Jianyuan Xiao (肖建元)

Postdoctoral Researcher of Plasma Physics

Department of Engineering and Applied Physics, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

Email: xiaojy@ustc.edu.cn

Mailing Address: No. 1404, East of Science and Experiment Building, No. 443 Huangshan Road, Shushan Dist, Hefei, Anhui, China

Tel: (+86)18654109576


2007-2011 Peking University, B.S.

2011-2017 University of Science and Technology of China, Ph.D

2015-2016 University of Texas at Austin, Visiting Scholar

Research Interests


SymPIC is a symplectic structure-preserving particle-in-cell simulation code designed for long-term simulations of Vlasov-Maxwell systems. Currently a precompiled OpenMP-MPI hybrid implement for x86-64 machines is available on the github. It is implemented with self-developed multiple heterogeneous architecture programming language PSCMC , and source code is located at here . Its document is available on the link sympic_doc .


1. 2021 Symplectic structure-preserving particle-in-cell whole-volume simulation of tokamak plasmas to 111.3 trillion particles and 25.7 billion grids, J Xiao, J Chen, J Zheng, et.al, Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21), 1--13, https://doi.org/10.1145/3458817.3487398 (2021 Gordon Bell Prize Finalist)
2. 2021 Unified perspective on single cyclotron electron with radiation-reaction from classical to quantum, Q Chen, P Fan, J Xiao, arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08879
3. 2021 Slow manifolds of classical Pauli particle enable structure-preserving geometric algorithms for guiding center dynamics, J Xiao, H Qin, Computer Physics Communications, 107981
4. 2021 High-order Field Theory and Weak Euler-Lagrange-Barut Equation for Classical Relativistic Particle-Field Systems, P Fan, Q Chen, J Xiao, arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.04196
5. 2021 A gauge-symmetrization method for energy-momentum tensors in high-order electromagnetic field theories, P Fan, J Xiao, H Qin, arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.14241
6. 2021 Explicit structure-preserving geometric particle-in-cell algorithm in curvilinear orthogonal coordinate systems and its applications to whole-device 6D kinetic simulations of tokamak physics, J Xiao, H Qin, Plasma Science and Technology, (23) 055102
7. 2021 ISSDE: A Monte Carlo implicit simulation code based on Stratonovich SDE approach of Coulomb collision, Y Zheng, J Xiao, Y Wang, J Zheng, G Zhuang, Chinese Physics B
8. 2021 Gauge invariant canonical symplectic algorithms for real-time lattice strong-field quantum electrodynamics, Q Chen, J Xiao, P Fan, Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (1910.09215), 1-45
9. 2020 Structure-preserving electromagnetic–kinetic simulations of lower hybrid-wave injection and current drive, J Zheng, J Chen, F Lu, J Xiao, H An, L Shen, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62 (12), 125020
10. 2020 PT-symmetry entails pseudo-Hermiticity regardless of diagonalizability, R Zhang, H Qin, J Xiao, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 (1), 012101
11. 2019 Field theory and a structure-preserving geometric particle-in-cell algorithm for drift wave instability and turbulence, J Xiao, H Qin, Nuclear Fusion 59 (10), 016044
12. 2019 Explicit high-order gauge-independent symplectic algorithms for relativistic charged particle dynamics, J Xiao, H Qin, Computer Physics Communications, 241, 19-27
13. 2018 A lattice Maxwell system with discrete space-time symmetry and local energy-momentum conservation, J Xiao, H Qin, Y Shi, J Liu, R Zhang, Physics Letters A, 383 (9), 808-812
14. 2018 Structure-Preserving Geometric Particle-in-Cell Methods for Vlasov-Maxwell Systems, J Xiao, H Qin, J Liu, Plasma Science and Technology 20 (11), 110501
15. 2018 Simulations of relativistic quantum plasmas using real-time lattice scalar QED, Y Shi, J Xiao, H Qin, NJ Fisch, Physical Review E 97 (5), 053206
16. 2018 Explicit symplectic algorithms based on generating functions for relativistic charged particle dynamics in time-dependent electromagnetic field, R Zhang, Y Wang, Y He, J Xiao, J Liu, H Qin, Y Tang, Physics of Plasmas 25 (2), 022117
17. 2017 Canonical symplectic structure and structure-preserving geometric algorithms for Schrödinger–Maxwell systems, Q Chen, H Qin, J Liu, J Xiao, R Zhang, Y He, Y Wang, Journal of Computational Physics 349, 441-452
18. 2017 Local energy conservation law for a spatially-discretized Hamiltonian Vlasov-Maxwell system, J Xiao, H Qin, J Liu, R Zhang, Physics of Plasmas 24 (6), 062112
19. 2016 Explicit high-order noncanonical symplectic algorithms for ideal two-fluid systems, J Xiao, H Qin, PJ Morrison, J Liu, Z Yu, R Zhang, Y He, Physics of Plasmas 23 (11), 112107
20. 2016 Explicit symplectic algorithms based on generating functions for charged particle dynamics, R Zhang, H Qin, Y Tang, J Liu, Y He, J Xiao, Physical Review E 94 (1), 013205
21. 2016 On the structure of the two-stream instability–complex G-Hamiltonian structure and Krein collisions between positive-and negative-action modes, R Zhang, H Qin, RC Davidson, J Liu, J Xiao, Physics of Plasmas 23 (7), 072111
22. 2015 Canonical symplectic particle-in-cell method for long-term large-scale simulations of the Vlasov–Maxwell equations, H Qin, J Liu, J Xiao, R Zhang, Y He, Y Wang, Y Sun, JW Burby, L Ellison, ..., Nuclear Fusion 56 (1), 014001
23. 2015 Hamiltonian time integrators for Vlasov-Maxwell equations, Y He, H Qin, Y Sun, J Xiao, R Zhang, J Liu, Physics of Plasmas 22 (12), 124503
24. 2015 Explicit high-order non-canonical symplectic particle-in-cell algorithms for Vlasov-Maxwell systems, J Xiao, H Qin, J Liu, Y He, R Zhang, Y Sun, Physics of Plasmas 22 (11), 112504
25. 2015 Comment on “Hamiltonian splitting for the Vlasov–Maxwell equations”, H Qin, Y He, R Zhang, J Liu, J Xiao, Y Wang, Journal of Computational Physics 297, 721-723
26. 2015 Variational symplectic particle-in-cell simulation of nonlinear mode conversion from extraordinary waves to Bernstein waves, J Xiao, J Liu, H Qin, Z Yu, N Xiang, Physics of Plasmas 22 (9), 092305
27. 2014 Canonicalization and symplectic simulation of the gyrocenter dynamics in time-independent magnetic fields, R Zhang, J Liu, Y Tang, H Qin, J Xiao, B Zhu, Physics of Plasmas 21 (3), 032504
28. 2013 A variational multi-symplectic particle-in-cell algorithm with smoothing functions for the Vlasov-Maxwell system, J Xiao, J Liu, H Qin, Z Yu, Physics of Plasmas 20 (10), 102517
29. 2013 Why is Boris algorithm so good?, H Qin, S Zhang, J Xiao, J Liu, Y Sun, WM Tang, Physics of Plasmas 20 (8), 084503