Course: Introduction to Algorithm: Design and Analysis


This course is aimed at graduate students who have learnt some knowledge about data structure and the related basic algorithms. For example, the data stuctures of tree and graph are required to better understand and grasp the pricinples of algorithms. The course teaches students the core ideas of different algoritms and the corresponding design principles. In particular, here C++ is employed to describle the algorithms. Our goal is to train the ability of solving the real-world problems using these algorithms. More specifically, this course would guide students to know the philosophy of different algorithms and their general design routes with aims of enhancing the practicability and applicability. Furthermore, the students are expected to study more in-depth algorithm knowledge after this course.

The teaching method of this course is to concisely explain most important knowledge points of algorithm by introducing theire key features and applicable scenarios. More important, many representative problems would be introduced and analyzed as the examples of certain kind of algorithms. As in most courses, it cannot teach all aspects of algorithms. Alternatively, we choose to only lecture the fundamental algorithms, and thus the teaching contents are organized by their design ideas. When ending this course, the students are expected to skillfully model the real-world problems using an appropriate method and design/implement the concret algorithm to obtain their solutions.

If you have any problems, please contact me via E-mail: zlwang AT ustc DOT edu DOT cn or visit my homepage.

Textbook | Lecture Slides | Exercises | Final Examine


说明:      说明:

I choose the book "Introduction to computer algorithms: design and analysis" as the textbook of this course because it is much suitable for middle-level beginners and especially emphasizes the ideas and principles.


Lecture Slides:

The following slides are associated with the above textbook. Each set of slides corresponds to a book chapter:

If you find any error or have improved advise, don't hesitate to inform me via Email: zlwang AT ustc DOT edu DOT cn.

Exercises & Experiments:

The exercises must be done following each chapter, incuding the analysis and implementation. The exercise numbers are provided in the class.

Final Examine:

The components of the final examine:

If you have any good idea, don't hesitate to inform me via email: zlwang AT ustc DOT edu Dot cn. Thank you very much!

Last Updated: 2010-12-02, Since 2010-08-18

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