Dr. Zhicheng He (何志成)

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3 Feb. 2022

I am a faculty member, currently holding the position of Associate Professor (Special Full Professor), at the Department of Astronomy, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). My research focuses on Active Galactic Nuclei, Tidal Disruption Events, and Cosmic Standard Candle. One of my significant accomplishments is the development of innovative methods for measuring the density of ionized gas in active galaxies(Here is my story about “inspiration”).

As of August 2024, I have published 20 first or corresponding author papers, with five representative works highlighted below:

1, Proposed a novel method to measure the recombination time and density of ionized gas around Super-Massive Black Holes, and for the first time, analyzed the distribution of density, distance, energy, and other physical properties of fast outflow gas in a large sample, which was published in Nature Astronomy, 3, 265, 2019.

2, Discovered evidence for quasar fast outflows being accelerated at a larger scale of tens of parsecs, which was published in Science Advances, 8, eabk3291, 2022, far beyond the theoretically predicted location of 0.01 to 0.1 parsecs where the accretion disk line-driven wind is launched.

3, Analyzed the SDSS sample and found evidence for the rebound of star formation rate in the evolution of active galaxies for the first time, which was published in Nature Astronomy, 6, 339, 2022, and received the ESI top 1% Highly Cited Paper designation.

4, Discovered that BAL variabilities in at least 80% of quasars are driven by the variation of an ionizing continuum, which was published in ApJS, 229, 22, 2017, and won the Top Cited Paper Award of China.

5, Found the Hysteresis Effect of Fe II in the TDE published ApJL, 907, 29, 2021, indicating that the iron element released from the sublimated dust that contributes evidently to the observed Fe II emission.

Additionally, I have over 30 collaborated papers, published in Nature Communications, ApJ, ApJL, and MNRAS, with over 400 refereed citations in total.


CAS Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology

Department of Astronomy

School of Astronomy and Space Science

University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei 230026, Anhui, China

Here is my CV


Email: zcho@ustc.edu.cn

ORCID: 0000-0003-3667-1060

Zhicheng He’s Google Scholar

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