Computer Security





Detailed Information

Time & Place

  • Time: Thursday 4, 5 (for week 2-10, 12); Friday 6, 7, 8 (for week 13-20)
  • Place: 102, Minxue Building


Instructor: TAs:
  • Qiliang Fan; sa613162 -
  • Zhizhong Pan; sg513127 -


  • Office Hour: After every class. Otherwise, send us email in advance to appoint, if you would like to meet and discuss.
  • Piazza Forum: Create new Post in Piazza if you have any problems with assignment or course content, we also encourage any one to answer questions asked by others.
  • QICQ Group: 677359635. This group is used only for course announcements, we will discuss homework or course content problems in Piazza.

Textbook and Reference

The following textbooks are recommended:
  • Computer & Network Security: a Hands-on Approach
  • Computer Security: Principal and Practice

Besides this, we'll also post some papers or reading as supplementary materials. It's very important that you read the textbook or papers in advance. There are also some references and resources on the course web page.


For each topic we would like to discuss, one question will be asked, you must write your answer to the question on paper, and submit it BEFORE each class. Your answer will NOT be graded, the only purpose of the homework is just to make sure that you have put your best efforts in preparing the class.

Late homeworks will NOT be accepted, for ANY reasons.


This year's course will be based on a learning-by-doing style, that is, for each topic we discussed, there will be an accompanying lab. The purpose of the lab is for you to gain the hands-on experience of the security problem, its implications, and the possible mitigations. Thus, you gain much deeper understanding and appreciate the practical approach.

Programming assignment should be attempted individually. If you cannot come up with an answer after trying, you may talk about how to solve this problem with your classmates, the instructor, the TAs, etc., but the final submitted work should be your own ones.


The course notes and lab materials are based on the SEED project headed by Prof. Kevin Du. You may want to consult SEED webpage for more information.

Evaluation Policy

The final score is evaluated based on labs, project and final test according to:

  • 40%: labs
  • 30%: project
  • 30%: final test