Nucleation and Growth of Diamond on Hetero-Substrates by Chemical
Vapor Deposition
Qijin Chen
[Thesis main page (Chinese GB-coded)]
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and significance of this work
- 1.2 Main properties and applications of
- 1.3 Characterization of CVD diamond films
- 1.4 Introduction of the researches in CVD
diamond films
- 1.5 Main deposition methods of CVD
diamond films and a
comparison between them
- References
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of diamond film growth by hot
filament CVD
- 2.1 Experimental apparatus
- 2.2 Dynamics of chemical reactions
- 2.3 Principal surface and gas phase
chemical reactions
- 2.4 Roles of atomic hydrogen
- References
Chapter 3 Experimental study on the crystal facet
development of diamond
- References
Chapter 4 Experimental study on diamond nucleation on
- 4.1 Present status of research in the
world and existing problems
- 4.2 Nucleation at very low pressure
- 4.3 One application of very low pressure
nucleation method: diamond
nucleation and growth on thin Ti wafers
- 4.4 fulfillment and mechanism study of
electron emission
enhanced nucleation
- 4.5 fundamentals for diamond nucleation
- References
Chapter 5 Heteroepitaxy of diamond on single-crystal Si
- 5.1 Current research status in the world
- 5.2 Diamond epitaxy on Si by very low
pressure nucleation method
- 5.3 Diamond epitaxy on Si by electron
emission enhanced nucleation
- 5.4 Observation of 45o
rotated heteroepitaxy of diamond on Si
- 5.5 Observation of diamond/Si
heteroepitaxial interface
through HRTEM
- 5.6 Summary
- References
Suggestions and Expectations

since 11/05/99.