Selected Conferences:
  1. Efficient LTE Backscatter with Uncontrolled Ambient Traffic
    Y. Yang, Y. Feng, W. Gong, and Y. Yang
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2024.

  2. Efficient Two-Way Edge Backscatter with Commodity Bluetooth
    M. Jiang, X. Liu, L. Dong, and W. Gong
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2024.

  3. Pareto Deep Long-Tailed Recognition: A Conflict-Averse Solution
    Z. Zhou, L. Liu, P. Zhao, and W. Gong
    ICLR, 2024.

  4. Dances with Blues: Harnessing Multi-Frequency Carriers for Commodity Bluetooth Backscatter
    M. Jiang and W. Gong
    ACM CoNEXT, 2023.

  5. Target-oriented Few-shot Transferring via Measuring Task Similarity
    Z. Zhou, W. Gong, and H. Zhou
    ACM CIKM, 2023.

  6. Enabling Native WiFi Connectivity for Ambient Backscatter
    L. Yuan and W. Gong
    ACM MobiSys, 2023.

  7. Timespan-based Backscatter Using a Single COTS Receiver
    C. Du, J. Liu, S. Wang, R. Zhang, W. Gong, and J. Yu
    ACM MobiSys, 2023.

  8. Ambient Backscatter with a Single Commodity AP
    Y. Yang, W. Gong, and Y. Yang
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2023.

  9. Class-Conditional Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Deep Long-Tailed Recognition
    Z. Zhou, L. Li, P. Zhao, P.-A. Heng, and W. Gong
    IEEE/CVF CVPR, 2023.

  10. BumbleBee: Enabling the Vision of Pervasive ZigBee Backscatter Communication
    Z. Xu and W. Gong
    IEEE PerCom, 2023.

  11. Ortho-CodeA: Orthogonal Codes Assisted Backscatter Multiple Access
    W. Wu, A. Hawbani, and W. Gong
    IEEE PerCom, 2023.

  12. SubScatter: Sub-symbol WiFi Backscatter for High Throughput
    L. Yuan and W. Gong
    IEEE ICNP, 2022.

  13. Enabling ZigBee Backscatter Communication in a Crowded Spectrum
    Z. Xu and W. Gong
    IEEE ICNP, 2022.

  14. Content-Agnostic Backscatter from Thin Air
    Y. Yang, L. Yuan, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    ACM MobiSys, 2022.

  15. EAScatter: Excitor-Aware Bluetooth Backscatter
    Z. Huang and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2022.

  16. Universal Space-Time Stream Backscatter with Ambient WiFi
    Y. Yang and W. Gong
    IEEE PerCom, 2022.

  17. Target-oriented Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for WiFi-based HAR
    Z. Zhou, F. Wang, J. Yu, J. Ren, Z. Wang, and W. Gong
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2022.

  18. Microphone Array Backscatter: An Application-Driven Design for Lightweight
    Spatial Sound Recording over the Air
    J. Zhao, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM MobiCom, 2021.

  19. Commodity-Level BLE Backscatter
    M. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    ACM MobiSys, 2021.

  20. Embracing Self-Powered Wireless Wearables for Smart Healthcare
    L. Yuan, C. Xiong, S. Chen, and W. Gong
    IEEE PerCom, 2021.

  21. Mobility Improves Accuracy: Precise Robot Manipulation with COTS RFID Systems
    H. Wang, S. Chen, and W. Gong
    IEEE PerCom, 2021.

  22. RapidRider: Efficient WiFi Backscatter with Uncontrolled Ambient Signals
    Q. Wang, S. Chen, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2021.

  23. Efficient Backscatter with Ambient WiFi for Live Streaming
    Q.Wang, J. Yu, C. Xiong, J. Zhao, S. Chen, R. Zhang, and W. Gong
    IEEE GlobeCom, 2020. Best Paper Award

  24. Multiprotocol Backscatter for Personal IoT Sensors
    W. Gong, L. Yuan, Q. Wang, and J. Zhao
    ACM CoNEXT, 2020.

  25. Decimeter-Level WiFi Tracking in Real-Time
    Z. Yang and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2020.

  26. MPTCP+: Enhancing Adaptive HTTP Video Streaming over Multipath
    J. Zhao, J. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Cui, Y. Jiang, and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2020.

  27. Towards Scalable Backscatter Sensor Mesh with Decodable Relay and Distributed Excitation
    J. Zhao, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM MobiSys, 2020.

  28. Reliable Backscatter with Commodity BLE
    M. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Chen, and W. Gong
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2020.

  29. Protocol-Aware Backscatter Communication Using Commodity Radios
    L. Yuan, R. Zhang, K. Yang, J. An, S. Chen, and W. Gong
    IEEE ICCC, 2020. Best Paper Award

  30. WiCAR: WiFi-based in-Car Activity Recognition with Multi-Adversarial Domain Adaptation
    F. Wang, J. Liu, and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2019.

  31. X-Tandem: Towards Multi-hop Backscatter Using Commodity WiFi
    J. Zhao, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM MobiCom, 2018.

  32. Multiple Object Activity Identification using RFIDs: A Multipath-Aware Deep Learning Solution
    X. Fan, F. Wang, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    IEEE ICDCS, 2018.

  33. Spatial Stream Backscatter Using Commodity WiFi
    J. Zhao, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM MobiSys, 2018.

  34. SiFi: Pushing the Limit of Time-Based WiFi Localization Using A Single Commodity Access Point
    W. Gong and J. Liu
    ACM UBICOMP, 2018.

  35. TagFree Activity Identification with RFIDs
    X. Fan, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM UBICOMP, 2018.

  36. MobiRate: Mobility-Aware Rate Adaptation Using PHY Information for Backscatter Networks
    W. Gong, S. Chen, J. Liu, and Z. Wang
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.

  37. Network Measurement in Multihop Wireless Networks with Lossy and Correlated Links
    C. Cao, W. Gong, W. Dong, J. Yu, C. Chen, and J. Liu
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.

  38. Fast and Reliable Tag Search in Large-Scale RFID Systems: A Probabilistic Tree-based Approach
    J. Yu, W. Gong, J. Liu, and L. Chen
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.

  39. I Can Hear More: Pushing the Limit of Ultrasound Sensing on Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices
    Y. Chen, W. Gong, J. Liu, and Y. Cui
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.

  40. WordRecorder: Accurate Acoustic-based Handwriting Recognition Using Deep Learning Devices
    H. Du, P. Li, H. Zhou, W. Gong, G. Luo, and P. Yang
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.

  41. Towards Higher Throughput Rate Adaptation for Backscatter Networks
    W. Gong, S. Chen, and J. Liu
    IEEE ICNP, 2017.

  42. Robust Indoor Wireless Localization Using Sparse Recovery
    W. Gong and J. Liu
    IEEE ICDCS, 2017.

  43. Fast and Reliable Unknown Tag Detection in Large-Scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, J. Liu, and Z. Yang
    ACM MOBIHOC, 2016.

  44. Exploiting Channel Diversity for Rate Adaptation in Backscatter Communication Networks
    W. Gong, H. Liu, K. Liu, Q. Ma, and Y. Liu
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2016.

  45. Wise Counting: Fast and Efficient Batch Authentication for Large-Scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, Y. Liu, A. Nayak, and C. Wang
    ACM MOBIHOC, 2014.

  46. Arbitrarily Accurate Approximation Scheme for Large-Scale RFID Cardinality Estimation
    W. Gong, K. Liu, X. Miao, and H. Liu
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2014.

  47. Towards Adaptive Continuous Scanning in Large-Scale RFID Systems
    H. Liu, W. Gong, X. Miao, and K. Liu
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2014.

  48. BOND: Exploring Hidden Bottleneck Nodes in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
    Q. Ma, K. Liu, T. Zhu, W. Gong, and Y. Liu
    IEEE ICDCS, 2014.

  49. Generic Composite Counting in RFID Systems
    H. Liu, W. Gong, L. Chen, W. He, K. Liu, and Y. Liu
    IEEE ICDCS, 2014.

  50. Informative Counting: Fine-grained Batch Authentication for Large-scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, K. Liu, X. Miao, Q. Ma, Z. Yang, and Y. Liu
    ACM MOBIHOC, 2013.

  51. Directional Diagnosis for Wireless Sensor Networks
    W. Gong, K. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Zhao, and M. Gu
    IEEE DCOSS, 2011. Best Paper Award

Selected Journals:
  1. PilotScatter: High-Throughput OFDM Backscatter via Pilot Tones
    Q. Wang, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2024.

  2. SAT: A Selective Adversarial Training Approach for WiFi-based Human Activity Recognition
    Y. Pan, Z. Zhou, W. Gong, and Y. Fang
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024.

  3. Native WiFi Backscatter
    L. Yuan, W. Gong, and Y. Fang
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024.

  4. Bitalign: Bit Alignment for Bluetooth Backscatter Communication
    Z. Huang, Y. Ding, D. Wu, S. Wang, and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024.

  5. FMRider: Two-FSK Modulation Based Ambient FM Backscatter Over One Hundred Meters Distance
    K. Xu, W. Gong, Y. Li, J. M. Purushothama, G. Goussetis, S. McLaughlin, J. Thompson, C. Song, and Y. Ding
    IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024.

  6. Enhancing Fitness Evaluation in Genetic Algorithm-based Architecture Search for AI-aided Financial Regulation
    J. Feng, Y. He, Y. Pan, Z. Zhou, S. Chen, and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2024.

  7. High-Precision Tracking for Mobile Objects with COTS RFID Systems
    W. Gong, H. Wang, S. Li, and S. Chen
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023.

  8. Universal WiFi Backscatter with Ambient Space-Time Streams
    Y. Yang and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023.

  9. Efficient Single-Symbol Backscatter with Uncontrolled Ambient OFDM WiFi
    W. Gong, Y. Huang, Q. Wang, S. Chen, J. Zhao, and J. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023.

  10. i-Sample: Augment Domain Adversarial Adaptation Models for WiFi-based HAR
    Z. Zhou, F. Wang, and W. Gong
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2023.

  11. Heartbeating with LTE Networks for Ambient Backscatter
    Y. Feng, S. Chen, W. Xi, S. Wang, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

  12. Bidirectional Bluetooth Backscatter with Edges
    M. Jiang and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

  13. Interference-Aware Mobile Backscatter Communication: A PHY-Assisted Rate Adaptive Approach
    S. Chen, W. Gong, J. Liu, Z. Wang, and J. Zhao
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022.

  14. Multiprotocol Backscatter with Commodity Radios for Personal IoT Sensors
    L. Yuan, Q. Wang, J. Zhao, and W. Gong
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022.

  15. Reliable and Practical Bluetooth Backscatter with Commodity Devices
    S. Chen, M. Zhang, J. Zhao, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2021.

  16. BOND: Exploring Hidden Bottleneck Nodes in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
    Q. Ma, Z. Cao, W. Gong, and X. Zheng
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2021.

  17. High-Throughput and Robust Rate Adaptation for Backscatter Networks
    S. Chen, W. Gong, J. Zhao, and J. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020.

  18. RF-Pen: Practical Real-Time RFID Tracking in the Air
    H. Wang and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020.

  19. Multi-Adversarial In-Car Activity Recognition using RFIDs
    F. Wang, J. Liu, and W. Gong
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020.

  20. Measurement, Analysis and Enhancement of Multipath TCP Energy Efficiency for Datacenters
    J. Zhao, J. Liu, H. Wang, C. Xu, W. Gong, and C. Xu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020.

  21. Channel Selective Activity Recognition with WiFi: A Deep Learning Approach Exploring Wideband Information
    F. Wang, W. Gong, J. Liu, and K. Wu
    IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020.

  22. Multi-Seed Group Labeling in RFID Systems
    J. Yu, J. Liu, R. Zhang, L. Chen, W. Gong, and S. Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019.

  23. Missing Tag Identification in COTS RFID Systems: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
    J. Yu, W. Gong, J. Liu, L. Chen, K. Wang, and R. Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019.

  24. RoArray: Towards More Robust Indoor Localization Using Sparse Recovery with Commodity WiFi
    W. Gong and J. Liu
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2018.

  25. On Efficient Tree-based Tag Search in Large-Scale RFID Systems
    J. Yu, W. Gong, J. Liu, L. Chen, and K. Wang
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2018.

  26. Channel-Aware Rate Adaptation for Backscatter Networks
    W. Gong, H. Liu, J. Liu, X. Fan, K. Liu, Q. Ma, and X. Ji
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2018.

  27. Efficient Unknown Tag Detection in Large-Scale RFID Systems with Unreliable Channels
    W. Gong, J. Liu, and Z. Yang
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2017.

  28. i2Tag: RFID Mobility and Activity Identification through Intelligent Profiling
    X. Fan, W. Gong, and J. Liu
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2017.

  29. Towards More Rigorous and Practical Cardinality Estimation for Large-Scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, J. Liu, K. Liu, and Y. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2017.

  30. Fast and Adaptive Continuous Scanning in Large-Scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, H. Liu, X. Miao, K. Liu, W. He, L. Zhang, and Y. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.

  31. Fast Composite Counting in RFID Systems
    W. Gong, H. Liu, L. Chen, K. Liu, and Y. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.

  32. Fast and Scalable Counterfeits Estimation for Large-scale RFID Systems
    W. Gong, I. Stojmenovic, A. Nayak, K. Liu, and H. Liu
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.

  33. Continuous Answering Holistic Queries over Sensor Networks
    K. Liu, L. Chen, Y. Liu, W. Gong, and A. Nayak
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2016

  34. Directional Diagnosis for Wireless Sensor Networks
    W. Gong, K. Liu, and Y. Liu
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2015

  35. Self-Diagnosis for Detecting System Failures in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
    K. Liu, Q. Ma, W. Gong, X. Miao, and Y. Liu
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015

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