研究生(Graduate Students)


Le Wu (吴乐), PhD Candidate, cosupervised with Dr. X. Zhang

Education: B.S., HFUT BME, 2016;

Topic: sEMG-based hand guesture pattern recognition;

Publication: IEEE TBME 2020, IEEE TNSRE 2021, IEEE Sensors J 2022; KBS 2021, IEEE TIM 2022, IEEE TNSRE 2022, IEEE Sensors J 2022, IEEE TNSRE 2023, IEEE SPM 2023 ...

Current Position: Research Associate Professor in USTC

Yu Li (李煜), PhD Candidate, cosupervised with Dr. A. Liu

Education: B.S., AHU EE, 2017;

Topic: Brain connectivity analysis;

Publication: Autism Research 2020, IEEE JBHI 2021, IEEE TBME 2022,  CBM 2022 ...

Awards: 2019年度研究生国家奖学金

Current Position: Associate Professor in Institute of Dataspace, Hefei

Deng Liang (梁邓), PhD Candidate

Education: B.S., USTC EE (Dept. 23), 2017;

Topic: EEG-based epilepic seizure prediction;

Publication: J. Neurosci. Methods 2022, J. Healthcare Eng. 2022, IEEE TIM 2023

Awards: 2020年国际天普癫痫检测大赛季军

Kun Wang (王堃), PhD Candidate

Education: B.S., HFUT BME, 2018;

Topic: Intracranial EEG analysis;

Publication: IEEE TNSRE 2020;

Awards: 2020年度研究生国家奖学金

Jing Zhang (张静), PhD Candidate

Education: B.S., AHU EE, 2018;

Topic: ECG-based heart disease classification;

Publication: Artif. Intell. Med. 2020, IEEE JTEHM 2021; J. Healthcare Eng. 2021, IEEE TIM 2022; IEEE Sensors J 2023

Awards: 2019年全国首届心电智能诊断大赛二等奖(Rank: 8/545), Huawei Internship

Xuan Zhang (张璇), PhD Candidate, cosupervised with Dr. X. Zhang

Education: B.S., HFUT BME, 2018;

Topic: sEMG-based hand guesture pattern recognition;

Publication: IEEE TNSRE 2022, JNE 2023

Heng Cui (崔恒), PhD Candidate

Education: B.S., HFUT Comp. Sci., 2019;

Topic: EEG-based emotion recognition;

Publication: Knowledge-Based Systems 2020, IEEE TAC 2021, IEEE TIM 2023

Awards: 2020年度研究生国家奖学金

Bo Xue (薛博), PhD Candidate

Education: B.S., USTC EE (Dept. 23), 2019;

Topic: sEMG-based gesture reconition across subjects;

Publication: CBM 2021, CBM 2022, IEEE TNSRE 2023

Qingze Liu (刘庆泽), Master Student

Education: B.S., USTC School of the Gifted Young, 2018;

Topic: Muscle artifact removal from EEG;

Publication: IEEE TIM 2019; J. Healthcare Eng. 2019; IEEE TIM 2021

Awards: 2020年度研究生国家奖学金

Job Offer: Huawei "Find Star" Project


Junyuan Jing (景军元), Master Student

Education: B.S., USTC EE (Dept. 6), 2019;

Topic: ECG signal analysis via deep learning;

Publication: J. Healthcare Eng. 2022;

Awards: 2019年全国首届心电智能诊断大赛二等奖(Rank: 8/545)

Job Offer: Huawei "Find Star" Project


Gongzheng Song (宋公正), Master Student

Education: B.S., HFUT Stat., 2019;

Topic: Blind source separation;

Publication: IEEE TIM 2021;

Job Offer: Huawei "Find Star" Project

Ming Yang (杨铭), Master Student

Education: B.S., USTC School of the Gifted Young, 2020;

Topic: Intracranial EEG analysis;

Publication: struggling ...

Yuhang Chen (陈宇航), Master Student

Education: B.S., USTC Auto. (Dept. 10), 2020;

Topic: Medical image fusion;

Publication: IEEE Sensors Letters 2022

Dai Wang (王岱), Master Student

Education: B.S., USTC EE (Dept. 23), 2020;

Topic: Brain computer interfaces;

Publication: struggling ...

Yikai Gao (高逸凯), Master Student

Education: B.S., HFUT Comp. Sci., 2020;

Topic: EEG-based epilepic seizure detection;

Publication: IEEE JTEHM 2022;

Awards: 2020年国际天普癫痫检测大赛季军

Huihui Zhou (周会会), Master Student

Education: B.S., AHU EE, 2020;

Topic: Hardware design for brain computer interfaces;

Grant: 中国科大学生创新创业基金, 100,000 RMB, PI

Publication: struggling ...


Yuheng Feng (冯宇衡), USTC EE, 2017-2021(Rank: 1/274);

Topic: EEG data analysis;

Publication: Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware 2021;

Awards: 2020年度郭沫若奖学金

Offer: UC Berkeley-UCSF PhD Program







Current Position: PhD Candidate, University of Macau.

Education: B.S., HFUT IM, 2017; M.S., HFUT BME, 2020;

Topic: Emotion Recognition via EEG;

Publication: IEEE TAC 2020; IEEE Sensors J. 2019


Current Position: Engineer, National Supercomputing Center-Tianjin

Education: B.S., HFUT BME, 2017; M.S., HFUT BME, 2020;

Topic: Video-based Remote PPG Extraction via CNN;

Publication: IEEE TIM 2020


Current Position: Engineer, Taiho Optoelectronic

Education: B.S., WNMC BME, 2017; M.S., HFUT BME, 2020;

Topic: Bone Age Estimation based on X-ray Images;

Publication: Comp. Bio. Med. 2018


Current Position: Engineer, Morningcore.

Education: B.S., HFUT EE, 2016; M.S., HFUT BME, 2019;

Topic: Artifact Removal in Single-Channel EEG;

Publication: IEEE TIM 2019; IEEE Access 2019


Current Position: PhD Candidate, Beijing Normal Univ.

Education: B.S., AHMU BME, 2014; M.S., HFUT BME, 2018;

Topic: Muscle Artifact Removal in Few-Channel EEG;

Publication: IEEE TIM 2018; Electronics Letters 2018; IEEE Sensors J. 2019


Current Position: Engineer, iFlytek.

Education: B.S., HFUT EE, 2015; M.S., HFUT BME, 2018;

Topic: Remote PPG Estimation via Camera under Dynamic Ambient Light;

Publication: IEEE JBHI 2017; Electronics Letters 2018