Course: The Physics and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei Lecturer: Yongquan Xue ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements of reading reports - a total of 4 reports (1 group report + 3 individual reports) required in the semester - use the first month to finish the group report; then arrange accordingly the remaining 3 individual reports - choose AGN-related papers by yourself; all chosen papers should be relatively new, i.e., appear after 01/2023 - must be written in English; overall length: >1200 words -- MANDATORY requirement! - MUST NOT COPY texts from the original paper; use your OWN words - electronic submission ONLY to (email subject: Your Name - AGN reading report #) - acceptable file formats: *.pdf, *.docx, *.doc, *.txt - see below for detailed requirements on the format and contents (the format and style can be flexible, but the contents, i.e., everything below ***********, are all MANDATORY) (again, all the texts below *********** should LITERALLY appear in each of your reports!) - SEE 000_reading_report_sample_*.pdf for sample reading reports *********** Course: The Physics and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei Reading report # Name: Date: Paper name: Paper authors: Paper download link: Paper abstract: (copy the complete abstract here) Q1. What is this work all about? What is your overall impression on the quality of this work (poor, average, good, or great)? Explain briefly your assessment. [>~100 words required] Q2. Why do the authors carry out this work (including, e.g., current research status, issues, scientific motivations)? [>~150 words required] Q3. How do the authors manage to finish this work (including, e.g., using new data, new techniques, new models)? [>~250 words required] Q4. What are the main results and conclusions of this work? What are the differences/improvements of this work compared to previous relevant works? [>~250 words required] Q5. What are the main contributions (i.e., scientific significances) of this work? [>~100 words required] Q6. Why can the authors make such contributions (e.g., using new idea, new data, new techniques, new theories)? [>~100 words required] Q7. Can you think of some way to improve this work or to verify it? [>~100 words required]