

Detailed Information

Time & Place

Friday, Saturday; C240


  • Hua, Baojian; bjhua - ustc.edu.cn
  • TBA

Textbook and Reference

There is no required textbook for this course. Instead, before every lecture, we'll post some papers and som other readings material that we'd like to cover. So it's very important that you read these papers in advance. There are also some references on the course web page.


For each assigned homework, you must write your answer to the question on paper, and submit it BEFORE the class. Your homework will NOT be graded, the only purpose of the homework is just to make sure that you have put your best efforts in preparing the class.

Programming assignment should be attempted individually. If you cannot come up with an answer after trying, you may talk about how to solve this problem with your classmates, the instructors etc., but the final submitted work should be your own ones.

Late homeworks will NOT be accepted, for any reasons.


There are 4 labs planned, with each of which covers one of the topics discussed. Just as homeworks, labs should also be attempted: you may discuss them on with other, search through the webs, etc., but the final submitted work should be your own ones.

Do NOT post your assignment solutions or lab code onto the public accessible web pages or file servers, which violates the University's academic regulations.

Evaluation Policy

The final score is evaluated based on homeworks, projects and final test according to:
  • 50% projects
  • 25% midterm test
  • 25% final test