Laboratory News 2022
Aug 17, 2022: Congratulations to Yajun Yu! His collaboration with Yuchen Tang and Tingjuan Gao from Central China Normal University on super-fast, high resolution Raman imaging using azo-enhanced labels is published at JACS!
Aug 3, 2022: Zach has been traveling so I haven't had a chance to congratulate Yannan Yu and Qi Meng, who each have papers out at Analytical Chemistry! Yannan's is about a simple paper-based device to enhance the LOD of colorimetric bio-assays; Qi's is using his extended-depth-of-focus phase mask to achieve a whole bunch of benefits in low-cost point of care microscopy devices.
Jul 7, 2022: Congratulations to Ruijie Shi & Siyue Guo for their successful PhD defenses! Best of luck in their new positions!
May 31, 2022: Congratulations to Ruijie Shi! Her paper on DIC-like darkfield microscopy for analyzing lipid droplets in C elegans is accepted at Frontiers in Physics!
May 25, 2022: Congratulations to our "Raman side" of the lab! Their timely review article on label-free, single-extracellular-vesicle characterization methods is published at 中国科学:化学 (Scientia Sinica Chimica)! It was an invited contribution to a special issue honoring Academician Erkang Wang's 90th birthday. 汪院士生日快乐! And thanks to Prof. Guobao Xu of CIAC for the invitation & honor!
Mar 21, 2022: Extra congrats are in order for Ma Ying, Kaiqin and Prof. Gao Peng as their recent paper was highlighted by Optica as their image of the week! (edit 04/07: and one of March 2022's top downloads!!)
Mar 3, 2022: Congratulations to Ma Ying, whose paper with Kaiqin and Gao Peng (of Xidian University) is out at Optics Express! He's taking the Ultra-Oblique QPM system developed in our lab to his new position in Prof. Gao's lab, with a few big improvements to the simplicity and power of the system.
Feb 4, 2022: 虎年快乐!Happy Tiger Year to all. As a New Year's gift, Yang Pan's article on eliminating halo while improving contrast in 3D phase microscopy through tailored inverse filtering is published at JOSA A!
Jan 4, 2022: It is with great sadness that I report that my friend and colleague Mark Sterling has passed away (obituary). Mark was perhaps the most unique mind I've ever known, and he will be sorely missed.