微分流形(2023 秋季学期)


[课程公告] [课程信息] [课程安排,讲义以及习题]


o (12/16) Lecture 23 and Lecture 24 uploaded!

o (12/16) PSet 7,part 1 uploaded. Due: Dec. 28.

o (12/25) Lecture 25 and Lecture 26 uploaded!

o (12/25) PSet 7,part 2 uploaded. Due: Dec. 28.

o (12/25) 考前答疑: Jan 02, 19:30-21:30 at 5501

o (1/2) Lecture 27 and Lecture 28 uploaded!

o (1/2) : 期末考试:19:30-21:30 覆盖:Lecture1-Lecture28 (updated)教室:5501



o 授课老师:   王作勤 (wangzuoq at ustc dot edu dot cn)

o 上课时间:   星期二晚上 19:30 – 21:05; 星期四下午 15:55 – 17:30;  

o 上课地点:   五教 5501

o 办公室:   管研楼1601

o 助教:   YE Xingchen (yexkif_1oclock at mail dot ustc dot edu dot cn) ZHOU Yipeng (zhouyp612 at mail dot ustc dot edu dot cn)

o 答疑时间:   周五,19:30-21:30pm

o 答疑地点:   5501

o 参考书籍   John Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds (Second Edition)

o 参考书籍   Loring Tu, An Introduction to Manifolds

o 参考书籍   Victor Guillemin and Alan Pollack, Differential Topology



o 课程安排可能会随着课程的进行而略有变动。

o 课程的讲义将在课后上传。

o 作业在标明的日期(通常是周二)课前交。

o 小论文:期中考试100分(含)以上选做,A+必要条件。 小论文选题

序号 日期 内容 讲义 作业
  Lecture 1     09/12     Review of Topology, Topological Manifolds     Lect 1     PSet 1, Part1   : Due Sep. 26.  
  Lecture 2     09/19     Smooth manifolds and smooth maps (extended lecture)     Lect 2     PSet 1, Part2   : Due Sep. 26  
  Lecture 3     09/21     Partition of unity and applications (extended lecture)     Lect 3  
  Lecture 4     09/26     The tangent space and the differential     Lect 4     PSet 2, Part1   : Due Oct. 17  
  Lecture 5     09/28     Local behavior of smooth maps     Lect 5  
  Lecture 6     10/10     Sard's theorem     Lect 6     PSet 2, Part2   : Due Oct. 17  
  Lecture 7     10/12     Smooth submanifolds     Lect 7  
  Lecture 8     10/17     Whitney Embedding Theorem     Lect 8     PSet 3, Part1   : Due Oct. 31  
  Lecture 9     10/19     Tubular Neighborhood Theorem     Lect 9  
  Lecture 10     10/24     Transversality     Lect 10     PSet 3, Part2   : Due Oct. 31  
  Lecture 11     10/26     Smooth Vector Fields     Lect 11     PSet 4, Part1   : Due Nov. 14  
  Lecture 12     10/31     Integral curves     Lect 12  
  Lecture 13     11/02     Flows     Lect 13     PSet 4, Part2   : Due Nov. 14  
  Lecture 14     11/07     Distributions     Lect 14  
  Lecture 15     11/09     Lie groups and its Lie algebras     Lect 15     PSet 5, Part1   : Due Nov. 28  
  Lecture 16     11/14     Lie homomorphisms and the exponential map     Lect 16  
  Lecture 17     11/16     Lie subgroups and Lie subalgebras     Lect 17  
  Lecture 18     11/21     Lie group actions     Lect 18     PSet 5, Part2   : Due Nov. 28  
      11/23     Midterm      
  Lecture 19     11/28     Tensors and linear k-forms     Lect 19     PSet 6, Part1   : Due Dec. 14(updated)  
  Lecture 20     11/30     Differential forms and exterior derivative     Lect 20  
  Lecture 21     12/05     Integrations of differential forms     Lect 21     PSet 6, Part2   : Due Dec. 14  
  Lecture 22     12/07     Stokes formula     Lect 22  
  Lecture 23     12/12     De Rham cohomology groups     Lect 23     PSet 7, Part1   : Due Dec. 28  
  Lecture 24     12/14     Mayer-Vietoris sequence     Lect 24  
  Lecture 25     12/19     Compactly supported de Rham cohomology groups     Lect 25     PSet 7, Part2   : Due Dec. 28  
  Lecture 26     12/21     Degree theory and applications     Lect 26  
  Lecture 27     12/26     Poincare Duality     Lect 27  
  Lecture 28     12/28     Thom class     Lect 28  
      01/02     考前答疑      
      01/05     期末考试:19:30-21:30 at 5501 覆盖:Lecture1-Lecture28 updated      























