Towards a Principled Solution to Simulated Robot Soccer

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The RoboCup soccer simulation 2D domain is a very large testbed for the research of planning and machine learning. It has competed in the annual world championship tournaments in the past 15 years. However it is still unclear that whether more principled techniques such as decision-theoretic planning take an important role in the success for a RoboCup 2D team. In this paper, we present a novel approach based on MAXQ-OP to automated planning in the RoboCup 2D domain. It combines the benefits of a general hierarchical structure based on MAXQ value function decomposition with the power of heuristic and approximate techniques. The proposed framework provides a principled solution to programming autonomous agents in large stochastic domains. The MAXQ-OP framework has been implemented in our RoboCup 2D team, WrightEagle. The empirical results indicated that the agents developed with this framework and related techniques reached outstanding performances, showing its potential of scalability to very large domains.

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Aijun Bai, Feng Wu, Xiaoping Chen. Towards a Principled Solution to Simulated Robot Soccer. In Proceedings of the Robot Soccer World Cup XVI Symposium (RoboCup), pages 141-153, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2012.
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 address = {Mexico City, Mexico},
 author = {Aijun Bai and Feng Wu and Xiaoping Chen},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Robot Soccer World Cup XVI Symposium (RoboCup)},
 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39250-4_14},
 month = {June},
 pages = {141-153},
 title = {Towards a Principled Solution to Simulated Robot Soccer},
 year = {2012}