Nucleation and Growth of Diamond on Hetero-Substrates by
Chemical Vapor Deposition
In this paper, the history and current development of the researches in
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of diamond films will be introduced first,
followed by a brief description of the principles in CVD diamond
synthesis. The stress will be focused on the great progress by the author in
the areas of crystalline facet development, nucleation and heteroepitaxy of
diamond using hot filament CVD (HFCVD) as follows:
(1) New results were obtained in the intensive experimental study on CVD
diamond morphology development.
(2) Very low pressure nucleation method and electron emission enhanced
nucleation method were developed, high density nucleation (up to the
reported highest density) of diamond on mirror-polished single-crystal Si
was achieved by these two methods. The difficulty of getting high density
nucleation on mirror-polished Si was resolved.
(3) The difficulty of nucleation on thin Ti wafer and the
embrittlement of Ti was resolved by very low pressure nucleation method.
(4) Heteroepitaxy of diamond on both Si(100) and Si(111) was achieved
by the above two nucleation methods.
(5) The mechanism of diamond nucleation on hetero-substrate will be
fully discussed, and a new general model will be established.
(6) Relatively large area direct epitaxy of diamond on Si(001) was
observed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) with a
misorientation angle of 9o. This is the best result in the world,
proving the feasibility of direct diamond/Si epitaxy.
(7) Cases of 45o rotation epitaxy of diamond on Si(001) were
observed for the first time in the world. This is of great significance to
the research in diamond/Si heteroepitaxial interface and its mechanism.
Keywords: CVD (chemical vapor deposition), nucleation, hetero-epitaxy
Copyright © 1995, 1997 by Qijin Chen.
All rights reserved.
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