课题组新网址请见: https://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/wangqian123


Wang Research Group

Computational and Theoretical Biophysics



PI: 汪骞


2003-2007/6 中国科学技术大学近代物理系,学士

2007-2012/5 美国休斯敦大学物理系,博士

2012-2020/1 美国德州大学医学部、美国莱斯大学理论生物物理学中心,博士后





1) 纳米分子机器


2) 蛋白质动力学


3) 单碱基编辑系统的优化




After joining USTC in 2020 (# co-first author; * co-corresponding author):

  1. Q. Wang#*, Lin Wang#, Yumin Zhang#, XiangLei Zhang, Leike Zhang, Weijuan Shang* and Fang Bai*, "Probing the Allosteric Inhibition Mechanism of a Spike Protein Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Active Compound Identifications", Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65(4), 2827-2835 (2022)
  2. Q. Wang#*, Jie Yang#, Zhicheng Zhong, Jeffrey A. Vanegas, Xue Gao*, Anatoly B. Kolomeisky*, "A General Theoretical Framework to Design Base Editors with Reduced Bystander Effects", Nature Communications, 12, 6529 (2021)

Before 2020 (# co-first author; * co-corresponding author):

  1. Q. Wang, M. Chen, N. P. Schafer, C. Bueno, P. G. Wolynes, M. N. Waxham and M. S. Cheung, “Assemblies of Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Kinase II with Actin and Their Dynamic Regulation by Calmodulin in Dendritic Spines”, PNAS, 116 (38), 18937-18942 (2019)
  2. Q. Wang, B. Jana, M. R Diehl, M. S. Cheung, A. B. Kolomeisky and J. N. Onuchic, “Molecular Mechanisms of the Interhead Coordination by Interhead Tension in Cytoplasmic Dyneins”, PNAS, 115 (40), 10052-10057 (2018)
  3. Q. Wang, M. R. Diehl, B. Jana, M. S. Cheung, A. B. Kolomeisky and J. N. Onuchic, “Molecular Origin of the Weak Susceptibility of Kinesin Velocity to Loads and its Relation to the Collective Behavior of Kinesins”, PNAS, 114, E8611–E8617 (2017)
  4. Q. Wang, R. N. Irobalieva, W. Chiu, M. F. Schmid, J. M. Fogg, L. Zechiedrich, and B. Montgomery Pettitt, “Influence of DNA sequence on the structure of minicircles under torsional stress”, Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (13), 7633-7642 (2017)
  5. Q. Wang#, P. Zhang#, S. Tripathi, L. Hoffman, L. Yin, M. N. Waxham, M. S. Cheung, "Protein recognition and selection through conformational and mutually induced fit", PNAS, 110, 20545-20550 (2013)
  6. Q. Wang and A. B. Kolomeisky, “Theoretical Analysis of Run Length Distributions for coupled Motor Proteins”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123 (27), 5805-5813 (2019)
  7. Q. Wang and B. Montgomery Pettitt, “Sequence Affects the Cyclization of DNA Minicircles”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter, 7, pp 1042–1046 (2016)
  8. Q. Wang and B. Montgomery Pettitt, “Modeling DNA Thermodynamics under Torsional Stress”, Biophysical Journal, 106, 1182-1193 (2014)
  9. Q. Wang and M. S. Cheung, “A Physics-based Approach of Coarse-graining the Cytoplasm of E. coli (CGCYTO)”, Biophysical Journal, 102, 2353-2361 (2012)
  10. Q. Wang, Kao-Chen Liang, A. Czader, M. N. Waxham, M. S. Cheung, "The effect of macromolecular crowding, ionic strength and calcium binding on calmodulin dynamics", PLoS Computational Biology, 7: e1002114 (2011)