/****Data Set Information****/ This data set is extracted from DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/xml/), the Input files are: All\Author.txt -->Author/researcher information All\AimedPaper.txt -->Selected papers All\paperCite.txt -->paper citation information All\Editor Board\.. --> editorial/organizing committee information Each file in PageRankTop10 stores ID of the Top-10 researchers chosen by PageRank algorithm in this domain(In corresponding to the table "An illustration of each domain¡¯s Top-10 researchers mined by the methods with different priors." of the IJCAI13 paper ). Similarly, the files in PageRankTop50 are the Top-50 researchers chosen by PageRank algorithm. /***Code Information***/ This code could be run in C#, VS2008. The Main function in program.cs refers to all the functions, and these functions have been splitted by /****Part XX Begin: ***/ and /****Part XX End: ***/, you can just run one part and comment out the other parts. For better illustration, this public code only includes the main part of the code used in our paper. /***Usage of Data and Code***/ To use the data in this code, we just need to uncompress the Data.rar and the Code.rar and then put the Data folder into the "Code\PageRankPriors\PageRankPriors\bin\Release\" folder. Then, we could run the C# project. Also, you may change the data address by changing the reference in program.cs