Formal Methods Foundation


Class Time & Location

  • Friday 6, 7, 8 (for week 2-10, 12); Saturday 1, 2, 3 (for week 13-20)
  • Room 103, Minxue building


Instructor: TAs:
  • Qiliang Fan: sa613162 at
  • Zhizhong Pan: sg513127 at


  • Office Hour: After every class. Otherwise, send us email in advance to appoint, if you would like to meet and discuss.
  • Piazza Forum: Create new Post in Piazza if you have any problems with assignment or course content, we also encourage any one to answer questions asked by others.
  • QICQ Group: 673052644. This group is used only for course announcements, we will discuss homework or course content problems in Piazza.

Homework Policy

Homework (including the programming assignments and projects) should be attempted individually. If you have any difficulty in solving these problems, you may discuss with your classmates, the instructor or the TAs etc., but final submitted work should be your own.

Late homework will NOT be considered, for whatever reason.

Don't post your solutions to any public websites.

Evaluation Policy

There will be a close-book middle test and a final test. And the score is evaluated according to this strategy (subject to change in the future):

  • 40% homework
  • 30% middle test
  • 30% final test