image/ball/ball-7.gif (1608 bytes)等离子物理和应用


  1. 高温聚变等离子体物理:托卡马克等离子体中的微湍流的刻划及控制、反常输运与微湍流的关系、高模约束的获得;等离子体与波相互作用;磁流体动力学不稳定性,等离子体经典输运。研究装置:KT-5C 托克马克装置。
  2. 基础等离子体物理:气体放电等离子体的过程;等离子体中的非线性动力学现象;控制混沌;尘埃等离子体;高密度非中性等离子体。研究装置:1台等离子体稳态装置、1台电子束阱、1台磁化等离子体稳态装置(建造中)。
  3. 低温等离子体应用:应用等离子体化学气相沉积合成金刚石、 金刚石及碳化硅膜的研制开发及机理研究;等离子体源的研制。研究装置:双阴极直流放电等离子体装置、1ECR等离子体装置、1台微波表面波等离子装置。
  4. 大功率工业应用等离子体:等离子体工业应用技术的开发、大功率等离子体炬和切割弧的研制开发。研究装置:15兆瓦等离子体炬及弧装置。


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image/ball/ball-7.gif (1653 bytes)等离子体物理理论组image/ball/ball-7.gif (1653 bytes)



image/computer.gif (1051 bytes)研究内容:

1)等离子体动力论:经典与反常输运,湍动电场中粒子的扩散, 湍动场对双极扩散算子的影响;





image/books.gif (1625 bytes)近期发表论文:

1.X. W. Hu, Three Wave Mixing and Four Wave Scattering Processes in Laser-Plasma Interraction, Chin. Phys. Lett. 13, No.! (1996) 28;
2.X. W. Hu,
Triple Plasmon Decay of Electromagnetic Pump Wave, Chin. Phys. Lett. 12, No.7 (1995) 404;
3. J. X. Ma and M. Y. Yu,
Langmuir wave instability in a dusty plasma, Phys. Rev., E50, (1994) 2431;
4. J. X. Ma and M. Y. Yu,
Electrostatic sheath at the boundary of a dusty plasma, Phys.Plasmas 2 (1995) 1343;
5. J. X. Ma and P. K. Shukla,
Compact dispersion relation for parametric instabilities of electromagnetic waves in dusty plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 2, (1995) 1506;
6.J.X.Ma,P.K.Shukla and M.Y.Yu,
Nonlinear dielectric function of a dusty plasma in the presence of electromagnetic fields, Phys. Lett. A198, (1995) 357;
7.Chen Yinhua,
Shear Alfven vortices in a current-carring low-temperature plasma, Phys. Rev. E49 (1995) 3335;
8.Chen Yinhua,
Exact ion acorestic solitary waves in an impurity-containing magnetiged plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 1 (1994) 1868;
9.Chen Yinhua,
Coherent structure in a cylindrically-bounded magnetized dusty plasma, Phys. Lett., A185 (1994) 495;
10. Chen Yinhua,
Fully nonlinear dust acoustic solitary waves in a impurity-containing magnetized plasma, Phys. Scripta, 50 (1994) 298.

image/ball/ball-1.gif (1653 bytes)等离子体物理实验组image/ball/ball-7.gif (1653 bytes)



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image/bull014.gif (979 bytes)KT-5C 托克马克装置:

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image/books.gif (1625 bytes)近期发表论文:

1.H. Gao, K. Zhai, Y. Z. Wen, et al., Modifications of plasma edge electric field and confinement properties by limiter biasing on the KT-5C tokamak, J. Plasma Physics, 54 (1995) 3, 393;
2.Y. H. Xu, W. D. Liu, C. X. Yu, et al.,
Elecrtostatic fluctuations and related transport in the edge and core plasma of the keda takamak-5c, Phys.Plasmas 3 (1996) 1022;
3.L.Zeng,C.X.Yu et al,
A new way to achieve the H mode, and skin size electromagnetic turbulence and transport in the HT-6M limiter tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,1995) Vol.1,(1994) 249;
4.W.D.Liu,et al,
A Phase Contrast Imaging System for KT-5C Tokamak,to be published in J. Fasion Eng,& Design (1997)
5. Y. Z. Wen and R. Bravenec,
High-Sensitivity, High-Resolution Radiated Power Measurements on TEXT-U, Review of Scientific Instruments, 66 (1995) 1, 549, also presented at 10th Topical Conference on HTPD, Rochester, NY, USA, May 1994;
6.D.L. Feng,, C. X. Yu,W.X.Ding, et al.,
Type-I-like intermittent chaos multicomponent plasmas with negative ions, Phys. Rev., E54 (1996) 2839 ;
7.W.X.Ding,C.X.Yu, et al ,
Controlling chaos in a discharge plasma, Phys.Rev. Lett., 72 (1994) 96;
8.W.Huang,W.X.Ding,C.X.Yu ,et al ,
Estimation of a Lyapunar-exponenk Spectrum of plasma chaos, Phys.Rev., E50 (1994) 1062;
9.W.D.Liu,et al ,
Rapid global response of the electron temperature during pellet injection on core supra, Nucl.Fusion, 34 (1994) 337;
10.W.X.Ding, et al ,
Current self-osillations in alinear hot -cathod discharge plasma, Phys.Lett., A222 (1996) 409;
11.K.Zhai,Y.Z.Wen ,et al,
Feedback control of the edge turbulence on KT-5C, to be published in Phys.Rev. E (1997)

image/ball/ball-1.gif (1653 bytes)低温等离子体物理和应用组image/ball/ball-7.gif (1653 bytes)



image/computer.gif (1051 bytes)研究内容:



image/books.gif (1625 bytes)近期发表论文:

1. R. J. Zhan, et al., Synthesis of diamond films on stainless steel substrates, Chinese Phys.Lett.,11 (1994) 181;
2. R. J. Zhan, et al., Jumps and Hysteresis Effects in CH4-H2 Plasma Discharges, Journal De Physique,
5 (1995) 197;
3. R. J. Zhan, et al.,
Influence of plasma density on nucleated density of diamond, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 4 (1995) 401.
4.Zhan Rujuan, Wang Cunyong Wen Xiaohui et al. "Study of ECR microwave plasma nitriding" 13th International Symposium on Plasma chemistry Vol. ll (1997)876.
5.Zhu Xiaodong, Hu Min,Zhan Rujuan, et al.,"Optical emission characterization during dlectron assisted chemical vapor deposition f diamond", 13th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Vol.lll (1997).
6. Zhan Rujuan, Jiang Xicheng, Yao Dongsheng, et al., "The profiles of sheath structure and plasma parameters during synthesis of diamond films", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 16(1996) 60.

image/bull014.gif (979 bytes)国家基金委副主任王乃彦院士参观等离子体化学气相沉积合成功能材料薄膜:

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