, Yajie Zhang, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Ying Luo, Junjie Cheng,* Yangzhong Liu*. Active regulation of protein coronas for enhancing the in vivo biodistribution and metabolism of nanoparticles. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024,  [Link]

5.     Shenghu Wang,# Siming Yuan,# Hongze Hu, Jiahai Zhang, Kaiming Cao, Yu Wang*, Yangzhong Liu*. Reactions of Cisplatin with Thioredoxin-1 Regulate Intracellular Redox Homeostasis. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63(25), 11779–11787, [Link]



6.     Kaiming Cao,# Yang Zhu,# Manman Liu, Yanyan Yang, Hongze Hu, Yi Dai, Yu Wang, Siming Yuan, Jiaming Mei,* Peter J. Sadler,* Yangzhong Liu*. a-Synuclein as a Target for Metallo-Anti-Neurodegenerative Agents. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62(1), e202215360 [Link]

7.     Junjie Cheng,# * Yang Zhu,#  Yi Dai,# Li Li, Miya Zhang, Duo Jin, Manman Liu, Jiaji Yu, Wenxin Yu, Dan Su, Jianhua Zou,* Xiaoyuan Chen,* Yangzhong Liu*. Gas-Mediated Tumor Energy Remodeling for Sensitizing Mild Photothermal Therapy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202304312 [Link]

8.     Junjie Cheng,# * Li Li,# Duo Jin,# Yi Dai, Yang Zhu, Jianhua Zou, Manman Liu, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Yongfu Sun*, Xiaoyuan Chen,* Yangzhong Liu*. Boosting Ferroptotic Therapy with Iridium Single Atom Nanocatalyst in Ultra-low Metal Content. Adv. Mater. 2023, 35(17), 202210037 [Link]

9.     Kaiming Cao, Shixuan Li, Yu Wang, Hongze Hu, Sijia Xiang, Qianling Zhang, Yangzhong Liu*. Cellular uptake of nickel by NikR is regulated by phase separation. Cell Rep. 2023, 42(6), 112518 [Link] Spotlight of Trends in Cell Biology

10.  Yang Zhu,# Yuanbo Pan,# Zhengxi Guo, Duo Jin, Wenyu Wang, Manman Liu, Mingxi Zong, Xinwei Zheng,* Yun Wu, Lulu Wang, Changlin Tian,* Junjie Cheng,* Yangzhong Liu*. Photothermal Enhanced and Tumor Microenvironment Responsive-Nanozyme for Amplified Cascade Enzyme Catalytic Therapy, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2023, 12(7), 2202198 [Link]

11.  Duo Jin, Yang Zhu, Manman Liu, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Xinwei Zheng, Lulu Wang, Yun Wu, Kaiju Wei, Junjie Cheng*, Yangzhong Liu*. A Leaking-proof Theranostic Nanoplatform for Tumor-targeted and Dual-modality Imaging-guided Photodynamic Therapy. BME Front., 2023, 4, 0015. [Link]

12.  Duo Jin, Manman Liu, Meng Zhang, Wenxin Yu, Jiaji Yu, Aizong Shen,* Junjie Cheng*, Yangzhong Liu*. Protein Encapsulation of Nanocatalysts: a Feasible Approach to Facilitate Catalytic Theranostics. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 2023, 192, 114648 [Link]

13.  Yu Wang,# Siming Yuan,# Kaiming Cao, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Reacts with the RING Finger Domain of RNF11 and Interferes with the Protein Functions. Metallomics, 2023, 15(4), mfad017, [Link]

14.  Gang Liu,# Mingyu Liu, # Xiujing Li, # Xiaorong Ye, Kaiming Cao,* Yangzhong Liu,* Yue Yu*. Peroxide-Simulating and GSH-Depleting Nanozyme for Enhanced Chemodynamic/Photodynamic Therapy via Induction of Multisource ROS. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15(41), 47955–47968 [Link]

15.  Moujun Luan, Zhuanghao Hou,* Buchun Zhang, Likun Ma, Siming Yuan, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Inter-Domain Repulsion of Dumbbell-Shaped Calmodulin during Electrospray Ionization Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 8798−8806

16.  Zhuanghao Hou*, Liujuan Zhan, Kaiming Cao, Moujun Luan, Xinchen Wang, Buchun Zhang, Likun Ma, Hao Yin, Zhicheng Liu, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Metabolite profiling and identification in living cells by coupling stable isotope tracing and induced electrospray mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2023, 1241(8), 340795



17.  Siming Yuan, Yang Zhu, Yi Dai, Yu Wang, Duo Jin, Manman Liu, Liqin Tang,* Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile,* Yangzhong Liu*. 19F NMR Allows to Investigate the Fate of Platinum(IV) Prodrugs in Physiological Conditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61(4) e202114250 [Link]

18.  Yang Zhu, Duo Jin, Manman Liu, Yi Dai, Li Li, Xinwei Zheng, Lulu Wang, Aizong Shen,* Jianing Yu, Sisi Wu, Yun Wu, Kai Zhong, Junjie Cheng,* Yangzhong Liu*. Oxygen Self-Supply Engineering-Ferritin for the Relief of Hypoxia in Tumors and the Enhancement of Photodynamic Therapy Efficacy. Small, 2022, 18(15), 2200116 [Link]

19.  Yu Wang,# Hongze Hu,# Siming Yuan, Yunyan LI, Kaiming Cao, Hongbin Sun, Yangzhong Liu*. Cuprous Ions can Disrupt Structure and Functions of the RING Finger Domain of RNF11. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 3820-3827 [Link]

20.  Zhuanghao Hou, Moujun Luan, Liujuan Zhan, Xinchen Wang, Siming Yuan, Kaiming Cao, Yaping Sheng, Hao Yin, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Native Mass Spectrometry for Peptide–Metal Interaction in Picoliter Cell Lysate. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94(40), 13829-13833 [Link]

21.  Liujuan Zhan, Zhuanghao Hou, Yu Wang, Huimin Liu, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Rapid Profiling of Metabolic Perturbations to Antibiotics in Living Bacteria by Induced Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2022, 33, 10, 1960–1966 [Link]

22.  向思佳, 刘扬中*. 微量元素铜与人体生理功能和疾病. 大学化学, 2022, 37(3), 2107128 [Link]



23.  Yang Zhu,# Wenyu Wang,# Junjie Cheng,# Chao Zhao, Yi Dai, Manman Liu, Jianing Yu, Chengming Wang, Huijuan Wang, Sicong Wang, Yunteng Qu, Yuen Wu*, Yangzhong Liu*. Stimuli-Responsive Manganese Single-Atom Nanozyme for Tumor Therapy via Integrated Cascade Reactions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60(17), 9480-9488. [Link]

24.  Junjie Cheng#, Yang Zhu#, Xin Xing#, Jianmin Xiao, Hui Chen, Hongwei Zhang, Dan Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Guilong Zhang*, Zhengyan Wu*, Yangzhong Liu*. Manganese-Deposited Iron Oxide Promotes Tumor-Responsive Ferroptosis that Synergizes the Apoptosis of Cisplatin. Theranostics, 2021, 11(11):5418-5429 [Link

25.  Yaping Sheng,# Bei Cao,# Mingxi Ou, Yu Wang, Siming Yuan, Na Zhang, Taotao Zou*, Yangzhong Liu*. Nucleocapsid Protein Preferentially Binds the Stem-loop of Duplex/Quadruplex Hybrid that Unfolds the Quadruplex Structure. Chem. Commun., 2021, 57(43), 9298-9301 [Link]

26.  Manman Liu, Yang Zhu, Duo Jin, Li Li, Junjie Cheng and Yangzhong Liu *.  Hemin-caged Ferritin Acts as a Peroxidase-like Nanozyme for Selective Detection of Tumor Cells. Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 14515−14519 [Link]

27.  Wenyu Wang,# Yang Zhu,# Xiaorong Zhu,# Yafei Zhao, Zhenggang Xue, Can Xiong, Zhiyuan Wang, Yunteng Qu, Junjie Cheng, Min Chen, Manman Liu, Fangyao Zhou, Haoran Zhang, Zheng Jiang, Yidong Hu, Huang Zhou, Huijuan Wang, Yafei Li,* Yangzhong Liu,* Yuen Wu*.  Biocompatible Ruthenium Single-Atom Catalyst for Cascade Enzyme-Mimicking Therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13(38), 45269–45278 [Link

28.  Manman Liu, Li Li, Duo Jin, Yangzhong Liu*. Nanobody – A Versatile Tool for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 2021, e1697 [Link]

29.  Li Li,# Yang Zhu,# Manman Liu, Duo Jina, Lei Zhang,* Junjie Cheng,* Yangzhong Liu,* Conjugation of oxaliplatin with PEGylated-nanobody for enhancing tumor targeting and prolonging circulation. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2021, 223, 111553, [Link]

30.  Hongdong Shi, Jingxue Lou, Simin Lin, Yi Wang, Yatao Hu, Pingyu Zhang, Yangzhong Liu, Qianling Zhang*. Diatom-like silica–protein nanocomposites for sustained drug delivery of ruthenium polypyridyl complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2021, 221, 111489, [Link]

31.  Haitao Jing, Wenqiang Fu, Wenxuan Hu, Suping Xu, Xiaojuan Xu, Miao He, Yangzhong Liu and Na Zhang,* NMR structural study on the self-trimerization of d(GTTAGG) into a dynamic trimolecular G-quadruplex assembly preferentially in Na+ solution with a moderate K+ tolerance. Nucleic Acids Res., 2021, 49(4) 2306–2316, [Link]

32.  Yuting Chen, Siming Yuan, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Rapid desalting during electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for investigating protein-ligand interactions in the presence of concentrated salts. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2021, 1141(2), 120-126



33.  Tiantian Wu,# Manman Liu,# Hai Huang, Yaping Sheng, Haihua Xiao, Yangzhong Liu*. Clustered Nanobody-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Cancer Therapy. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 9344-9347 [Link]

34.  Kaiming Cao, Xin Ding, Yaping Sheng, Yu Wang, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Binds to MDM2 RING Finger Domain and Inhibits the Ubiquitination Activity. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 4599-4602 [Link]

35.  Siming Yuan, Siming Chen, Han Wu, Huan Jiang, Shihui Zheng, Qianling Zhang,* and Yangzhong Liu*. NAMI-A Preferentially Reacts with the Sp1 Protein: Understanding the Anti-metastasis Effect of the Drug. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 1397-1400 [Link]

36.  Yi Dai,# Yang Zhu,# Junjie Cheng*, Juan Shen, Hai Huang, Manman Liu, Zhaolin Chen and Yangzhong Liu*. Nitric oxide-releasing platinum(IV) prodrug efficiently inhibits proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 14051 – 14054 [Link]

37.  Yang Zhu, Hongdong Shi, Tuanwei Li, Jianing Yu, Zhengxi Guo, Junjie Cheng*, Yangzhong Liu*. A Dual Functional Nanoreactor for Synergistic Starvation and Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12(16), 18309-18318 [Link]

38.  Manman Liu,# Yang Zhu,# Tiantian Wu, Junjie Cheng,* Yangzhong Liu*. Nanobody-Ferritin Conjugate for Targeted Photodynamic Therapy. Chem. Eur. J., 2020, 26(33), 7442-745 [Link]

39.  Yi Dai,# Hai Huang,# Yang Zhu, Junjie Cheng, Ai-Zong Shen,* Yangzhong Liu*. Combating metastasis of breast cancer cells with a carboplatin analogue containing all-trans retinoic acid ligand. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 5039-5043 [Link]

40.  朱阳, 程珺洁, 刘扬中*. 铂类抗肿瘤配合物的研究进展. 药学进展, 2020, 44(4), 243-255



41.  Tiantian Fang,# Wanbiao Chen,# Yaping Sheng, Siming Yuan, Qiaowei Tang, Gongyu Li, Guangming Huang, Jihu Su, Xuan Zhang,* Jianye Zang,* Yangzhong Liu*. Tetrathiomolybdate Induces Dimerization of the Metal-binding Domain of ATPase and Inhibits Platination of the Protein. Nat. Commun., 2019, 10, 186. [Link]

42.  Hai Huang,# Kaiming Cao,# Yaqiong Kong, Siming Yuan, Hong-Ke Liu, Yu-Cai Wang and Yangzhong Liu*. A dual functional ruthenium arene complex induces differentiation and apoptosis of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 9721-9728. [Link]

43.  Hai Huang, Tiantian Wu, Hongdong Shi, Yun Wu, Hongyi Yang, Kai Zhong, Yucai Wang and Yangzhong Liu*. Modular design of nanobody-drug conjugates for targeted-delivery of platinum anticancer drugs with an MRI contrast agent. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 5175-5178. [Link]

44.  Yang Yang, Yang Zhu, Hongze Hu, Lanjun Cheng, Manman Liu, Guolin Ma, Siming Yuan,* Peixin Cui,* Yangzhong Liu*. Cuprous binding promotes interaction of copper transport protein hCTR1 with cell membranes. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 11107-11110. [Link]

45.  Yaping Sheng, Zhuanghao Hou, Shiyong Cui, Kaiming Cao, Siming Yuan, Mei Sun, Jakob Kljun, Guangming Huang, Iztok Turel*, Yangzhong Liu*. Covalent versus Non-covalent Binding of Ruthenium h6-p-Cymene Complexes to Zinc-finger Protein NCp7, Chem. Eur. J., 2019, 25(55) 12789-12794. [Link]

46.  Yang Yang, Zhiqiang Dong, Hongze Hu, Junhui Peng, Yaping Sheng, Yang Tong, Siming Yuan, Zigang Li, Jiaxiang Yang, Thomas Wells, Yun Qu, Nicholas P. Farrell, Yangzhong Liu*. Facile and Visualizable Identification of Broad-Spectrum Inhibitors of MDM2/p53 Using Co-expressed Protein Complexes. Analyst, 2019, 144(12), 3773-3781. [Link]

47.  Lanjun Cheng, Chan Li, Siming Yuan, Hongdong Shi, Linhong Zhao, Lei Zhang, Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile and Yangzhong Liu*. Reaction of Histone H1 with trans-Platinum Complexes and the Effect on DNA Platination. Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58 (9), 6485-6494. [Link]

48.  Lanjun Cheng, Chan Li, Zhaoyong Xi, Kaiju Wei, Siming Yuan, Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Reacts with Histone H1 and the Adduct Forms Ternary Complex with DNA. Metallomics, 2019, 11, 556-564. [Link]

49.  Hongdong Shi, Shuzhang Liu, Junjie Cheng, Siming Yuan, Yang Yang, Tiantian Fang, Kaiming Cao, Kaiju Wei, Qianling Zhang*, Yangzhong Liu*. Charge-Selective Delivery of Proteins Using Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Fused with Lipid Bilayers. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 3645-3653. [Link]

50.  Xue-Qing Song, Zhong-Ying Ma, Yi-Gang Wu, Miao-Liang Dai, Dong-Bo Wang, Jing-Yuan Xu,* Yangzhong Liu*. New NSAID-Pt(IV) prodrugs to suppress metastasis and invasion of tumor cells and enhance anti-tumor effect in vitro and in vivo. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2019, 167, 377-387. [Link]

51.  Yuting Chen, Gongyu Li, Siming Yuan, Yang Pan, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Ultrafast Microelectrophoresis: Behind Direct Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Proteins and Metabolites in Living Cell/Cells. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91(16), 10441-10447. [Link]

52.  Shihui Zheng, Siming Yuan, Zhuanghao Hou, Gongyu Li, Yuting Chen, Yang Pan, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang*. Charge-dependent modulation of specific and nonspecific proteinmetal ion interactions in nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2019;33:1502-1511. [Link]



53.  Yaping Sheng, Kaiming Cao, Ji Li, Zhuanghao Hou, Siming Yuan, Guangming Huang, Hongke Liu,* Yangzhong Liu*. Selective Targeting of the Zinc Finger Domain of HIV Nucleocapsid Protein NCp7 with Ruthenium Complexes. Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24(72), 19146-19151. [Link]

54.  Kaiming Cao, Sheng Yaping, Zheng Shihui, Yuan Siming, Huang Guangming, Yangzhong Liu*. Arsenic trioxide preferentially binds to the ring finger protein PML: understanding target selection of the drug. Metallomics, 2018,10, 1564-1569. [Link]

55.  Tiantian Fang, Yao Tian, Siming Yuan, Yaping Sheng, Arnesano Fabio, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu*. Differential Reactivity of Metal Binding Domains of Copper ATPases towards Cisplatin and Colocalization of Copper and Platinum. Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 8999-9003. [Link]

56.  Yao Tian, Tiantian Fang, Siming Yuan, Yuchuan Zheng, Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu*. Tetrathiomolybdate Inhibits the Reaction of Cisplatin with Human Copper Chaperone Atox1. Metallomics, 2018, 10, 745-750. [Link]

57.  Tiantian Wu, Hai Huang, Yaping Sheng, Hongdong Shi, Yuanzeng Min and Yangzhong Liu*. Transglutaminase mediated PEGylation of nanobody for targeted nano-drug delivery. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 1011-1017. [Link]

58.  Gongyu Li,# Siming Yuan,# Shihui Zheng, Yangzhong Liu* and Guangming Huang*. In Situ Living Cell Protein Analysis by Single-Step Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2018, 90(5), 3409-3415. [Link]

59.  Wei Wei, Peiqing Sun, Zhen Li, Kuisong Song, Wenyin Su, Bao Wang, Yangzhong Liu and Jing Zhao,* A surface-display biohybrid approach to light-driven hydrogen production in air. Science Advances. 2018, 4(2), eaap9253. [Link]


60.  Siming Yuan, Siming Chen, Zhaoyong Xi, Yangzhong Liu*. Copper-Finger Protein of Sp1: the Molecular Basis of Copper Sensing, Metallomics, 2017, 9, 1169-1175. [Link]

61.  Hai Huang, Hongdong Shi, Jing Liu, Yuanzeng Min, Yucai Wang, Andrew Wang, Jun Wang, Yangzhong Liu*. Co-delivery of all-trans-retinoic acid enhances the anti-metastasis effect of albumin-bound paclitaxel nanoparticles. Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 212-215. [Link]

62.  Qinqin Cheng, Yangzhong Liu*. Multifunctional platinum-based nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 9(2):e1410 [Link]

63.  Xuelei Wu, Siming Yuan, Erqiong Wang, Yang Tong, Guolin Ma, Kaiju Wei, Yangzhong Liu*. Platinum Transfer from hCTR1 to Atox1 Is Dependent on the Type of Platinum Complexes. Metallomics. 2017, 9, 546-555. [Link]

64.  Siming Yuan#, Xin Ding#, Yang Cui, Kaiju Wei, Yuchuan Zheng*, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Preferentially Binds to Zinc Finger Proteins Containing C3H1 or C4 Motif. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 2017(12), 1778-1784. [Link]

65.  Gongyu Li#, Siming Yuan#, Shihui Zheng, Yuting Chen, Zhen Zheng, Yangzhong Liu*, Guangming Huang*. The Effect of Salts in Promoting Specific and Competitive Interactions between Zinc Finger Proteins and Metals. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry. 2017, 28, (12), 2658-2664. [Link]

66.  Xiaoqi Guo, Bo Zhang, Yao He, Yangzhong Liu, Changlin Tian. Improved chemical synthesis of o-nirtrobenzyl-tyrosine for concise site-specific 15N-tyrosine NMR analysis demonstrated by plant ABA receptor PYL10. Tetrahedron Letters. 2017, 58(39), 3764-3767. [Link]

67.  Dong Li, Yanan Zhang, Yao He, Chengwei Zhang, Jiefei Wang, Ying Xiong, Longhua Zhang, Yangzhong Liu, Pan Shi, Changlin Tian. Protein-protein interaction analysis in crude bacterial lysates using combinational method of 19F site-specific incorporation and 19F NMR. Protein & Cell, 2017, 8(2), 149-154. [Link]

68.  Yuanyuan Wang, Zhifeng Du, Wei Zheng, Kui Wu, Decheng Xu, Qun Luo, Yao Zhao, Juanjuan Han, Yangzhong Liu, Fuyi Wang. Deciphering of interactions between platinated DNA and HMGB1 by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 6187-6195. [Link]

69.  房田田, 曹开明, 程岚军, 赵林泓, 刘扬中, 铂类抗肿瘤药物与蛋白质的作用机理, 中国科学:化学, 2017, 47(2), 200-219. [Link]


70.  Hongdong Shi, Tiantian Fang, Yao Tian, Hai Huang, Yangzhong Liu*. A dual-fluorescent nano-carrier for delivering photoactive ruthenium polypyridyl complexes. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 4746-4753. [Link]

71.  Qinqin Cheng#, Hongdong Shi#, Hongxia Wang, Jun Wang*, Yangzhong Liu*. Asplatin enhances drug efficacy by altering the cellular response. Metallomics, 2016, 8, 672-678. [Link]

72.  Gongyu Li, Siming Yuan, Yang Pan, Yangzhong Liu, Guangming Huang. Binding States of Protein Metal Complexes in Cells. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88 (22), 10860-10866. [Link]

73.  Lijie Li, Wei Guo, Kui Wu, Xuelei Wu, Linhong Zhao, Yao Zhao, Qun Luo, Yuanyuan Wang, Yangzhong Liu, Qingwu Zhang, Fuyi Wang, A comparative study on the interactions of human copper chaperone Cox17 with anticancer organoruthenium(II) complexes and cisplatin by mass spectrometry. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2016, 161, 99-106. [Link]


74.  Qin Wu#, Qinqin Cheng#, Siming Yuan, Junchao Qian, Kai Zhong, Yinfeng Qian, Yangzhong Liu*. A Cell-Penetrating Protein Designed for Bimodal Fluorescence and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Chem. Sci., 2015, 6(11), 6607-6613. [Link]

75.  Qinqin Cheng, Hongdong Shi, Hai Huang, Zhiting Cao, Jun Wang*, Yangzhong Liu*. Oral Delivery of Platinum Anticancer Drug Using Lipid Assisted Polymeric Nanoparticles. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 17536-17539. [Link] [Highlighted in Chemistry World]

76.  Hongdong Shi#, Qinqin Cheng#, Siming Yuan, Xin Ding, Yangzhong Liu*. Human Serum Albumin Conjugated Nanoparticles for pH and Redox-Responsive Delivery of a Prodrug of Cisplatin. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21(46), 16547-16554. [Link] (Hot Paper) [Highlighted in ChemistryViews]

77.  Linhong Zhao, Zhen Wang, Han Wu, Zhaoyong Xi, Yangzhong Liu*. Glutathione Selectively Modulates the Binding of Platinum Drugs to Human Copper Chaperone Cox17, Biochemical Journal, 2015, 472(2) 217-223. [Link]

78.  Bingru Zeng#, Hongdong Shi# and Yangzhong Liu*. A Versatile pH‐Responsive Platform for Intracellular Protein Delivery Using Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 9115-9121. [Link]

79.  Guolin Ma#, Qin Wu#, Xuelei Wu, Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile, Einar Sletten, Yangzhong Liu*. The Reaction of a Platinated Methionine Motif of CTR1 with Cysteine and Histidine Is Dependent upon the Type of Precursor Platinum Complex, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2015, 153, 239-246. [Link]

80.  Chan Li, Yi Ding, Lanjun Cheng, Yuchuan Zheng*, Einar Sletten, Yangzhong Liu*. Effects of Buffers and pH on the Reaction of a trans-Platinum Complex with 5’-Guanosine Monophosphate. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 2015(29), 4914-4920. [Link]



81.  Linhong Zhao, Qinqin Cheng, Zhen Wang, Zhaoyong Xi, Dechen Xu, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Binds to Human Copper Chaperone Cox17: the Mechanistic Implication of Drug Delivery to Mitochondria. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 2667-2669. [Link]

82.  Qinqin Cheng#, Hongdong Shi#, Hong-Xia Wang, Yuanzeng Min, Jun Wang*, Yangzhong Liu*. The Ligation of Aspirin to Cisplatin Demonstrates Significantly Synergistic Effect to Tumor Cells. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50(56),7427-7430. [Link] [Highlighted in Chemistry World]

83.  Qin Wu, Zengqiang Gao, Yong Wei, Guolin Ma, Yuchuan Zheng, Yuhui Dong, Yangzhong Liu*. Conserved Residues that Modulate Protein trans-Splicing of Npu DnaE Split Intein. Biochemical Journal. 2014, 461(2), 247-255. [Link]

84.  Linhong Zhao, Zhen Wang, Zhaoyong Xi, Dechen Xu, Siming Chen, Yangzhong Liu*. The Reaction of Arsenite with Proteins Relies on Solution Conditions. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53(6), 3054-3061. [Link]

85.  Zhaoyong Xi, Wei Guo, Changlin Tian*, Fuyi Wang* and Yangzhong Liu*. Copper binding modulates the platination of human copper chaperone Atox1 by antitumor trans-platinum complexes. Metallomics. 2014, 6 (3), 491-497. [Link] (Hot Article in Metallomics, 27 Feb 2014)

86.  Dechen Xu, Zhaoyong Xi, Linhong Zhao and Yangzhong Liu*. Transporting Platinum Drugs from Copper Chaperone to ATPase: the Mechanistic Implication of Drug Efflux Mediated Cisplatin Resistance. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2014, 1(2), 149–152. [Link]

87.  郗照勇, 刘扬中, 顺铂耐药的分子机制.中国科学: 化学, 2014, 44(4), 410-422 [Link]



88.  Zhaoyong Xi, Wei Guo, Changlin Tian, Fuyi Wang* and Yangzhong Liu*. Copper binding promotes the interaction of cisplatin with human copper chaperone Atox1. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(95), 11197-11199. [Link]

89.  Siming Chen, Huan Jiang, Kaiju Wei, Yangzhong Liu*. Tris-(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine Significantly Promotes the Reaction of Cisplatin with Sp1 Zinc Finger Protein. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(12), 1226-1228. [Link]

90.  Kaiju Wei, Jia Ni, Yuanzeng Min, Siming Chen and Yangzhong Liu*. Unexpected helicity control and helix inversion: homochiral helical nanotubes consisting of an achiral ligand. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 8220 [Link]

91.  Zhaoyong Xi, Chaowei Shi, Changlin Tian*, Yangzhong Liu*. Conserved Residue Modulates Copper Binding Properties through Structural Dynamics in Human Copper Chaperone Atox1. Metallomics. 2013, 5(11), 1566-1573. [Link]

92.  Guolin Ma, Erqiong Wang, Hao Wei, Kaiju Wei, Pingping Zhu and Yangzhong Liu*. PtCl2(phen) Disrupts the Metal Ions Binding to Amyloid-β Peptide. Metallomics. 2013, 5 (7), 879-887. [Link]

93.  Erqiong Wang, Zhaoyong Xi, Yan Li, Lianzhi Li, Linhong Zhao, Guolin Ma and Yangzhong Liu*. Interaction between Platinum Complexes and the C-Terminal Motif of Human Copper Transporter 1. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52 (10), 6153-6159. [Link]

94.  Dechen Xu, Yuanzeng Min, Qinqin Cheng, Hongdong Shi, Kaiju Wei, Fabio Arnesano, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu*. Chemical and Cellular Investigations of trans-Ammine-Pyridine-Dichlorido-Platinum(II), the Likely Metabolite of the Antitumor Active cis-Diammine-Pyridine-Chorido-Platinum(II). J. Inorg. Biochem. 2013, 129, 15-22. [Link]

95.  刘嬿, 吴芩, 郑玉船, 刘扬中, 钯配合物对结核杆菌RecA intein蛋白质剪接的抑制作用, 高等学校化学学报, 2013, 34(2), 272-276. [Link]

96.  阳新明, 许德晨, 程天凡, 郗照勇, 赵林泓, 刘扬中, 孙红哲, /镍金属伴侣蛋白的研究进展, 化学进展 2013, 25(04), 495-510 [Link]



97.  Siming Chen, Dechen Xu, Huan Jiang, Zhaoyong Xi, Pingping Zhu, Yangzhong Liu*. Trans Platinum Thiazole Complex Interferes with Sp1 Zinc Finger Protein. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(49), 12258-12262. [Link]

98.  Yuanzeng Min, Chengqiong Mao, Siming Chen, Guolin Ma, Jun Wang*, Yangzhong Liu*. Combating the Drug Resistance of Cisplatin Using a Platinum Prodrug Based Delivery System. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(27), 6742-6747. [Link].

99.  Linhong Zhao, Siming Chen, Liangyuan Jia, Shi Shu, Pingping Zhu, Yangzhong Liu*. Selectivity of Arsenite Interaction with Zinc Finger Proteins. Metallomics 2012, 4(9), 988-994. [Link]

100.  Zheng Yuchuan, Qin Wu, Chunyu Wang, Min-Qun Xu, Yangzhong Liu*. Mutual Synergistic Protein Folding in Split Intein. Bioscience Reports. 2012, 32, 433-442. [Link]

101.  Jia Ni, Kai-Ju Wei*, Yuanzeng Min, Yaowen Chen, Shunze Zhan, Dan Li and Yangzhong Liu*. Copper(I) coordination polymers of 2,2’-dipyridylamine derivatives: syntheses, structures, and luminescence. Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 5280-5293. [Link]

102.  Jia Ni, Kai-Ju Wei*, Yao-Wen Chen, Yangzhong Liu*. Self-assembled hetero-bimetallic sandwich with Ag–Ag bridging using a flexible two-arm ferrocene amide linker, J. Mol. Struct. 2012, 1011(14) 76-80. [Link]

103.  Yan Li, Lianzhi Li, Xuewei Pu, Guolin Ma, Erqiong Wang, Jinming Kong, Zhipeng Liu, Yangzhong Liu, Synthesis of a ratiometric fluorescent peptide sensor for the highly selective detection of Cd2+, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2012, 22(12) 4014-4017.



104.  Liyun Zhang, Yuchuan Zheng, Brian Callahan, Marlene Belfort, Yangzhong Liu*. Cisplatin Inhibits Protein Splicing Suggesting Inteins as Therapeutic Targets in Mycobacteria. J. Biol. Chem. 2011, 286(2), 1277-1282 [Link] [Highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology]

105.  Zhenming Du, Yuchuan Zheng, Melissa Patterson, Yangzhong Liu, Chunyu Wang. pKa Coupling at the Intein Active Site: Implications for the Coordination Mechanism of Protein Splicing with a Conserved Aspartate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133 (26), 10275-10282. [Link]

106.  Guolin Ma, Fan Huang, Xuewei Pu, Liangyuan Jia, Tao Jiang, Lianzhi Li and Yangzhong Liu*. Identification of PtCl2(phen) Binding Modes in Amyloid-b Peptide and the Mechanism of Aggregation Inhibition. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17(41), 11657-11666. [Link]

107.  Chan Li, Rongrong Huang, Yi Ding, Einar Sletten, Fabio Arnesano, Maurizio Losacco, Giovanni Natile and Yangzhong Liu*. Effect of Thioethers on DNA Platination by trans-Platinum Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50 (17), 8168-8176. [Link]

108.  Yan Pan; Li-yun Zhang; Yang-zhong Liu, XAFS Study of Coordination Structure of Cu(L-His)2 in Solution. Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 24(4) 451-456. [Link]



109.  Yuanzeng Min, Chengqiong Mao, Dechen Xu, Jun Wang, Yangzhong Liu*. Gold Nanorods for Platinum Based Prodrug Delivery. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 8424-8426. [Link] [Top 10 most accessed articles in Chem Commun]

110.  Guolin Ma, Yuanzeng Min, Fan Huang, Tao Jiang, Yangzhong Liu*. Thioether binding mediates monofunctional platinum antitumor reagents to trans configuration in DNA interactions. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 6938-6940. [Link]

111.  Liyun Zhang, Ning Xiao, Yan Pan, Yuchuan Zheng, Zhiyun Pan, Zhaofeng Luo, Xiaolong Xu and Yangzhong Liu*. Binding and Inhibition of Copper Ions to RecA Inteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16(14), 4297-4306. [Link]

112.  Kai-Ju Wei*, Jia Ni and Yangzhong Liu*. Heterobimetallic Metal-Complex Assemblies Constructed from the Flexible Arm-Like Ligand 1,1’-Bis[(3-pyridylamino)carbonyl]ferrocene: Structural Versatility in the Solid State. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49(4), 1834-1848. [Link]

113.  Zhenming Du, Yangzhong Liu, David Ban, Maria M. Lopez, Marlene Belfort and Chunyu Wang*. Backbone Dynamics and Global Effects of an Activating Mutation in Minimized Mtu RecA Inteins, J. Mol. Biol. 2010, 400(4), 755-787. [Link]

114.  Jia Ni, Kai-Ju Wei*, Yangzhong Liu*, Xiao-Chun Huang and Dan Li. Silver Coordination Polymers Based on Neutral Trinitrile Ligand: Topology and the Role of Anion, Cryst. Growth Des., 2010, 10 (9), 3964-3976. [Link]

115.  Chun-Yan Cao, Kai-Ju Wei*, Jia Ni, Yangzhong Liu*. Solvent-induced two heterometallic coordination polymers based on a flexible ferrocenyl ligand. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2010, 13(1) 19-21. [Link]



116.  Chan Li, Zhanyong Li, Einar Sletten, Fabio Arnesano, Maurizio Losacco, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu*. Methionine Can Favor DNA Platination by trans-Coordinated Platinum Antitumor Drugs. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48(45), 8497-8500. [Link]

117.  Zhenming Du, Philip Shemella, Yangzhong Liu, Scott McCallum, Brian Pereira, Saroj Nayak, Georges Belfort, Marlene Belfort, Chunyu Wang, Highly Conserved Histidine Plays a Dual Catalytic Role in Protein Splicing: a pKa Shift Mechanism J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (32), 11581-11589. [link].

118.  Liyun Zhang, Yuchuan Zheng, Zhaoyong Xi, Zhaofeng Luo, Xiaolong Xu, Chunyu Wang and Yangzhong Liu*. Metal Ions Binding to RecA Inteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Molecular BioSystems. 2009, 5, 644-650. [Link]

119.  Li-Hua Ma, Yangzhong Liu, Xuhong Zhang, Tadashi Yoshida, Gerd N. La Mar. H-1 NMR study of the effect of variable ligand on heme oxygenase electronic and molecular structure. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2009, 103(1), 10-19. [Link]

120.  Cecilie Alvheim, Nils Åge Frstein, Jo Vinje, Francesco P. Intini, Giovanni Natile, Yangzhong Liu, Rongrong Huang, Einar Sletten, Cytotoxic trans-oriented iminoether platinum complexes - Kinetics of binding to DNA oligonucleotides determined by 15N NMR spectroscopy, Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2009, 362, 907-914. [Link]



121.  Zhenming Du, Yangzhong Liu, Yuchuan Zheng, Scott McCallum, John Dansereau, Victoria Derbyshire, Marlene Belfort, Georges Belfort, Patrick Van Roey and Chunyu Wang. 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR assignments of an engineered intein based on Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA. Biomolecular NMR Assignments. 2008, 2, 111-113. [Link]



122.  Kai-Ju Wei, Jia Ni, Yong-Shu Xie, Yangzhong Liu and Qing-Liang Liu. Self-assembled hetero-bimetallic coordination cage and cation-clusters with m2-Cl bridging using a flexible two-arm ferrocene amide linker. Dalton Trans. 2007, 3390-3397. [Link]

123.  Kai-Ju Wei, Jia Ni, Jian Gao, Yangzhong Liu and Qing-Liang Liu. Self-Assembly of Silver(I) Coordination Polymers from AgX (X = BF4-, ClO4-, CF3COO-, and SO3CF3-) and a Rigid Bent 3,6-Dicyano-9-phenylcarbazole Ligand: The Templating Effect of Anions. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007 (24) 3868-3880. [Link]

124.  Yilin Yan, Yangzhong Liu, Mirco Sorci, Georges Belfort, Joyce W. Lustbader, Shirley ShiDu Yan and Chunyu Wang. Surface Plasmon Resonance and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of ABAD-Aβ Interaction. Biochemistry. 2007, 46(7), 1724-1731. [Link]


2000 – 2006

125.  Yangzhong Liu; Li-Hua Ma; Xuhong Zhang; Tadashi Yoshida; James D. Satterlee; Gerd N. La Mar. Characterization of the spontaneous "aging" of the heme oxygenase from the pathological bacterium Nisseria meningitidis via cleavage of the C-terminus in contact with the substrate; Implications for functional studies and the crystal structure. Biochemistry 2006; 45(12); 3875-3886. [Link]

126.  Yangzhong Liu; Li-Hua Ma; Xuhong Zhang; Tadashi Yoshida, James D. Satterlee; Gerd N. La Mar. 1H NMR study of the influence of hemin vinyl→methyl substitution on the interaction between the C-terminus and substrate and the "aging" of the heme oxygenase from Nisseria meningitidis. Induction of active site structural heterogeneity by a two-fold symmetric hemin. Biochemistry 2006; 45(46); 13875-13888. [Link]

127.  Li-Hua Ma; Yangzhong Liu; Xuhong Zhang; Tadashi Yoshida; Kevin C. Langry; Kevin M. Smith, Gerd N. La Mar. Modulation of the axial water hydrogen-bonding properties by chemical modification of the substrate in resting state, substrate-bound heme oxygenase from Nisseria meningitidis; Coupling to the distal H-bond network via ordered water molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006; 128(19); 6391-6399. [Link]

128.  Li-Hua Ma, Yangzhong Liu, Xuhang Zhang, Tadashi Yoshida and Gerd N. La Mar. 1H NMR study of the magnetic properties and electronic structure of the hydroxide complex of substrate-bound heme oxygenase from Nisseria meningitides; Influence of the axial water deprotonation on the distal H-bond network. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006; 128(20); 6657-6668. [Link]

129.  Yangzhong Liu; Xuhong Zhang; Tadashi Yoshida; Gerd N. La Mar. Solution 1H NMR characterization of the distal H-bond network and the effective axial field in the resting-state, high-spin ferric, substrate-bound complex in heme oxygenase from N. meningitidis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127(17) 6409-6422. [Link]

130.  Yangzhong Liu; Xuhong Zhang; Tadashi Yoshida; Gerd N. La Mar. 1H NMR characterization of the solution active site structure of substrate-bound, cyanide-inhibited heme oxygenase from Neissesae meningitides. Biochemistry 2004, 43 (31) 10112-10126. [Link]

131.  Yangzhong Liu; Einar Sletten. Interaction between macrocyclic nickel complexes and the nucleotides GMP, AMP, and ApG. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2003, 93(3-4), 190-196. [Link]

132.  Yangzhong Liu; Jo Vinje; Concetta Pacifico; Giovanni Natile; Einar Sletten.Formation of adenine-N3/guanine-N7 cross-link in the reaction of trans-oriented platinum substrates with dinucleotides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124(43), 12854-12862. [Link]

133.  Liu, Yangzhong; Intini, Francesco P.; Natile, Giovanni; Sletten, Einar. Kinetic study of the reaction between an antitumor 15N labeled trans-platinum iminoether complex and GMP by [1H, 15N] HMQC NMR. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2002, (18), 3489-3495. [Link]

134.  Liu, Yangzhong; Pacifico, Concetta; Natile, Giovanni; Sletten, Einar. Antitumor trans platinum complexes can form cross-links with adjacent purine groups. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2001, 40(7), 1226-1228. [Link]

135.  Yangzhong Liu, Maria F. Sivo, Giovanni Natile and Einar Sletten Antitumor trans platinum Adducts of GMP and AMP Metal Based Drugs. 2000, 7(4) 169-176. [Link]


