1. Design Flow Practice

Candidates References
Simple MIPS CPU,
Floating Point Multiplier

2. Implementing Design Automtion Algorithms

Candidates References Benchmarks
Floorplanning [2].Chapter 10 MCNC Benchmark    GSRC Benchmark
Placement[2].Chapter.11, Selected.Papers IBM-PLACE 2.0 benchmark suits   ISPD98 circuit Benchmark suite
Global Routing[2].Chapter.12 ISPD 2008 Global Routing benchmark suits
Clock Network Synthesis[2].Chapter.13 ISPD 2009 Clock Network Synthesis benchmark suits

3. Research Survey

Candidates References
Related to:
Logic Synthesis,
Clock Tree Synthesis, etc.


  • ASP-DAC (ACM/IEEE Asian South Pacific Design Automation Conference)
  • CICC (IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference)
  • DAC (ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference)
  • DATE (Design, Automation and Test in Europe)
  • FCCM (IEEE Symposium on Custom Computing Machines)
  • FPGA-12 (ACM Int'l Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays)
  • GLVLSI (ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI)
  • ICCAD (IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Design)
  • ICCD(IEEE Int'l Conference on Computer Design)
  • ISCAS-12 (IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems)
  • ISQED (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design)
  • ISLPED (Int'l Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design)
  • ISPD (ACM Int'l Symposium on Physical Design)
  • SOCC (International SOC Conference)
  • VLSI-DAT (International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test)

On the conference website, you might download some papers. Proceedings of all of these conferences are included in IEEE Xplore or ACM Digital Library
