2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000




  1. Conformational Equilibrium of 1-butanol Measured by Raman Spectroscopy,
    Y. Tan, Y.-Q. Yu*, Q.-Y. Yang, C.-Y. Shi, X.-G. Zhou, S.-L. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*
    xxx, 2025
    (MST 2021ZD0303102, 2021ZD0303304; NSFC 12393825, 21873002)

  2. A Dual Optical-Microwave Molecular Clock,
    T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun*, and S.-M. Hu*
    xxx, 2025
    (IPQST 2021ZD0303102, 2023ZD0301000; CAS XDB0970100, XDC07010000; NSFC 12393822, 12393825, 12374465, 22241301)

  3. Line shape parameters of self-broadened CO transitions in the (3-0) overtone band,
    Q. Huang, J. Wang, J.-K. Li, Z.-L. Nie, A.-W. Liu, Y. Tan*, and S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer, under review, 2025
    (IPQST 2022YFF0606500, 2023ZD0301000, NSFC 12393822, 12393825, 22327801)

  4. Post selection shifts the transition frequency of helium in an atomic beam,
    J.-L. Wen1, J.-D. Tang1, Y.-N. Lv1, Y. R. Sun*, C.-L. Zou*, J.-F. Dong, S.-M. Hu*
    Science Advances, accepted, 2025
    (NSFC 12393822, 22241301, 91736101; MST 2021ZD0303102, 2021YFA1402004; CAS XDC07010000)

  5. Midinfrared cavity-enhanced two-photon absorption spectroscopy for selective detection of trace gases,
    Y.-Z. Liu, M.-Y. Yu, Y.-D. Tan, J. Wang, C.-F. Cheng*, W. Jiang, and S.-M. Hu*
    Analytical Chemistry, in press, 2025 [doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c05414]
    (CAS YSBR-055, XDB0970100; IPQST 2021ZD0303102, 2023ZD0301000; NSFC 22241302, 12393825)

  6. Polarizability of molecular hydrogen and gas metrology,
    Z.-L. Nie, J. Wang*, C.-L. Hu, Y. R. Sun, C.-F. Cheng, Y. Tan, and S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review A, 111: 012801, 2025 [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.012801]
    (NSFC 12393825, 12393822, 22241302, 12374465; IPQST 2021ZD0303102; CAS YSBR-055)


  1. Saturated absorption spectroscopy of methane around 1667 nm,
    Y. Ding, F.-H. Cao, J.-K. Li, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, Y. Tan*, and S.-M. Hu
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, in press, 2024
    (MST 2022YFF0606500; NSFC 22273096)

  2. Profiling a pulsed molecular beam with cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy,
    Z. Liu, Q.-H. Liu, C.-F. Cheng*, and S.-M. Hu
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 95: 115108, 2024 [doi: 10.1063/5.0227509]
    (NSFC 22241302, 22327801, 11974328; CAS YSBR-055)

  3. A hybrid optical feedback method for narrowing and frequency-stabilizing diode lasers,
    H. Liang, Y. R. Sun*, and S.-M. Hu
    Applied Physics B: , 130: 211, 2024. [doi: 10.1007/s00340-024-08343-5]
    (MST 2021ZD0303102; CAS XDC07010000; NSFC 12393822, 12374465, 22241301, 91736101)

  4. Cavity-enhanced absorption and dispersion spectroscopy of the 1238 nm line of H2,
    H. Liang, Y. Tan*, C.-L. Hu, Z.-L. Nie, A.-W. Liu, Y. R. Sun, J. Wang, and S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review A, 110: 042817, 2024 [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.042817]
    (NSFC 12393825, 12393822, 22327801; MST 2021ZD0303102, 2022YFF0606500; CAS YSBR-055)

  5. Line intensities of CO near 1560 nm measured with absorption and dispersion spectroscopy,
    Q. Huang, Y. Tan, R.-H. Yin, Z.-L. Nie, J. Wang*, S.-M. Hu*
    ArXiv. /abs/2405.08267; Metrologia, 61(6): 065003, 2024. [doi: 10.1088/1681-7575/ad7ec0]
    (NSFC 12393822, 12393825; MST 2021ZD0303102, 2022YFF0606500)

  6. Preparation of high vibrational states in the entire molecular beam,
    Q.-H., Liu, H. Zhang, L. Wen, Y. Xie, T. Yang*, C.-F. Cheng*, S.-M. Hu, X.-M. Yang
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15: 9926-9931, 2024 [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02396]
    (NSFC 22241302, 22303054, 22103032, 21112393822, 22173040, 22241301; CAS YSBR-055; MST 2021ZD0303102)

  7. Optical measurement and feedback control of a ferromagnetic mechanical resonator,
    H.-Y. Qiao, G.-T. Xu, Z. Shen, Y. Wang, G.-C. Guo, S.-M. Hu, C.-H. Dong
    Applied Physics Letters, 125: 121106 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/5.0230373]
    (NSFC 12293050, 12293052, 92250302, 11934012, 12104442, 12474394), Anhui NSF 2308085J12), CAS YSBR-069, FRFCU)

  8. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of acetylene near 0.8 μm,
    O. M. Lyulin, G,-L. Liu, A.-W. Liu*, Y. Tan*, V. I. Perevalov, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer, 328: 109169 (2024). [doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109169]
    (MST 2022YFF0606500; NSFC 22273096, 12393825)

  9. 自由电子激光制备高强度亚稳态氦原子和类氦离子,
    物理学报 73(15): 150201 (2024). [doi: 10.7498/aps.73.20240554]
    (NSFC 12304291, 22241301, 91736101, 12393822, MST 2022M723062)

  10. 光学压力计的标定及应用,
    真空与低温, 30(5): 467-472 (2024).
    Calibration and application of optical manometer,
    Zhongliang Nie, Xinguang Wang, Jin Wang*, Yuanchao Yang, Changle Hu, Yu Sun, Shuiming Hu
    Vacuum and Cryogenics, 30(5): 467-472 (2024). [doi: 10.12446/j.issn.1006-7086.2024.05.001]
    (CAS XDC07010000; MoE WK9990000105)

  11. Mid-Infrared Doppler-Free Saturation Absorption Spectroscopy of the Q Branch of CH4 v3=1 Band using a Rapid-Scanning Continuous-Wave Optical Parametric Oscillator,
    S. M. Shah Riyadh, H. Teleah, I. W. Jones, J. S. Bersson, C.-F. Cheng, S.-M. Hu, D. B. Foote, J. Liu*
    Optics Letters , 49: 4230-4233 (2024). [doi: 10.1364/OL.530567]

  12. Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy of M1 transitions of O2 near 764 nm,
    Y.-R. Xu, A.-W. Liu*, Y. Tan, C.-L. Hu, S.-M. Hu
    Physical Review A, 109: 042809 (2024). [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.042809]
    (NSFC 22273096, 11974328, 21688102; MST 2021ZD0303102, 2022YFF0606500; SPRP-CAS XDC07010000, XDB21020100)

  13. Advances in cavity-enhanced methods for high precision molecular spectroscopy and test of fundamental physics,
    L. Gianfrani, S.-M. Hu, W. Ubachs
    La Rivista del Nucovo Cimento 47: 229-298 (2024). [doi: 10.1007/s40766-024-00054-z]
    (NSFC 12393825)

  14. Frequency-stabilized mid-infrared laser source for precision spectroscopy,
    Y.-D. Tan, J.-J. Chen, Y. Zhou*, C.-F. Cheng*, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 37(2): 147-152 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2312137]
    (NSFC 22241302, 22373002, 12393825, 11974328; CAS YSBR-055, AHPLTP)

  15. Rovibrational Energies of 13C16O2 Determined with Kilohertz Accuracy,
    Z.-T. Zhang, F.-H. Cao, S. Jiang, A.-W. Liu*, Y. Tan, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 128(12): 2366-2375 (2024). (JPCA virtual special issue "Xueming Yang Festschrift") [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c00697]
    (NSFC 22273096, 12393825, 41905018; IPQST 2021ZD0303102; MST 2022YFF0606500; )

  16. Mid-infrared - near-infrared double-resonance spectroscopy of molecules with kHz accuracy,
    Y.-D. Tan, C.-F. Cheng*, Y. Tan, S.-M. Hu
    Optical Letters, 49(5): 1109-1112 (2024). [doi: 10.1364/OL.507546]
    (CAS YSBR-055; MST 2021ZD0303102; NSFC 11974328, 22241302)

  17. Saturated cavity ring-down spectroscopy of 12C16O2 near 1.57 μm,
    S. Jiang, Y. Tan, A.-W. Liu*, X.-G. Zhou, S.-M. Hu
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 37(1): 13-18 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2305046]
    (NSFC 22273093, 41905018, 21903080; MST 2022YFF0606500)


  1. Precision spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen (invited review),
    Q.-H. Liu, Y. Tan*, C.-F. Cheng*, S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25: 27914- 27925 (2023) [2023 PCCP HOT Articles Selected by Editors]. [doi: 10.1039/D3CP03042C]
    (CAS YSBR-055, XDC07010000; MST 2022YFF0606500, 2021ZD0303102; NSFC 11974328, 22241302

  2. Changes in groundwater dynamics and geochemical evolution induced by drainage reorganization: Evidence from 81Kr and 36Cl dating of geothermal water in the Weihe Basin of China,
    Jie Li, Zhonghe Pang*, Yulian Liu, Shuiming Hu, Wei Jiang*, Lijun Tian, Guomin Yang, Ying Jiang, Xuan Jiao, Jiao Tian
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 623: 118425 (2023). [doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118425]
    (MST 2021ZD0303100; NSFC 42377058, 41602276, 41727901; NKRDPC 2016YFA0302200; IAEA RCA RAS7035

  3. Self- and N2- broadening of CO in the low-pressure regime,
    Y. Tan, T.-P. Hua, J.-D. Tang, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, Y. R. Sun, C.-F. Cheng and S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2439: 012007 (2023). 25th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes 19/06/2022 - 24/06/2022 San Leucio, Caserta, Italy [doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2439/1/012007]
    (NSFC 41905018, 21903080, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000)

  4. Online monitoring of atmospheric krypton-85 with hourly time resolution,
    Yan-Qing Chu, Wen-Hao Wang, Xi-Ze Dong, Chao Gao, Ji-Qiang Gu, Shui-Ming Hu, Wei Jiang,* Si-Yu Liu, Zheng-Tian Lu, Florian Ritterbusch, Guo-Min Yang, and Lei Zha
    Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38, 1238-1243 (2023). [DOI: 10.1039/D2JA00318J]
    (NSFC 41727901, 11705196; NKRDPC 2016YFA0302200; AHIQIT AHY110000, AHNSF 1808085MA11)

  5. Doppler-free spectroscopy of an atomic beam probed in traveling-wave fields,
    J.-L. Wen, J.-D. Tang, J.-F. Dong, X.-J. Du, S.-M. Hu*, and Y. R. Sun*
    Physical Review A, 107, 042811 (2023) (Editors' Suggestion). [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.042811]
    (HFNL 2021ZD0303102; NSFC 22241301, 91736101, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000)

  6. Multiple gas detection by cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with sub-ppm sensitivity,
    Q.-Y. Yang, Y. Tan*, Z.-H. Qu, Y. Sun, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*
    Analytical Chemistry, 95, 5652-5660 (2023). [doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c05432]
    (HFNL 2021ZD0303102; CAS XDC07010000, XDB21020100; NSFC 21688102, 41905018, 21903080)

  7. High-precision cavity-enhanced spectroscopy for studying the H2–Ar collisions and interactions,
    N. Stolarczyk, G. Kowzan, F. Thibault, H. Cybulski, M. Slowinski, Y. Tan, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, and P. Wcislo*
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 094303 (2023). [doi: 10.1063/5.0139229]
    (CAS XDC07010000)

  8. kHz-precision wavemeter based on reconfigurable microsoliton,
    R. Niu, M. Li, S. Wan, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu, C.-L. Zou, G.-C. Guo & C.-H. Dong
    Nature Communications, 14: 169 (2023). [doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35728-x]
    (NKRDP 2020YFB2205801; NSFC 12293052, 92250302, 11934012, 11904316, 11922411, 11874342; NSFAnhui 2008085QA34; FRFCU)


  1. Cavity-enhanced double resonance spectroscopy of HD,
    M.-Y. Yu, Q.-H. Liu, C.-F. Cheng*, and S.-M. Hu
    Molecular Physics, e2127382 (2022). [WIM UBACHS FESTSCHRIFT] [doi: 10.1080/00268976.2022.2127382]
    (NSFC 11974328, 21688102, CAS XDC07010000, XDB21020100)

  2. Saturated absorption spectroscopy of HD at 76 K,
    Qian-Hao Liu 1, Ya-Nan Lv 1, Chang-Ling Zou, Cun-Feng Cheng*, and Shui-Ming Hu
    Physical Review A, 106: 062805 (2022) [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.062805]
    (CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000, NSFC 11974328, 11874342, 21688102, 11922411)

  3. Fano-like resonance due to interference with distant transitions,
    Y.-N. Lv 1, A.-W. Liu 1, Y. Tan 1, C.-L. Hu, T.-P. Hua, X.-B. Zou, Y. R. Sun*, C.-L. Zou*, G.-C. Guo, and S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review Letters, 129: 163201 (2022). [arxiv: 2203.12240] [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.163201]
    (2017YFA0304504, NSFC: 21688102, 41905018, 21903080, 11922411, U21A6006, U21A20433; CAS: XDB21020100, XDB21010400, XDC07010000; MST: 2021ZD0303102)

  4. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of water vapor in the deep-blue region,
    Qing-Ying Yang, Eamon K. Conway, Hui Liang, Iouli E. Gordon, Yan Tan*, and Shui-Ming Hu
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15: 4463-4472 (2022). [doi: 10.5194/amt-15-4463-2022]
    (NSFC 41905018, 21903080, 21688102; XDC07010000)

  5. 双腔比对折射率法测定气体压力,
    刘洋洋, 王进*, 胡常乐, 孙羽, 胡水明
    物理学报, 71(8): 080601 (2022) [doi: 10.7498/aps.71.20212234]
    (CAS XDC07010000)

  6. Fast atom-trap analysis of 39Ar with isotope pre-enrichment,
    A. L. Tong, J.-Q. Gu, Z.-H. Jia, G.-M. Yang, S.-M. Hu, W. Jiang*, Z.-T. Lu*, F. Ritterbusch, and L.-T. Sun
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 93: 023203 (2022). [doi:10.1063/5.0068661]
    (NSFC 41727901, 41961144027, 41861224007; AHY110000)

  7. Cavity-enhanced saturated absorption spectroscopy of the (30012) - (00001) band of 12C16O2,
    Y. Tan*, Y.-R. Xu, T.-P. Hua, A.-W. Liu, J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 156: 044201 (2022). [doi:10.1063/5.0074713]
    (NSFC 41905018, 21903080, 21688102, CAS XDC07010000))

  8. Collisional line-shape effects in accurate He-perturbed H2 spectra,
    M. Slowinski*, H. Józwiak, M. Gancewski, K. Stankiewicz, N. Stolarczyk, Y. Tan, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, S. Kassi, A. Campargue, K. Patkowski, P. S. Zuchowski, R. Ciurylo, F. Thibault, P. Wcislo
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 277: 107951 (2022). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107951]
    (NSFC 21688102)


  1. Trace gas measurements using cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    Shui-Ming Hu in "Advances in Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Atmosphere", edited by Weidong Chen, Dean S. Venables, Markus W. Sigrist
    Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-815014-6 (2021). [doi:10.1016/C2017-0-02805-7]

  2. Detection of radiocarbon dioxide with double-resonance absorption spectroscopy,
    Y.-D. Tan, C.-F. Cheng, D. Sheng, S. -M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 34(4): 373-380 (2021). (Cover) [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2103045]
    (NSFC 21688102, 11974328, CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000, Anhui-IQIT AHY110000)

  3. Reconstruction of the atmospheric 39Ar/Ar history,
    Ji-Qiang Gu, Amin L. Tong, Guo-Min Yang, Shui-Ming Hu, Wei Jiang*, Zheng-Tian Lu, Roland Purtschert, Florian Ritterbusch
    Chemical Geology, 583: 120480 (2021). [doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120480]
    (NKRDPC 2016YFA0302200; NSFC 41727901, 41861224007, 41961144027; AIQIT AHY110000)

  4. Monitoring atmospheric 85Kr by atom counting,
    Chao Gao, Si-Yu Liu, Jie D. Feng, Shui-Ming Hu, Wei Jiang*, Zheng-Tian Lu, Florian Ritterbusch, Wen-Hao Wang, Guo-Min Yang*, Lei U.Zhao
    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 233: 106604 (2021). [doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2021.106604]
    (NSFC 41727901, 11705196; NKRDPC 2016YFA0302200; AIQIT AHY110000, AH-NSF 1808085MA11)

  5. Comb-locked cavity-assisted double resonance spectroscopy based on diode lasers,
    C.-L. Hu, J. Wang, T.-P. Hua, A.-W. Liu, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu*
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 92: 073003 (2021). [doi:10.1063/5.0054592]
    (CAS XDB21020100; NSFC 21688102, 21427804, and 21903080)

  6. An atom trap system for 39Ar dating with improved precision,
    A. L. Tong, J.-Q. Gu, G.-M. Yang, S.-M. Hu, W. Jiang*, Z.-T. Lu*, F. Ritterbusch
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 92: 063204 (2021). [doi: 10.1063/5.0050620]
    (MST 2016YFA0302200; NSFC 41727901, 41961144027, 41861224007; Anhui AHY110000)

  7. Saturated absorption spectroscopy near 1.57 μm and revised rotational line list of 12C16O,
    J. Wang , C.-L. Hu , A.-W. Liu*, Y.R. Sun , Y. Tan , S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 270: 107717 (2021). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107717]
    (NSFC 21903080, 21688102, 41905018)

  8. 磁场中HD分子振转跃迁的超精细结构,
    唐家栋, 刘乾昊, 程存峰, 胡水明*
    物理学报, 70(17): 170301 (2021). (Cover) [doi:10.7498/aps.69.20210512]
    (CAS XDB21020100, NSFC 21688102)

  9. 稳定的高亮度低速亚稳态氦原子束流,
    陈娇娇, 孙羽*, 温金录, 胡水明
    物理学报, 70(13): 133201 (2021). (编辑推荐) [doi:10.7498/aps.70.20201833]
    (CAS XDB21010400, XDB21020100; NSFC 91736101, 21688102, 11304303, 91436209, 21427804; AHY110000)

  10. 腔增强拉曼光谱方法检测痕量氢气,
    仰青颖, 程存峰, 孙羽, 刘安雯, 胡水明*
    量子电子学报, 38(5): 669-676 (2021). (Cover) [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2021.05.011]
    (NSFC 21688102)


  1. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy based on a comb-locked optical parametric oscillator source,
    Z.-T. Zhang, C.-F. Cheng*, Y. R. Sun, A. -W. Liu, S. -M. Hu
    Optics Express, 28(19), 27600-27607 (2020). [doi:10.1364/OE.404944]
    (NSFC 11974328, 21427804, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100)

  2. Optical-Optical Double-Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy of Molecules with kilohertz Accuracy,
    C.-L. Hu, V. I. Perevalov, C.-F. Cheng, T.-P. Hua, A.-W. Liu, Y. R. Sun, Y. Tan, J. Wang, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11: 7843-7848 (2020). [doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02136]
    (NSFC 21688102, 21903080; CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000; Anhui IQIT AHY110000)

  3. Precision spectroscopy of atomic helium (invited review),
    Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu*
    National Science Review, 7: 1818-1827 (2020). [doi:10.1093/nsr/nwaa216]
    (CAS XDB21020100, XDB21010400; NSFC 21688102, 91736101; Anhui IQIT)

  4. Dispersion-like lineshape observed in cavity-enhanced saturation spectroscopy of HD at 1.4 um,
    T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun*, S. -M. Hu
    Optics Letters, 45(17): 4863 (2020). [doi:10.1364/OL.401879]
    (CAS XDB21020100, CAS XDB21010400, NSFC 21688102, 91736101, 21427804, 91436209; AHIQIT AHY110000)

  5. Latest development of Radiokrypton dating – A tool to find and study paleogroundwater,
    W. Jiang*, F. Ritterbusch, G.-M. Yang, S.-M. Hu, Z.-T. Lu
    Quaternary International, 547: 166-171 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.04.025]
    (NKRDP 2016YFA0302200; NSFC 41727901; Anhui IQIT AHY110000; CAS XDB21010200)

  6. H2-He collisions : Ab initio theory meets cavity-enhanced spectra,
    M. Slowiński, F. Thibault, Y. Tan, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, S. Kassi, A. Campargue, M. Konefal, H. Józwiak, K. Patkowski, P. Zuchowski, R. Ciurylo, D. Lisak, and P. Wcislo
    Physical Review A, 101: 052705 (2020). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.101.052705]
    (NSFC 21688102)

  7. Speed-adjustable atomic beam of metastable helium for precision measurments,
    J.-J. Chen, Y. R. Sun*, J.-L. Wen, S.-M. Hu
    Physical Review A, 101: 053824 (2020). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.101.053824]
    (NSFC 91736101, 21688102, 11304303, 91436209, 21427804; CAS XDB21010400, XDB21020100; Anhui IQIT AHY110000)

  8. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurements of ambient NO3 and N2O5,
    H. Wu, J. Chen, A. -W. Liu, S. -M. Hu*, J. -S. Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 33(1): 1-7 (2020). [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp1910173]
    (MST 2013BAK12B00; NSFC 21427804)

  9. Seeded optical parametric oscillator light source for precision spectroscopy,
    Z.-T. Zhang, Y. Tan, J. Wang, C.-F. Cheng*, Y. R. Sun, A. -W. Liu, S. -M. Hu*
    Optics Letters, 45(4): 1013-1016 (2020). [doi:10.1364/OL.384582]
    (NSFC 11974328, 21427804, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100)

  10. A well-isolated vibration state of CO2 verified by near infrared saturated spectroscopy with kHz accuracy,
    H. Wu, C.-L. Hu, J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, Y. Tan, A.-W. Liu*, S.-M. Hu
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22: 2841-2848 (2020). [doi:10.1039/C9CP05121J]
    (NSFC 21473172, 91436209, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100; NBRPC 2013CB834602)

  11. 基于气体折射率方法的真空计量,
    许玉蓉, 刘洋洋, 王进*, 孙羽, 习振华, 李得天, 胡水明
    物理学报, 69(15): 150601 (2020). [doi:10.7498/aps.69.20200706]
    (CAS XDB21020100, XDC07010000)


  1. Triplet emission of atomic ytterbium isolated in a xenon matrix,
    N. N. Kleshchina, I. S. Kalinina, R. Lambo*, A. A. Buchachenko, D. S. Bezrukov, and S.-M. Hu
    Low Temperature Physics, 45(7): 707-714 (2019). [doi:10.1063/1.5111293]
    (NSFC 21403206, 21225314; NKBRSF 2013CB834602; FRFCU)

  2. Comb-locked cavity ring-down spectroscopy with variable temperature,
    H. Wu, N. Stolarczyk, Q.-H. Liu, C.-F. Cheng*, T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun, and S.-M. Hu
    Optics Express, 27(26): 37559-67 (2019). [doi:10.1364/OE.376572]
    (NSFC 21427804, 21688102, 11974328; CAS XDB21020100)

  3. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of 17O enriched water vapor between 12,055–12,260 cm-1,
    A.-W. Liu*, G.-L. Liu, X.-Q. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Tan*, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 239: 106651 (2019). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106651]
    (NSFC 21473172, 21427804, 21688102; CAS XDB21020100)

  4. Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy of 15N enriched N2O near 1.56 um,
    A.-W. Liu*, C.-L. Hu, J. Wang, V. Perevalov, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 232: 1-9 (2019). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.035]
    (NSFC 21473172, 21427804, 21688102)

  5. 81Kr dating of the Guliya ice cap, Tibetan Plateau,
    L. Tian*, F. Ritterbusch, J.-Q. Gu, S.-M. Hu, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu*, D. Wang, G.-M. Yang
    Geophysical Reasearch Letters, 46(12): 6636-6643 (2019). [doi: 10.1029/2019GL082464]
    (NSFC 41530748, NKRDP 2016YFA0302200, CAS XDB21010200)

  6. Dual Separation of Krypton and Argon from Environmental Samples for Radioisotope Dating,
    X.-Z. Dong, F. Ritterbusch*, Y.-Q. Chu, J.-Q. Gu, S.-M. Hu, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu*, G.-M. Yang, L. Zhao
    Analytical CHemistry, 91(21): 13576-13581 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02716]
    (NKRDP 2016YFA0302200, NSFC 41727901, 11705196, Anhui AHY110000, 1808085MA11)

  7. Light force induced shift in laser spectroscopy of atomic helium,
    X. Zheng, Y. R. Sun*, J.-J. Chen, J.-L. Wen, and S.-M. Hu
    Physical Review A, 99: 032506 (2019). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.032506]
    (NSFC 91736101, 21688102, 11304303, 91436209, 21427804; CAS XDB21010400, XDB21020100; NBRPC 2013CB834602)

  8. Line positions and N2-induced line parameters of the 0003 – 0000 band of 14N216O by comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    G.-L. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Tan, P. Kang, Z. Bi, A.-W. Liu*, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 229: 17-22 (2019). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.03.004]
    (NSFC 21473172, 21427804, 21688102; NBRPC 2013CB834602; CAS XDB21020100)

  9. Frequency metrology of molecules in the near-infrared by NICE-OHMS,
    T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun*, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu
    Optics Express, 27(5) 6106-6115 (2019). [doi:10.1364/OE.27.006106]
    (MST 2017YFF0206102; CAS XDB21020100; NSFC 91736101, 21688102, 91436209, 21427804;)

  10. Cavity-Enhanced Saturation Spectroscopy of Molecules with sub-kHz accuracy,
    T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun, J. Wang, C.-L. Hu, L.-G. Tao, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 32(1):107-112 (2019). [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp1812272]
    (NSFC 21688102, 91436209, 21427804; CAS XDB21020100)


  1. CRDS absorption spectrum of 17O enriched water vapor in the 12,277–12,894 cm-1 range,
    Y. Tan, S. N. Mikhailenko, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, X.-Q. Zhao, G.-L. Liu, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 221: 233-242 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.10.009]

  2. Dissociation energy of the hydrogen molecule at 10-9 accuracy,
    C. Cheng, J. Hussels, M. Liu, H. L. Bethelem, K. S. E. Eikema, E. J. Salumbides, W. Ubachs*, M. Beyer, N. J. Holsch, J. A. Agner, F. Merkt, L.-G. Tao, S.-M. Hu, Ch. Jungen
    Physical Review Letters, 121: 013001 (2018). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.013001] (Featured in Physics)
    Synopsis: Measured Dissociation Energy Doesn't Match Theory

  3. Application of combined 81Kr and 4He chronometers to the dating of old groundwater in a tectonically active region of the North China Plain,
    T. Matsumoto*, Z.-Y. Chen, W. Wei, G.-M. Yang, S.-M. Hu and X. Zhang
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493: 208-217 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.04.042]

  4. Toward a determination of the proton-electron mass ratio from the Lamb-dip measurement of HD,
    L.-G. Tao, A.-W. Liu, K. Pachucki, J. Komasa, Y. R. Sun, J. Wang, and S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review Letters, 120: 153001 (2018). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.153001] [arXiv:1712.08705]

  5. Frequency metrology of the acetylene lines near 789 nm from Lamb-dip measurements,
    L.-G. Tao, T.-P. Hua, Y. R. Sun, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 210: 111-115 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.02.021]

  6. The absorption spectrum of acetylene near 1 μm (9280-10740 cm-1) (I): Line positions,
    O. Lyulin, S. Béguier, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 208: 179-187 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.01.007]

  7. Line intensities of the 30011e – 00001e band of 12C16O2 by laser-locked cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    P. Kang, J. Wang, G.-L. Liu, Y. R. Sun, Z.-Y. Zhou, A.-W. Liu*, and S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 207: 1-7 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.12.013]

  8. Absolute frequencies of water lines near 790 nm with 10-11 accuracy,
    J. Chen, T.-P. Hua, L.-G. Tao, Y. R. Sun, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 205: 91-95 (2018). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.10.009]

  9. 光腔衰荡光谱方法测量分子的高精密谱线参数,
    中国激光, 45(9): 0911002 (2018). [doi:10.3788/cjl201845.0911002]

  10. 氦原子23S-23P精密光谱研究,
    物理学报, 67(16): 164203 (2018). [DOI: 10.7498/aps.67.20180914]

  11. 基于高精细度光腔锁频激光的分子吸收光谱测量,
    物理学报, 67(10): 104206 (2018). [DOI: 10.7498/aps.67.20172532]

  12. 氢分子电子基态的精密光谱,
    中国科学:化学(庆祝张存浩院士九十华诞专刊), 48: 1-10 (2018). [doi:10.1360/N032017-00177]


  1. Measurement of the frequency of the 23S - 23P transition of 4He,
    X. Zheng, Y. R. Sun*, J.-J. Chen, W. Jiang, K. Pachucki, S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review Letters, 119, 263002 (2017). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.263002]

  2. High Precision cavity ring down spectroscopy of 6v3 overtone band of N2O near 775 nm,
    X.-Q. Zhao, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu*, Z.-Y. Zhou, S.-M. Hu
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 30(5): 487-492 (2017). [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/30/cjcp1705109]

  3. Field measurement of NO2 and RNO2 by two-channel thermal dissociation cavity ring down spectrometer,
    J. Chen, H. Wu, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*, J.-S. Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 30(5): 493-498 (2017). [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/30/cjcp1705084]

  4. Million-year-old groundwater revealed by krypton-81 dating in Guanzhong basin, China,
    J. Li, Z. Pang*, G.-M. Yang, J. Tian, A. L. Tong, X.-Y. Zhang, S.-M. Hu
    Science Bulletin, 62: 1181-1184 (2017). [doi:10.1016/j.scib.2017.08.009]

  5. Communication: Molecular near-infrared transitions determined with sub-kHz accuracy,
    J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, L.-G. Tao, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 147: 091103 (2017). [doi:10.1063/1.4998763]
    (Erratum)148: 029902 (2018). [doi:10.1063/1.5021048]

  6. Comb-locked cavity ring-down saturation spectroscopy,
    J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, L.-G. Tao, A.-W. Liu, T.-P. Hua, F. Meng, S.-M. Hu*
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 88: 043108 (2017). [doi:10.1063/1.4980037]

  7. Laser spectroscopy of the fine-structure splitting in the 23PJ levels of 4He,
    X. Zheng, Y. R. Sun*, J.-J. Chen, W. Jiang, K. Pachucki, S.-M. Hu*
    Physical Review Letters, 118: 063001 (2017). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.063001]

  8. Room temperature line lists for deuterated water,
    Aleksandra A. Kyuberis, Nikolay F. Zobov, Olga V. Naumenko, Boris A. Voronin, Oleg L. Polyansky, Lorenzo Lodi, Anwen Liu, Shui-Ming Hu, Jonathan Tennyson*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 203: 175-185 (2017). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.06.026]

  9. Line intensity measurements for acetylene between 8980 and 9420 cm-1,
    S. Beguier, O. M. Lyulin, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 189: 417-420 (2017). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.12.020]

  10. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the fifth overtone of CO,
    Y. Tan, J. Wang, X.-Q. Zhao, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 187: 274-279 (2017). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.10.003]


  1. Krypton-85 dating of shallow aquifer in Hebei Plain,
    ZHANG Xiang-yang, CHEN Zong-yu, YANG Guo-min, TU Le-yi, HU Shui-ming*,
    Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 4: 328-332 (2016).

  2. The implementation of non-Voigt line profiles in the HITRAN database: H2 case study,
    P. Wcislo, I.E. Gordon, H. Tran, Y. Tan, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue, S. Kassi, D. Romanini, C. Hill, R.V. Kochanov, L.S. Rothman,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 177: 75-91 (2016). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.01.024]

  3. Global modeling of the 15N216O line positions within the framework of the polyad model of effective Hamiltonian and a room temperature 15N216O line list,
    S. A. Tashkun*, V. I. Perevalov, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 175: 1-7 (2016). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.01.038]

  4. The 2015 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database,
    N. Jacquinet-Husson, R. Armante, N. A. Scott, A. Chedin, L. Crepeau, C. Boutammine, A. Bouhdaoui, C. Crevoisier, V. Capelle, C. Boonne, N. Poulet-Crovisier, A. Barbe, D. Chris Benner, V. Boudon, L. R. Brown, J. Buldyreva, A. Campargue, L. H. Coudert, V. M. Devi, M. J. Down, B. J. Drouin, A. Fayt, C. Fittschen, J. M. Flaud, R. R. Gamache, J. J. Harrison, C. Hill, O Hodnebrog, S. M. Hu, D. Jacquemart, A. Jolly, E. Jiménez, N. N. Lavrentieva, A. W. Liu, L. Lodi, O. M. Lyulin, S. T. Massie, S. Mikhailenko, H. S. P. Muller, O. V. Naumenko, A. Nikitin, C. J. Nielsen, J. Orphal, V. I. Perevalov, A. Perrin, E. Polovtseva, A. Predoi-Cross, M. Rotger, A. A. Ruth, S. S. Yu, K. Sung, S. A. Tashkun, J. Tennyson, Vl G. Tyuterev, J. Vander Auwera, B. A. Voronin, and A. Makie,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 327: 31-72 (2016). [doi: 10.1016/j.jms.2016.06.007]

  5. Collision-induced line-shape effects limiting the accuracy in Doppler-limited spectroscopy of H2,
    P. Wcislo, I. E. Gordon, C. F. Cheng, S. M. Hu, and R. Ciurylo,
    Physical Review A, 93(2): 022501 (2016). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.022501]

  6. Efficient separation of Ar and Kr from environmental samples for trace radioactive noble gas detection,
    L.-Y. Tu, G.-M. Yang, X.-Y. Zhang, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 29(1): (2016). [DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/28/cjcp1510210]


  1. Heat- and Light-induced Transformations of Yb trapping sites in an Ar matrix,
    L.-G. Tao, N. N. Kleshchina, R. Lambo*, A. A. Buchachenko, X.-G. Zhou, D. S. Bezrukov, and S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 143(17): 174306 (2015). [doi:10.1063/1.4934999]

  2. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of CO2 overtone bands near 830 nm,
    Y. Tan, X.-Q. Zhao, A.-W. Liu*, S.-M. Hu, O.M. Lyulin, S.A. Tashkun, V.I. Perevalov
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 165: 22-27 (2015). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.06.010]

  3. Doppler broadening thermometry based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    C.-F. Cheng, J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, Y. Tan, P. Kang, S.-M. Hu*
    Metrologia, 52: S385-S393 (2015). [doi:10.1088/0026-1394/52/5/S385]

  4. Water line positions in the 782 - 840~nm region,
    S.-M. Hu, B. Chen, Y. Tan, J. Wang, C.-F. Cheng, A.-W. Liu*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 164: 37-44 (2015). [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.05.010]

  5. Identification of Alcohol Conformers by Raman Spectra in the C-H Stretching Region,
    L. Chen, W.-D. Zhu, K. Lin*, N.-Y. Hu, Y.-Q. Yu, X.-G. Zhou, L.-F. Yuan, S.-M. Hu, Y. Luo
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(13): 3209-3217 (2015). [DOI: 10.1021/jp513027r]

  6. Laser spectroscopy measurement of the fine structure splitting 23P1-23P2 of 4He,
    G.-P. Feng, X. Zheng, Y. R. Sun*, S.-M. Hu
    Phyical Review A (Rapid communication), 91: 030502(R) (2015). [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.030502]

  7. Optical determination of the Boltzmann constant,
    C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Physics B (Invited Topical Review), 24(5): 053301 (2015). [DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/5/053301]

  8. Rovibrational line lists for nine isotopologues of the CO molecule in the X1Sigma+ ground electronic state,
    Gang Li, Iouli E. Gordon*, Laurence S. Rothman, Yan Tan, Shui-Ming Hu, Samir Kassi, Alain Campargue
    Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 216(1): 15 (2015). [DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/216/1/15]

  9. Counting radio-krypton atoms with a laser,
    G.-M. Yang, L.-Y. Tu, C.-F. Cheng, X.-Y. Zhang, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 28(4): 445-452 (2015). [DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/28/cjcp1505108]

  10. Broad-Range detection of water vapor using cavity ring-down Spectrometer,
    B. Chen, J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, P. Kang, A.-W. Liu, J.-Y. Li, X.-L. He, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 28(4): 440-444 (2015). [DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/28/cjcp1507160]

  11. Quantitative moisture measurement with a cavity ring-down spectrometer using telecom diode lasers,
    B. Chen, P. Kang, J.-Y. Li, X.-L. He, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 28(1): 6-10 (2015). [DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/28/cjcp1410185]

  12. 光腔衰荡光谱方法探测痕量一氧化碳气体,
    光谱学与光谱分析, 35(4): 971-974, 2015.


  1. Ultra-sensitive, self-calibrated cavity ring-down spectroscopy for quantitative trace-gas analysis,
    B. Chen, Y. R. Sun, Z.-Y. Zhou, J. Chen, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Applied Optics, 53(32): 7716-7723 (2014). [DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.007716]

  2. Empirical determination of low J values of 13CH4 transitions from jet cooled and 80K cell spectra in the icosad region (7170–7367 cm-1),
    O. Votava, M. Masát, P. Pracna, D. Mondelain, S.Kassi, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 149: 64-71, 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.07.012]

  3. Analysis of Kr-85 and Kr-81 in a few liters of air,
    Le-Yi Tu, Guo-Min Yang, Cun-Feng Cheng, Gu-Liang Liu, Xiang-Yang Zhang, Shui-Ming Hu*
    Analytical Chemistry, 86: 4002-4007, 2014. [DOI: 10.1021/ac500415a ]

  4. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the electric quadrupole transitions of H2 in the 784 - 852 nm region,
    Y. Tan, J. Wang, C.-F. Cheng, X.-Q. Zhao, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Special Issue: Molecular Spectroscopy for Testing Fundamental Physics, 300: 60-64, 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jms.2014.03.010]

  5. IUPAC Critical Evaluation of the Rotational-Vibrational Spectra of Water Vapor. Part IV. Energy Levels and Transition Wavenumbers for D216O, D217O and D218O,
    J. Tennyson*, P. F. Bernath, L. R. Brown, A. Campargue, A. G. Császár, L. Daumont, R. R. Gamache, J. T. Hodges, O. V. Naumenko, O. L. Polyansky, L. S. Rothman, A. Carine Vandaele, N. F. Zobov, N. Denes, A. Z. Fazliev, T. Furtenbacher, I. E. Gordon, S.-M. Hu, T. Szidarovszky, I. A. Vasilenko,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 142: 93-108, 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.03.019]

  6. CO2 isolated line shapes by classical molecular dynamics simulations: influence of the intermolecular potential and comparison with new measurements,,
    G. Larcher, H. Tran*, M. Schwell, P. Chelin, X. Landsheere, J.-M. Hartmann, S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 140: 084308, 2014. [DOI: 10.1063/1.4866449]

  7. CO2 pressure shift and broadening of the water lines near 790 nm,
    Y. Lu, X.-F. Li, A.-W. Liu*, S.-M. Hu,
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 27(1): 1-4, 2014. [DOI:10.1063/1674-0068/27/01/1-4]

  8. Infrared spectroscopy of CO isolated in a solid nitrogen matrix,
    L. Wu, R. Lambo*, Y. Tan, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu,
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 27(1): 5-8, 2014. [DOI:10.1063/1674-0068/27/01/5-8]

  9. Patent: Isotopic abundance in atom trap trace analysis ,
    Zheng-Tian Lu, Shui-Ming Hu, Wei Jiang, Peter Muller
    Patent # 8674289; Filed: Feb 16 2012; Issued: Mar 18 2014; Patent application # 20130214143;
    Assignee: UChicago Argonne LLC; Application Serial: 13/398,657

  10. 氦原子精密光谱实验中的精密磁场设计与测量,
    物理学报, 63(12) 123201 (2014). [DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.123201]


  1. Line parameters of the 782 nm band of CO2,
    Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu, X.-F. Li, J. Wang, C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, R. Lambo, S.-M. Hu*,
    Astrophysical Journal, 775(1): 71, 2013. [doi:10.1088/0004-637X/775/1/71]

  2. Analysis of 85Kr: a comparison at the 10-14 level using micro-liter samples,
    G.-M. Yang, C.-F. Cheng, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu, R. Purtschert, Y.-R. Sun, L.-Y. Tu, S.-M. Hu*,
    Scientific Reports, 3: 1596, 2013. [DOI:10.1038/srep01596]

  3. Phonon coupling of water monomers in a solid nitrogen matrix,
    L. Wu, R. Lambo*, Y. Tan, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*,
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 138: 114303, 2013. [doi: 10.1063/1.4795235]

  4. The 4vCH overtone of 12C2H2: sub-MHz precision spectrum reveals perturbations,
    A.-W. Liu, X.-F. Li, J. Wang, Y. Lu, C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, S.-M. Hu*,
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 138: 014312, 2013. [doi: 10.1063/1.4773473]

  5. Ab initio calculations of the spectral shapes of CO2 isolated lines including non-Voigt effects and comparisons with experiments,
    J.-M. Hartmann*, H. Tran, N.H. Ngo, X. Landsheere, P. Chelin, Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, L. Gianfrani, G. Casa, A. Castrillo, M. Lepère, Q. Delière, M. Dhyne, L. Fissiaux,
    Physics Review A, 87: 013403, 2013.

  6. Normalization of the single atom counting rate in an atom trap,
    C.-F. Cheng, G.-M. Yang, W. Jiang, Y. R. Sun, L.-Y. Tu, S.-M. Hu*,
    Optics Letters, 38(1):31-33, 2013.

  7. H2O line positions in the 784 - 795 nm region with 10-9 accuracy,
    Y. Lu, X.-F. Li, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 118: 96-101, 2013.

  8. Cavity ring down spectroscopy of 18O and 17O enriched carbon dioxide near 795 nm,
    H. Pan, X.-F. Li, Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu*, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun and S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 114: 42-44, 2013 (note).

  9. 通过捕获原子认识全球的地下水,
    胡水明, 编译自 Physics Today, 2013(3):74.
    物理, 42(03):7, 2013.


  1. The v=3<-0 S(0)-S(3) electric quadrupole transitions of H2 near 0.8 um,
    S.-M. Hu*, H. Pan, C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, X.-F. Li, J. Wang, A. Campargue, and A.-W. Liu*,
    Astrophysical Journal, 749(1):76, 2012. [doi:10.1088/0004-637X/749/1/76].

  2. Electric-quadrupole transition of H2 determined to 10-9 precision,
    C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, H. Pan, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, A. Campargue, S.-M. Hu*
    Physics Review A, 85(2):024501, 2012. [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.024501]

  3. Electronic Spectroscopy of Ytterbium in a Neon Matrix,
    R. Lambo*, A. Buchachenko, L. Wu, Y. Tan, J. Wang, Y. Sun, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Chemical Physics 137: 204315, 2012. [doi: 10.1063/1.4768419]

  4. An atom counter for measuring 81Kr and 85Kr in environmental samples,
    W. Jiang, K. Bailey, Z.-T. Lu*, P. Mueller, T. P. O’Connor, C.-F. Cheng, S.-M. Hu, R. Purtschert, N. C. Sturchio, Y. R. Sun, W. D. Williams, and G.-M. Yang,
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 91: 1-6, 2012.

  5. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of Doppler-broadened absorption line with sub-MHz absolute frequency accuracy,
    C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, H. Pan, Y. Lu, X.-F. Li, J. Wang, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*,
    Optics Express, 20(9):9956-9961, 2012.

  6. High sensitivity cavity ring down spectroscopy of 13C16O2 overtone bands near 806 nm,
    Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu*, H. Pan, X.-F. Li, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun and S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113: 2197-2204, 2012.

  7. Absorption spectrum of deuterated water vapor enriched by 18O between 6000 and 9200 cm-1,
    S.N. Mikhailenko*, O.V. Naumenko, A.V. Nikitin, I.A. Vasilenko, A.-W. Liu*, K.-F. Song, H.-Y. Ni, S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113:653-669, 2012. [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.02.009].


  1. Optical Excitation and Decay Dynamics of Ytterbium Atoms Embedded in a Solid Neon Matrix,
    C.-Y. Xu, S.-M. Hu, J. Singh, K. Bailey, Z.-T. Lu*, P. Mueller, T. P. O’Connor, and U. Welp
    Physics Review Letters, 107(9):093001, 2011. [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLetters107.093001]

  2. Ar-39 Detection at the 10-16 Isotopic Abundance Level with Atom Trap Trace Analysis,
    W. Jiang, W. D. Williams, K. Bailey, A.M. Davis, S.-M. Hu, Z.-T. Lu, T.P. O'Connor, R. Purtschert, N.C. Sturchio, Y.R. Sun, P. Mueller*,
    Physics Review Letters, 106:103001, 2011. [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLetters106.103001]

  3. Application of cavity ring-down spectroscopy to the Boltzmann constant determination,
    Y. R. Sun, H. Pan, C.-F. Cheng, A.-W. Liu, J.-T. Zhang, S.-M. Hu*
    Optics Express, 19(21), 19993–20002, 2011.

  4. CO2 in solid para-hydrogen: spectral splitting and the CO2...(o-H2)n clusters,
    J.-H. Du, L. Wan, L. Wu, G. Xu, W.-P. Deng, A.-W. Liu, Y. Chen and S.-M. Hu*,
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(6):1040-1046, 2011. [doi:10.1021/jp108769n]

  5. Laser-locked, continuously tunable high resolution cavity ring-down spectrometer,
    H. Pan, C.-F. Cheng, Y. R. Sun, B. Gao, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(10):103110, 2011. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3655445]

  6. High sensitivity cavity ring down spectroscopy of CO2 overtone bands near 790 nm,
    K.-F. Song, Y. Lu, Y. Tan, B. Gao, A.-W. Liu*, and S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112:761-768, 2011. [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.11.006].

  7. The 1.58 μm transparency window of methane (6165–6750 cm-1): Empirical line list and temperature dependence between 80 and 296 K,
    L. Wang, S. Kassi, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue*,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112:937-951, 2011.

  8. (0 0 0) and (0 1 0) energy levels of the HD18O and D218O molecules from analysis of their nu2 bands,
    A.-W. Liu, K.-F. Song, H.-Y. Ni, S.-M. Hu, O. V. Naumenko*, I. A. Vasilenko and S. N. Mikhailenko,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 265:26-38, 2011. [doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.10.007].

  9. High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of 15N216O in the 1650-3450 cm-1 region,
    J.-H. Du, A.-W. Liu*, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun and S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 24(5), 611-619, 2011.

  10. 激光冷却获得高亮度的亚稳态惰性气体原子束和原子阱,
    物理学报, 60(10), 103701, 2011.

  11. 高灵敏的连续激光光腔衰荡光谱仪及其应用,
    光谱学与光谱分析, 31(03):835-838, 2011. [doi: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)03-0835-04]


  1. An efficient magneto-optical trap of metastable krypton atoms,
    C.-F. Cheng, W. Jiang, G.-M. Yang, Y.-R. Sun, H. Pan, Y. Gao, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. Hu*,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81:123106, 2010. [doi:10.1063/1.3520133].

  2. Ultra Sensitive Near-infrared Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer for Precise Line Profile Measurement,
    B. Gao, W. Jiang, A.-W. Liu, Y. Lu, C.-F. Cheng, G.-S. Cheng, S.-M. Hu*,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81(4): 043105, 2010.

  3. Empirical line parameters of methane in the 1.63-1.48 mu m transparency window by high sensitivity Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy,
    A. Campargue*, L. Wang, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, S. Kassi,
    Chemical Physics, 373(3): 203-210, 2010.

  4. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the 6v3 bands of 15N substituted N2O,
    K.-F. Song, B. Gao, A.-W. Liu*, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111(16): 2370-2381, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.05.022].

  5. Fourier Transform Absorption Spectrum of D216O in 7360-8440 cm-1 Spectral Region,
    A. D. Bykov, O. V. Naumenko, E. R. Polovtseva, S.-M. Hu, A.-W. Liu*,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111(15): 2197-2210, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.04.029].

  6. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational-vibrational spectra of water vapor. Part II Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for (HDO)-O-16, (HDO)-O-17, and (HDO)-O-18,
    J. Tennyson*, P. F. Bernath, L. R. Brown, A. Campargue, A. G. Császár, L. Daumont, R. R. Gamache, J. T. Hodges, O. V. Naumenko, O. L. Polyansky, L. S. Rothman, R. A. Toth, A. Carine Vandaele, N. F. Zobov, S. Fally, A. Z. Fazliev, T. Furtenbacher, I. E. Gordon, S.-M. Hu, S. N. Mikhailenko, B. A. Voronin,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111(15): 2160-2184, 2010.

  7. Global fittings of 14N15N16O and 15N14N16O vibrational-rotational line positions using the effective Hamiltonian approach,
    S.A. Tashkun*, V.I. Perevalov, R.V. Kochanov, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111(9): 1089-1105, 2010.

  8. High sensitivity absorption spectroscopy of methane at 80 K in the 1.58 um transparency window: Temperature dependence and importance of the CH3D contribution,
    L. Wang, S. Kassi, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu, and A. Campargue*,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 261(1): 41-52, 2010.

  9. High-resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of 15N216O in the 3500-9000 cm-1 Region
    B. Gao, C.-Y. Wang, Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu* and S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 259(1): 20-25, 2010.

  10. 激光囚禁放射性氪同位素技术测量地下水年代
    蒋蔚, 成国胜, 孙羽, 程存峰, 潘虎, 宋晨丞, 杨国民, 冯高平, 胡水明*
    第四纪研究, 30(1): 224-227, 2010. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2010.01


  1. On the Vibrations of N2O Trapped in Solid para-Hydrogen
    S.-M. Hu*, L. Wan, J.-H. Du, G. Xu, W.-P. Deng, L. Wu, S.-X. Tian, Y. Chen
    Vibrational Spectroscopy, 50: 36-42, 2009.

  2. Experimental low energy values of CH4 transitions near 1.33um by absorption spectroscopy at 81 K
    E. Sciamma-O'Brien, S. Kassi, B. Gao, A. Campargue*
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 110(12): 951-963, 2009.

  3. Neon matrix isolation spectroscopy of CO2 isotopologues (note)
    L. Wan, L. Wu, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 257(2): 217-219, 2009.

  4. High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of 14N15N16O and 15N14N16O in the 1200-3500 cm-1 region
    C.-Y. Wang, A.-W. Liu, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, K.-F. Song, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 257:94-104, 2009.

  5. Fourier-transform spectroscopy of 15N14N16O in the 3500-9000 cm-1 region
    K.-F. Song, A.-W. Liu*, H.-Y. Ni, S.-M. Hu
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 255:24-31, 2009.

  6. High sensitivity CW-cavity ring down spectroscopy of N2O near 1.5 um (III)
    A.-W. Liu, S. Kassi, V.I. Perevalov, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 254(1): 20-27, 2009.

  7. C2H2 overtones near 12300 cm-1 revisited with a very sensitive cavity ring-down spectrometer
    B. Gao, A.-W. Liu, R.-X. Wu, W. Ning, S.-M. Hu*
    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 22(6): 663-667, 2009.

  8. Precision spectroscopy of the helium atom
    S.-M. Hu, Z.-T. Lu, Z.-C. Yan
    Front. Phys. China, 4(2):165-169, 2009.

  9. 碘稳频中红外差频激光光谱技术
    光学学报, 29(4): 986-990, 2009.

  10. 亚稳态氪原子饱和吸收光谱无调制激光稳频
    量子电子学报, 26(1):23-27, 2009.


  1. A Frequency-Stabilized Difference Frequency Generation Laser Spectrometer for Precise Line Profile Studies in the Mid-infrared
    W.-P. Deng, B. Gao, C.-F. Cheng, G.-S. Cheng, S.-M. Hu*, and Q.-S. Zhu
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 79: 123101, 2008.

  2. High-resolution spectroscopy of the triple-substituted isotopologue of water molecule D218O: the first triad
    H.-Y. Ni, A.-W. Liu, K.-F. Song, S.-M. Hu*, O .V. Naumenko, T. V. Kruglova, S. A. Tashkun
    Molecular Physics, 106: 1793-1801, 2008.

  3. Vibrational spectroscopy of N2O in solid neon matrices (Note)
    L. Wan, G. Xu, L. Wu, Y. Chen, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 249, 65-67, 2008.

  4. Fourier-transform spectroscopy of 14N15N16O in the 3800–9000 cm-1 region and global modeling of its absorption spectrum
    H.-Y. Ni, K.-F. Song, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, A.-W. Liu, L. Wang, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 248, 41-65, 2008.

  5. Fourier transform spectroscopy of 12C18O2 and 16O12C18O in the 3800–8500 cm-1 region and the global modeling of the absorption spectrum of 12C18O2
    L. Wang, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, K.-F. Song, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 247, 64-75, 2008.

  6. 固态氢分子基质隔离高分辨光谱实验装置和其应用
    物理化学学报, 24(8):1329-1334, 2008.

  7. 激光冷却囚禁亚稳态氪原子同位素
    中国科学技术大学学报, 38(6): 693-696, 2008 校庆特刊.


  1. Jet-cooled infrared spectrum of methoxy in the CH stretching region
    J.-X. Han, S.-M. Hu, H.-B. Chen, Y. Utkin, J. M. Brown, and R. F. Curl*
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9, 3725-3734, 2007.

  2. Thermal beam of metastable krypton atoms produced by optical excitation
    Y. Ding, S.-M. Hu, K. Bailey, A. M. Davis, R. W. Dunford, Z.-T. Lu, T. P. O'Connor, L. Young,
    Review of Scientific Instruments., 78, 023103, 2007.

  3. High Sensitivity CW-Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy of N2O near 1.5 um (I)
    A.-W. Liu, S. Kassi, P. Malara, D. Romanini, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, S.-M. Hu, A. Campargue*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 244, 33-47, 2007.


  1. Beam of metastable krypton atoms extracted from a microwave driven discharge
    Y. Ding, K. Bailey, A. M. Davis, S.-M. Hu, Z.-T. Lu, T. P. O'Connor
    Review of Scientific Instruments., 77, 126105, 2006.

  2. Joint ro-vibrational analysis of the HDS high resolution infrared data
    O.N. Ulenikov*, A.-W. Liu, E.S. Bekhtereva, G.A. Onopenko, O.V. Gromova, L. Wan, S.-M. Hu* and J.-M. Flaud
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 240, 32-44, 2006.

  3. Global Fit of the High Resolution Infrared Spectrum of D2S
    A.-W. Liu, O. N. Ulenikov*, G. A. Onopenko, O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, L. Wan, L.-Y. Hao, S.-M. Hu* and J.-M. Flaud
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 238, 11-28, 2006.

  4. High-resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopy of 18O enriched water molecule in the 1080-7800 cm-1 region
    A.-W. Liu, J.-H. Du, K.-F. Song, L. Wang, L. Wan and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 237, 149-162, 2006.

  5. Fourier transform spectroscopy of N2O weak overtone transitions in the 1-2um region
    L. Wang, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, B. Gao, L.-Y. Hao and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 237, 129-136, 2006.

  6. Fourier transform absorption spectra of H217O and H218O in the 8000 - 9400 cm-1 spectral region
    A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*, C. Camy-Peyret, J.-Y. Mandin, O. Naumenko, B. Voronin
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 237, 53-62, 2006.

  7. Fourier-transform Absorption Spectroscopy of H218O in the First Hexade Region
    A.-W. Liu, O. Naumenko, K.-F. Song, B. Voronin and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 236, 127-133, 2006.


  1. SiH2Cl2: Ab initio anharmonic force field, dipole moments, and infrared vibrational transitions
    A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*, and Q.-S. Zhu
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 123, 174305, 2005.

  2. ICLAS-VeCSEL and FTS spectroscopies of C2H2 between 9000 and 9500 cm-1
    A. Campargue*, L. Wang, P. Cermak, S.-M. Hu
    Chemical Physics Letters, 403, 287-292, 2005.

  3. High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrum of H2S in the Region of the Second Hexade
    O. N. Ulenikov, A.-W. Liu, E. S. Bekhtereva, O. V. Gromova, L.-Y. Hao, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 234, 270-278, 2005.

  4. Absolute line intensities of 13C16O2 in the 4200 - 8500 cm-1 region
    L. Wang, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, Y. Ding, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 234, 84-92, 2005.

  5. Absorption spectra of 12C16O2 and 13C16O2 near 1.05um
    L. Wang, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 233, 297-300, 2005.

  6. High resolution rotational analysis of HDS: 2v3, v2+2v3, 3v3, and v2+3v3 bands
    A.-W. Liu, B. Gao, G.-S.Cheng, F. Qi and S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 232, 279-290, 2005.

  7. High Resolution Ro-vibrational Spectroscopy of HDO in the Region of 8900 - 9600 cm-1
    O. N. Ulenikov, S.-M. Hu*, E. S. Bekhtereva and Q.-S. Zhu
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 231, 57-65, 2005.

  8. Three-dimensional ab initio dipole moment surfaces and stretching vibrational band intensities of the XH3 molecules
    A.-W. Liu, S.-M. Hu*, Y. Ding and Q.-S. Zhu
    Chinese Physics, 14, 1946-1953, 2005.

  9. 傅立叶变换激光腔内吸收光谱方法研究吸收谱线的强度与线形
    化学物理学报, 18, 313-318, 2005.

  10. 磷烷1950--2480和3280--3580cm-1波段FT吸收光谱强度研究
    王乐,陈平,成国胜,丁昀, 胡水明*
    光谱学与光谱分析, 25, 1221-1226, 2005.


  1. Rovibrational analysis of the absorption spectrum of HDO between 10110 and 12215 cm-1,
    O. Naumenko, S.-M. Hu, S.-G. He, and A. Campargue*
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 6, 910-918, 2004.

  2. High Resolution Spectrum of the v1+v4(E), v3+v4(E), v3+v4(A1), and v3+v4(E)(A2) Bands of the PH3 Molecule: Assignments and Preliminary Analysis,
    O. N. Ulenikov*, E. S. Bekhtereva, V. A. Kozinskaia, J.-J. Zheng, S.-G. He, S.-M. Hu*, Q.-S. Zhu, C. Leroy, L. Pluchart
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 83, 599-618, 2004.

  3. High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrum of H2S in the Region of 8500 -- 8900 cm-1,
    O. N. Ulenikov, A.-W. Liu, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. V. Grebneva, W.-P. Deng, O. V. Gromova, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 228, 110-119, 2004.

  4. High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrum of HDO in the 7500 -- 8200 cm-1 region: Revisited,
    O. V. Naumenko, S. Voronina, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 227, 151-157, 2004.

  5. High Sensitivity cw-Cavity Ring Down and Fourier Transform Absorption Spectroscopies of 13CO2,
    Y. Ding, P. Macko, D. Romanini, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, J.-L. Teffo, S.-M. Hu, and A. Campargue*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 226, 146-160, 2004. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jms.2004.03.009]

  6. On the Study of High Resolution Rovibrational Spectrum of H2S in the Region of 7300 - 7900 cm-1,
    O. N. Ulenikov, A.-W. Liu, E. S. Bekhtereva, O. V. Gromova, L.-Y. Hao, S.-M. Hu*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 226, 57-70, 2004.


  1. Laser spectroscopy of NiI: Ground and low-lying electronic states,
    W.S. Tam, J.W.-H. Leung, S.-M. Hu, and A.S.-C. Cheung*
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 12245-12250, 2003.

  2. High-resolution Fourier-transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy: application to 12C2H2 near 12300 cm-1,
    S.-M. Hu*, A. Campargue, Z.-Y. Wu, Y. Ding, A.-W. Liu, Q.-S. Zhu
    Chemical Physics Letters, 372, 659-667, 2003.

  3. An ab initio anharmonic force field of SiHCl3,
    J.-J. Zheng, S.-G. He, S.-M. Hu*, Q.-S. Zhu
    Molecular Physics, 101, 1165-1170, 2003.

  4. 16O13C18O: High-Resolution Absorption Spectrum between 4000 and 9500 cm-1 and Global Fitting of Vibration-Rotational Line Positions,
    Y. Ding, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, J.-L. Teffo, A.-W. Liu, and S.-M. HU*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 222, 276-283, 2003. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jms.2003.08.004]

  5. Weak overtone transitions of N2O around 1.05 um by ICLAS-VECSEL,
    Y. Ding, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, J.-L. Teffo, S.-M. Hu, E. Bertseva, and A. Campargue*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 220, 80-86, 2003. [https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-2852(03)00060-2]

  6. The absorption spectrum of H2S between 9540 and 10000 cm-1 by intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy with a vertical external cavity surface emitting laser,
    Y. Ding, O. Naumenko, S.-M. Hu, Q.-S. Zhu, E. Bertseva, and A. Campargue*
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 217, 222-238, 2003. [https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-2852(02)00037-1]


  1. Study of the stretching vibrational band intensities of XH4 molecules employing four-dimensional ab initio (X=C and Sn) and effective (X=C and Si) dipole moment surfaces,
    S.-G. He, A.-W. Liu, H. Lin, S.-M. Hu*, J.-J. Zheng, L.-Y. Hao and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 10073-10080, 2002.

  2. Absolute local mode vibrational band intensities of AsH3,
    J.-J. Zheng, S.-G. He, Y. Ding, L.-Y. Hao, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu*, Q.-S. Zhu,
    Chemical Physics Letters, 352, 435-440, 2002.

  3. On the study of resonance interactions and splittings in the PH3 molecule: v1, v3, v2+v4, and 2v4 Bands,
    O. N. Ulenikov*, E. S. Bekhtereva, V. A. Kozinskaia, J.-J. Zheng, S.-G. He, S.-M. Hu*, Q.-S. Zhu, C. Leroy, and L. Pluchart
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 215, 295-308, 2002. [https://doi.org/10.1006/jmsp.2002.8667]

  4. High resolution Fourier-transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy of D2O in the region of the 4v13 band,
    S.-M. Hu*, O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, G. A. Onopenko, S.-G. He, H. Lin, J.-X. Cheng, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 212, 89-95, 2002.


  1. The stretching vibrational overtone spectra of PH3: local mode vibrational analysis, dipole moment surfaces from density functional theory and band intensities,
    S.-G. He*, J.-J. Zheng, S.-M. Hu, H. Lin, Y. Ding, X.-H. Wang, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 114(16), 7018-7026, 2001.

  2. Overtone Spectrum and the Fermi Resonance of the SiH Chromophore in SiHCl3,
    Y. Ding*, S.-G. He, J.-J. Zheng, S.-M. Hu, X.-H. Wang, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Molecular Physics, 99, 1669-1678, 2001.

  3. High-resolution vibration-rotation spectrum of the D2O Molecule in the region near the 2v1+v2+v3 absorption band,
    J.-J. Zheng, O. N. Ulenikov*, G. A. Onopenko, E. S. Bekhtereva, S.-G. He, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu, H. Lin, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Molecular Physics, 99:(11) 931-937 2001.

  4. High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrum of D2O in the Region Near 0.97 um,
    O. N. Ulenikov*, S.-M. Hu*, E. S. Bekhtereva, G. A. Onopenko, S.-G. He, X.-H. Wang, J.-J. Zheng, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 210, 18-27, 2001.

  5. High-Resolution Rotational Analysis of Deuterated Hypochlorous Acid: Ground State, (100) and (200) Vibrational States,
    J.-J. Zheng, O. N. Ulenikov*, E. S. Bekhtereva, Y. Ding, S.-G. He, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu*, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 209, 105-115, 2001.

  6. High Resolution Rotational Analysis of the Lowest D - O Overtone Bands of Deuterated Hypochlorous Acid: 2v1 and 3v1,
    Y. Ding, O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, J.-J. Zheng, S.-G. He, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu*, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 209, 233-241, 2001.

  7. High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrum of HDO in the Region of 6140 - 7040 cm-1,
    O. N. Ulenikov*, S.-M. Hu*, E. S. Bekhtereva, G. A. Onopenko, X.-H. Wang, S.-G. He, J.-J. Zheng and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 208, 224-235, 2001.

  8. High-resolution analysis of the v2+2v3 band of HDO,
    S.-M. Hu*, S.-G. He, J.-J. Zheng, X.-H. Wang, Y. Ding, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Chinese Physics, 10(11), 1021-1027, 2001.


  1. Fourier-transform interferometer for intracavity Ti:sapphire laser Absorption: A high-sensitivity and high-resolution spectroscopy,
    J.-X. Cheng*, H. Lin, S.-M. Hu, S.-G. He, Q.-S. Zhu, A. Kachanov,
    Applied Optics, 39(13), 2221-2229, 2000.

  2. High Resolution Study of the v1+v2/2+v3 = 3 Poliad of Strongly Interacting vibrational Bands of D2O,
    O. N. Ulenikov*, S.-G. He, G. A. Onopenko, E. S. Bekhtereva, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu, H. Lin, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 204(2), 216-225, 2000.

  3. High Resolution Study of Strongly Interacting Vibrational Bands of HDO in the Region of 7600 - 8100 cm-1,
    S.-M. Hu*, O. N. Ulenikov, G. A. Onopenko, E. S. Bekhtereva, S.-G. He, X.-H. Wang, H. Lin and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 203(2), 228-234, 2000.

  4. High resolution Fourier transform spectrum of the D2O molecule in the Region of the second triad of interacting vibrational states,
    S.-G. He, O. N. Ulenikov*, G. A. Onopenko, E. S. Behtereva, X.-H. Wang, S.-M. Hu, H. Lin, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 200(1), 34-39, 2000.

  5. High resolution study of the first hexad of D2O,
    X.-H. Wang, O. N. Ulenikov*, G. A. Onopenko, E. S. Behtereva, S.-G. He, S.-M. Hu, H. Lin, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 200(1), 25-33, 2000.

  6. Analysis of the HDO absorption spectrum between 9600-10200 cm-1,
    X.-H. Wang*, S.-G. He, S.-M. Hu, J.-J. Zheng, Q.-S. Zhu,
    Chinese Physics, 9(12), 885-891, 2000.

  7. 高分辨傅里叶变换激光腔内吸收光谱方法:原理和应用,
    胡水明*,何圣贵,林海, 程继新,王湘淮,郑晶晶,成国胜,朱清时,
    物理学报,49(8), 1435-1440, 2000.

  8. Fourier-transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy of HOD VOD=5 overtone,
    S.-M. Hu*, H. Lin, S.-G. He, J.-X. Cheng, and Q.-S. Zhu,
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1, 3727-3730, 1999.

  9. 新型高性能激光光声光谱球形光声池:理论和实验研究,
    化学物理学报,11, 20-25, 1998。

  10. 用傅里叶变换光谱记录法记录激光腔内吸收光谱的研究,
    中国激光,25, 1008-1012, 1998。

  11. 用高灵敏度激光腔内吸收光谱方法研究分子高振动态的高分辨光谱,
    中国激光,24, 1112-1118, 1997。


  1. 国家发明专利:痕量气体探测装置及方法
    ZL 2021 1 0011017.7;申请日:2021年01月05日;授权公告日:2022年10月28日;授权公告号:CN 112683846 B

  2. 国家软件著作权:可扩展的光腔衰荡光谱数据在线采集分析系统 [简称:CRDS采集系统] V202204

  3. 国家发明专利:一种双波长定量检测碳14同位素的装置及光谱仪
    ZL 2021 1 0268351.0;申请日:2021年03月12日;授权公告日:2022年07月15日;授权公告号:CN 112858217 B
    日本专利 7546304;申请日:2021年05月13日;授权公告日:2024年08月29日;番号:2022-540341

  4. 国家发明专利:注入式光参量振荡装置及方法
    ZL 2019 1 0772948.1;申请日:2019年12月10日;授权公告日:2021年3月9日;授权公告号:CN 110556696 B

    ZL 2019 1 0456370.9;申请日:2019年05月29日;授权公告日:2020年8月28日;授权公告号:CN 110160989 B
    国际申请号:PCT/CN2020/082019;国际申请日:2020-03-30;国际公布号:WO 2020/238286 A1

  6. 国家发明专利:一种用于小气量环境样品中惰性的气体自动化分离系统
    {ZL 2018 1 1230380.2};申请日:2018年10月22日;授权公告日:2020年10月27日;授权公告号:CN 109323909 B

  7. 国家发明专利:一种激光器频率锁定的方法、装置和系统
    ZL 2018 1 1124630.4;申请日:2018年09月26日;授权公告日:2020年8月25日;授权公告号:CN 109066283 B

  8. 国家发明专利:从环境气体中分离提取惰性气体的系统和方法
    ZL 2014 1 0705017.7;申请日:2014年11月27日,授权公告日:2016年03月02日;授权公告号:CN 104383784 A

  9. 国家发明专利:一种测量85Kr同位素的原子个数的方法和系统
    ZL 2013 1 0080491.0;申请日:2013年3月13日,授权公告日:2015年12月02日;授权公告号:CN 103196911 A

  10. 国家发明专利:利用自定标定光腔衰荡光谱测量水汽含量的装置和方法
    ZL 2012 1 0192681.7;申请日:2012年6月12日,授权公告日:2014年12月10日;授权公告号:CN 102735643 A

  11. 国家发明专利:一种利用激光光谱测量气体参数的系统和方法;
    ZL 2011 1 0235050.4;申请日:2011年8月16日,授权公告日:2013年11月13日;授权公告号:CN 102288577 A


  1. Precision Spectroscopy of Molecules for Metrology and Sensing,
    Sep 22-26, 2024, 13th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA), Lanzhou, China
  2. Laser spectroscopy of two-electron systems with 10-digit precision,
    Aug 19-23, 2024, 15th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (AISAMP), Daejeon, Korea
  3. Cavity-enhanced Precision Spectroscopy of Molecules,
    Jul 04-09, 2024, The 2nd International Workshop on Astrochemistry (IWAc2024), Chongqing
  4. Laser spectroscopy of computable many-body systems with 10-digit precision,
    Apr 11, 2024, Westlake University, Physics Colloqium, Hangzhou
  5. Unexpected quantum effects observed in spectroscopy of hydrogen and helium with ten-digit precision,
    Aug 17-21, 2023, 第18届全国化学动力学会议,大连
  6. Precision spectroscopy of molecules,
    Jul 3, 2023, LIPhy CNRS/Universite Alps-Grenoble
  7. Cavity-enhanced precision spectroscopy of molecules (Invited Tutorial Talk, ED-4.3),
    Jun 26-30, 2023, CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany
  8. Precision spectroscopy of calculable many-body systems: He and H2,
    May 29, 2023, Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
  9. Cavity-enhanced precision spectroscopy of molecules,
    May 22-26, 2023, International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants, Viena, Austria
  10. 基于光腔增强的分子精密光谱测量与应用,
    Apr 28-30, 2023, 第6届全国激光光谱技术学术论坛,广州
  11. Precise Lineshape Parameters from Doppler-free Spectroscopy at Low Pressures,
    Jun 19-24, 2022, 25th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Caserta, Italy
  12. Cavity-enhanced spectroscopy of molecules with sub-kHz accuracy,
    Jun 14-17, 2022, 14th International User meeting of Cavity-enhanced Spectroscopy, Milano, Italy
  13. Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of Molecules with kHz Accuracy,
    Dec 17, 2021, Users Meeting of Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy in Japan, online
  14. Searching for New Physics from Precision Spectroscopy of Molecules,
    Oct 22-24, 2021, 中国物理学会秋季会议,量子信息分会,兰州(线上)
  15. 从原子分子精密光谱中寻找“新物理”,
    Oct 22-24, 2021, 中国物理学会秋季会议,原子分子物理分会,兰州(线上)
  16. Cavity-enhanced Precision Spectroscopy of Molecules: Methods and Applications,
    Aug 30 - Sep 03, 2021, 27th Colloqium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Cologne & online
  17. Cavity-enhanced Laser Spectroscopy of HD,
    Jun 22, 2020, Virtual Workshop of Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Hydrogen, Amsterdam & online
  18. Cavity-enhanced Spectroscopy of Molecules with Unprecedented Precision,
    Oct 11-14, 2019, 第15届全国化学动力学会,苏州
  19. Precision spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen as a test of QED,
    Oct 12, 2019, NSFC-CAS-JSPS symposium on molecular spectroscopy, Jinan, China
  20. Precision spectroscopy of HD toward a determination of mp/me,
    Sep 23-27, 2019, International conference on molecular energy transfer (iCOMET), Hefei, China
  21. Fano resonance revealed from Doppler-free ro-vibrational spectroscopy of HD,
    Sep 15-20, 2019, 35th International symposium on free radicals (ISFR), Hangzhou, China
  22. Cavity-enhanced Spectroscopy of Molecules with Unprecedented Precision,
    July 01-05, 2019, 19th Syposium of High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HIRUS), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  23. Cavity-enhanced Lamb-dip spectroscopy of HD at 1.39 um with 10^{-10} precision,
    May 27-31, 2019, 50th APS-DAMOP meeting, Milwaukee, Wiscosin, USA

  24. Precise line positions from comb-locked cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    June 13-15, 2018, 15th HITRAN Conference (united with the 14th ASA conference), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  25. Toward a determination of mp/me from Lamb-dip measurement of HD,
    May 14-18, 2018, 3rd International conference on precision physics of simple atomic systems (PSAS-2018), Vienna, Austria
  26. Precision spectroscopy of H2 and mp/me,
    Apr 23-25, 2018, 3rd International workshop on highly charged ions (HCI-III), Wuhan, China

  27. 基于光腔增强的分子光谱精密测量,
    11 02, 2017, 中科院安徽光机所“阳光书院”讲座
  28. 分子红外光谱精密测量,
    08 18-21, 2017, 第15届全国化学动力学会,南京

  29. Precision measurements based on CRDS,
    Sep 09, 2016, Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  30. Precise line parameters from cavity ring-down spectroscopy,
    24th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Aug 30 - Sep 3, 2016, Prague, Czech

  31. Precise line parameters of molecules, a report from CRDS,
    International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex systems, from chemical dynamics to new technologies, Oct 11-15, 2015, Chengdu, China
  32. Precision spectroscopy of He,
    Sep 11-13, 2015, 全国物理学会秋季年会原子分子物理分会,长春
  33. Precision spectroscopy of H2 & He,
    Aug 21-24, 2015, 第14届全国化学动力学会,西安
  34. Optical determination of kB,
    Aug 18-21, 2015, 7th Cross-strait Symposium on Chemical Dynamics, Dalian, China
  35. Kr-85 & Kr-81 dating with atom trap trace analysis,
    Jun 8, 2015, 中国地调局西北分局,西安
  36. Counting atoms with a laser,
    Apr 2, 2015, Universite de Littoral, Dunkirk, France
  37. Precision spectroscopy of H2 & He,
    Mar 29, 2015, Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  38. The ATTA-Hefei instrument and its applications in radio-krypton dating,
    Mar 26-29, 2015, Second international workshop on Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Geosciences (TANGR2015) Heidelberg, Germany

  39. CRDS for precise molecular line parameters and trace-gas detection,
    International Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Dec 19-21, 2014, Chengdu, China
  40. Precision Spectroscopy of H2,
    Feb 16-19, 2014, 6th Cross-strait Symposium on Chemical Dynamics, Hualian, Taiwan
  41. Determine kB from Dopplor Broadening,
    Jan 13, 2014, Huazhong Univeristy of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
  42. 多普勒展宽方法测定玻尔兹曼常数,
    华中科技大学, 武汉,2014.01.13

  43. 激光探测Kr同位素及其在地下水定年中的应用,
    中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京,2014.01.09

  44. 从H2红外跃迁到kB,
    华东师范大学精密光谱国家重点实验室, 上海,2013.11.15
  45. Atom trap trace analysis of radioactive noble-gas nuclides,
    ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Evaluating Groundwater Pathways and Residence Times as part of Site Investigations and Post-Closure Safety Assessments for Geological Repositories,
    Trieste, Italy, 17-21 June 2013
  46. Precision spectroscopy of H2,
    Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, 24 April 2013
  47. 双电子原子分子的精密光谱:H2和He,
    清华大学物理系, 北京,2013.03.28
  48. 分子的高精密光谱和玻尔兹曼常数的测定,
    基金委双清论坛:精密测量物理科学前沿, 北京,2013.3.20-21
  49. 双电子原子分子的精密光谱:H2和He,
    中科院武汉数学与物理研究所Colloquium, 武汉,2013.3.01
  50. 光腔衰荡光谱方法测量分子高精密光谱,
    Jan 16, 2013, 北京理工大学化学物理研究所,北京

  51. 分子的高灵敏高精密吸收光谱测量,
    全国物理学年会量子信息分会, 广州,2012.9.23
  52. Precision spectroscopy with a cavity ring-down spectrometer,
    第5届两岸化学动力学研讨会, 黄山,2012.8.28
  53. Precise cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the V=3 quadrupole band of H2,
    XVIIth Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HIRUS-2012), July 2-7, 2012, Zelenogorsk, St. Petersburg
  54. 光腔衰荡分子精密光谱方法测定玻尔兹曼常数,
    全国精密物理与测量研讨会, 武汉,2012.5.15

  55. 高灵敏吸收光谱技术与气体检测应用,
    中国气象局气象探测中心, 北京,2011.12.22
  56. To determine the Boltzmann constant using a sensitive absorption spectrometer,
    Department of Chemistry, The University of Hongkong, Hongkong,2011.12.01
  57. Recent progress in Cavity ring-down spectroscopy and its applications,
    National Institute of Metrology, Beijing,2011.11.08
  58. 超痕量同位素原子激光冷却与单原子检测,
    全国物理学年会原子分子物理分会, 杭州,2011.09.18

  59. 氦原子的精密光谱,
    全国精密物理与测量研讨会, 武汉,2010.12.20
  60. Laser Cooling of Rare Gases and Applications,
    Dynamics and control of quantum systems Joint Workshop of the The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Mar 23-24, 2010, Jerusalem, Israel

  61. Quantitative IR absorption spectroscopy study of some polyatomic molecules,
    XVth Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HIRUS-2006), July 18-21, 2006, Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA

  62. High-resolution IR study of Solid Molecular Hydrogen and CO2 in SMH matrix,
    全国化学动力学会 2005, 杭州

  63. Quantitative IR absorption spectroscopy study of polyatomic molecules,
    Universite J. Fourier/CNRS Grenoble, Universite du Littoral (Dunkerque), 2005, France

  64. Fourier-transform Intra-Cavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy,
    Universite J. Fourier/CNRS Grenoble, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie/CNRS (Paris), 2003, France

  65. Dipole moment surfaces and stretching vibrational band intensities of XH4 molecules,
    International Workshop on Laser Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics, 2002, Beijing, China