Yang Zhang
608, Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study
University of Science and Technology of China
96 Jinzhai Road
230026, Hefei, Anhui, China
e-mail: yzhphy(at)ustc.edu.cn
I am a professor at Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study (ICTS), Department of Modern Physics, in University of Science and Technology of China. My research focuses on the application of modern mathematical and computational methods, on the frontiers of theoretical physics like scattering amplitudes and integrability. For instance, the computational algebraic geometry approach has been used to compute the milestone result: two-loop five-point nonplanar integrals.
I received my Ph.D. in 2011, from the department of physics at Cornell University. My advisor is Prof. Henry Tye. I was a postdoc in Niels Bohr Institute from 2011 to 2014. In 2015 I received the Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione fellow, to work in ETH Zurich . From 2017 to 2019, I worked as a junior group leader (E15) in JGU Mainz and Max-Planck Institute for Physics Munich.
My publications can be accessed through this link.