WrightEagle 2D Simulation Team 2005

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This paper introduces the implementation of Wright Eagle 2-D Simulation team 2005. The team is implemented on the basis of WrightEagle 2004 and thus inherits the decision-making framework of its antecedent, which is a combination of a simplified model of MDP and PRS system. In WrightEagle2005, we re-build several key basic-action modules of the team in order to enhance the performance of the agent, such as the Unknown-player Matching algorithm, the new Fast-Dribble skill and the fixed Pass-Ball algorithm, and we also use a new decision-making structure which is based on POMDP method to implement the tactic behavior.

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Peng Bai, Changjie Fan, Feng Wu, Xiaoping Chen. WrightEagle 2D Simulation Team 2005. In Proceedings of Robot Soccer World Cup IX Symposium (RoboCup), Osaka, Japan, July 2005.
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 address = {Osaka, Japan},
 author = {Peng Bai and Changjie Fan and Feng Wu and Xiaoping Chen},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of Robot Soccer World Cup IX Symposium (RoboCup)},
 month = {July},
 title = {WrightEagle 2D Simulation Team 2005},
 year = {2005}