1. S. Zhang,Y. Zhou, F. Liu, and Z. Liu*
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  2. S. Zhang, M. Kang, H. Huang, W. Jiang, X. Ni, L. Kang, S. Zhang, H. Xu*, Z. Liu*, and F. Liu*
    Kagome Bands Disguised in a Coloring-Triangular Lattice.
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  3. X. Li, S. Zhang, H. Huang, L. Hu, F. Liu*, and Q. Wang*
    Unidirectional Spin¨COrbit Interaction Induced by the Line Defect in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for High-Performance Devices
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  4. M. U. Muzaffar=, B. Zhu=, Q. Yang, Y.Zhou, S.Zhang, Z. Zhang*, J. He*
    Suppressing bipolar effect to broadening the optimum range of thermoelectric performance for p-type bismuth telluride¨Cbased alloys via calcium doping
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