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[27] L. Zhang, J. Cai, T. Zhang, F. Qi, Kinetic modeling study of toluene pyrolysis at low pressure, Combustion and Flame, 157 (2010) 1686-1697.

[28] Y. Li, L. Zhang, T. Yuan, K. Zhang, J. Yang, B. Yang, F. Qi, C.K. Law, Investigation on fuel-rich premixed flames of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Part I. Intermediate identification and mass spectrometric analysis, Combustion and Flame, 157 (2010) 143-154.

[29] Y. Pan, L. Zhang, H. Guo, L. Deng, F. Qi, Photoionisation and photodissociation studies of nonvolatile organic molecules by synchrotron VUV photoionisation mass spectrometry and theoretical calculations, International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 29 (2010) 369-401.

[30] L. Deng, L. Zhang, H. Guo, L. Jia, Y. Pan, H. Yin, F. Qi, VUV photon-induced ionization/dissociation of antipyrine and propyphenazone: mass spectrometric and theoretical insights, Journal of mass spectrometry, 45 (2010) 734-739.

[31] Z. Zhou, L. Zhang, M. Xie, Z. Wang, D. Chen, F. Qi, Determination of absolute photoionization cross-sections of alkanes and cyclo-alkanes, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted to the Rapid Dissemination of Up-to-the-Minute Research in Mass Spectrometry, 24 (2010) 1335-1342.

[32] H. Guo, L. Zhang, L. Deng, L. Jia, Y. Pan, F. Qi, Vacuum ultraviolet photofragmentation of sarcosine: photoionization mass spectrometric and theoretical insights, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114 (2010) 3411-3417.
