Research Interests
  • High-resolution spectroscopy of atmospheric molecules

  • Laser cooling and atomic trap trace analysis: from technique to applications

  • Matrix isolation spectroscopy of atoms and molecules

  • Sensitive spectroscopic techniques

  • Group Members


    Research Grants
  • ¡°Precision spectroscopy with an optical-frequency-comb-referenced cavity ring-down spectrometer in the mid-infrared¡±£¬ Key Project for Developing Scientific Instruments, National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (Gr.N. 21427804, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 7.1M) 2015-2019.

  • ¡°Determination of the Boltzmann constant from the precision spectroscopy of molecules¡±£¬ Key project in "Physics of Precision Measurements", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (Gr.N. 91436209, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 4.0M) 2015-2018.

  • ¡°Hihg-precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules¡±£¬ China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, National Natural Science Foundation of China
    (Gr.N. 21225314, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 2.8M) 2013-2016.

  • "Chemical Dynamics in Combustion", Ministry of Science and Technology (973 Projects),
    (NBRPC 2013CB834602, PI: F. Qi, RMB 1,000k) 2013-2017.

  • ¡°Quantum Control Based on Molecules and Molecular Assembles¡±£¬
    (NKBRSF 2010CB923300, PI: Y. Luo) 2010-2014.

  • "Precision Spectroscopy of the Fine Structures of Helium", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 90921006, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 700K) 2010-2012. GG2060030049

  • "Spectroscopy Studies of Molecules in Solid Hydropgen Matrix", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 20873132, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 320K) 2009-2011. GG2060030040

  • "Atomic spectroscopy and atom-photon interactions --- Atom trap trace analysis and applications"£¬ National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 10728408, PI: Z.-T. Lu and S.-M. Hu, RMB 400K) 2008-2010. GG2060030033

  • "Instrumentation for laser cooling and trapping trace isotopic atoms"£¬ Chinese Academy of Sciences,
    (Gr.N.YZ200765, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 2,500K) 2007-2009. CX2340000015, KY2340000014

  • "Dynamics of chemical reaction intermediate at ultra-low temperature", Ministry of Science and Technology (973 Projects),
    (NKBRSF 2007CB815203, PI: M.-F. Zhou, RMB 1,800k) 2007-2011. HH2340000002

  • "Quantum characters and control at molecular scale", Key projects of Ministry of Science and Technology,
    (NKBRSF 2006CB922001, PI: B. Wang, RMB 2,200K) 2006-2010.

  • "Weak infrared absorption spectroscopy of the highly excited ro-vibrational states of some atmospheric molecules", Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation, China
    (Gr.N.101013, PI: S.-M. Hu, USD 17.6K) 2006-2008. WF2060030002

  • "Sensitive mid-ir laser spectroscopy of some important atmospheric molecules", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 10574124, PI: Q.-S. Zhu, RMB 350K) 2006-2008. GG2060030002

  • "Study on the weak near-ir bands of some important atmospheric molecules including water vapor", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 20473079, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 250K) 2005-2007. GG0310700001

  • "High precision detection of the spectroscopic intensities and study of the high vibration-excited states of the polyatomic molecules", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 20103007, PI: S.-M. Hu, RMB 180K) 2002-2004. GG0391

  • "Study the highly excited molecular overtones by Fourier Transform Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (FT-ICLAS)", National Natural Science Foundation of China,
    (NSFC 29903010, PI: H. Lin, RMB 120K) 2000-2002. GG0380