Feng Zhang
Sept. 2006—Mar. 2010, Ph. D. in Theoretical Chemistry at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Thesis: Theoretical Studies on Kinetics of Molecular Excited States (Supervisor: Prof. Yi Luo)
Sept. 2002—Jun.2008, Ph. D. in Physical Chemistry at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Thesis: Theoretical Study of Non-adiabatic Effects in Photochemical Reactions (Supervisor: Prof. Weihai Fang)
Sept. 1998—Jun. 2002, Bachelor in Physical Education at FuYang Normal College, Fuyang, China
Working Experience
Jun. 2020 – present, Associate professor at the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Apr. 2012 - Jun. 2020, Associate professor at the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Mar. 2014 - Nov. 2014, Visiting Scholar, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A (working with Dr. Stephen J. Klippenstein)
Aug. 2011
- May 2012, Post-doctoral researcher at the National Synchrotron
Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China,
China (working with Prof. Fei Qi )
Mar. 2010 - Jul. 2011,
Post-doctoral researcher at the College of Environmental Science and
Forestry, State University of New York, U.S.A (working with Prof.
Theodore S. Dibble)
Current Funding
Reaction kinetics of excited states in plasma assisted combustion, ¥580K, 2019.01-2022.12, PI
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chemical kinetics of key excited species involved in hydrocarbon combustion, ¥648K, 2016.01-2018.12, PI
Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reaction mechanism of photochemical smog from volatile organic compounds, ¥700K, 2016.07-2018.12, collobrator (total ¥1950K)
National Key Research and Development Program of China
Kinetic mechanism for low temperature oxidation of typical cyclic alkanes, ¥800K, 201401-2017.12, PI
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Formation mechanism of a typical combustion pollutant – naphthalene, ¥800K, 2014.01-2016.12, PI
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hou, Q.; Niu,
S.; Huang, C.; Wu, X.;
Qu, W.; Zhang, F., Decomposition
of 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide (LLM-105): From thermodynamics to
kinetics. International Journal of
Chemical Kinetics 53 (2),
242-249, (2021).
Huang, C.; Zhang, P; Wang, J.; Kang, S.; Zhang, F.; Law, C.; Yang, B.
Determination of rate constants for a thermoneutral H-abstraction reaction:
Allylic hydrogen abstraction from 1,5-hexadiene by allyl radical. Proceedings
of the Combustion Institute. 10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.054. (2020).
Wu, X.; Huang,
C.; Niu, S.; Zhang, F., New theoretical insights into the reaction kinetics of
toluene and hydroxyl radicals. Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (39), 22279-22288, (2020).
Huang, C.; Li,
S.; Wang, J.; Yang, B.; Zhang, F., Global uncertainty analysis for the RRKM/master equation
modeling of a typical multi-well and multi-channel reaction system. Combustion and Flame 216, 62-71, (2020).
Zhang, F.; Huang, C.; Wu, X.;
Binbin, X.; Shen, L. An insight into the reaction kinetics of CH3 + O2(a1Δg)
and its enhancement effect on methane ignition. Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute. 1-8. 10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.121. (2020).
Zhang, F.; Huang, C.;
Xie, B.; Wu, X., Revisiting the chemical kinetics of CH3 + O-2 and its
impact on methane ignition. Combustion
and Flame 200, 125-134, (2019).
Zhang, F.; Huang, C.,
Pressure-Dependent Kinetics of the Reaction between CH3OO and OH Focusing on
the Product Yield of Methyltrioxide (CH3OOOH). Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (13), 3598-3603, (2019).
Huang, C.;
Yang, B.; Zhang, F.,
Calculation of the absolute photoionization cross-sections for C1-C4 Criegee
intermediates and vinyl hydroperoxides. Journal
of Chemical Physics 150 (16), (2019).
Huang, C.;
Yang, B.; Zhang, F.; Tian, G., Quantification of the resonance stabilized
C4H5 isomers and their reaction with acetylene. Combustion and Flame 198,
334-341, (2018).
Zhang, P.; Li,
S.; Wang, Y.; Ji, W.;
Sun, W.; Yang, B.; He, X.;
Wang, Z.; Law, C. K.; Zhang, F., Measurement of reaction rate
constants using RCM: A case study of decomposition of dimethyl carbonate to
dimethyl ether. Combustion and Flame 183, 30-38, (2017).
Xing, L.;
Zhang, L.; Zhang, F.; Jiang, J., Theoretical kinetic studies for low
temperature oxidation of two typical methylcyclohexyl radicals. Combustion and Flame 182, 216-224, (2017).
Xing, L.; Bao,
J. L.; Wang, Z.; Zhang,
F.; Truhlar, D. G., Degradation of Carbonyl Hydroperoxides in the
Atmosphere and in Combustion. Journal of
the American Chemical Society 139 (44), 15821-15835, (2017).
Huang, C.;
Yang, B.; Zhang, F.,
Pressure-dependent kinetics on the C4H7 potential energy surface and its effect
on combustion model predictions. Combustion
and Flame 181, 100-109, (2017).
Huang, C.;
Yang, B.; Zhang, F.,
Initiation mechanism of 1,3-butadiene combustion and its effect on soot
precursors. Combustion and Flame 184, 167-175, (2017).
Xing, L.-L.; Zhang, F.*; Zhang L. -D., Theoretical studies for reaction kinetics of cy-C6H11CH2 radical with O2, Combust. Inst., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2016.08.050, 2016.
Zhang, F.*; Nicolle, A.; Xing L. –L.; Klippenstein, S.J., Recombination of aromatic radicals with molecular oxygen, Combust. Inst., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.021, 2016.
Bian, H.-T.; Wang, Z.-D.; Sun, J.-H.; Zhang, F.*, Conformational inversion-topomerization mechanism of ethylcyclohexyl isomers and its role in combustion kinetics, Combust. Inst., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.049, 2016.
Sun, W.-Y; Yang, B.;* Hansen, N.; Westbrook, C., Zhang, F.;
Wang, G.; Moshammer, K.; Law. C. K., An Experimental and Kinetic
Modeling Study on Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) Pyrolysis and Combustion, Flame 164, 224-238 (2016)
Zhao, L.; Cheng, Z.-J; Ye, L.-L; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.-D., Qi, F.; Li. Y.-Y., Experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed o-xylene flames, Combust. Inst., 35, 1745-1752 (2015).
Xing, L.-L.; Li, S.; Wang, Z-H.; Yang, B.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Zhang, F.,*
Temperature and Pressure Dependent Uncertainty Analysis on RRKM/Master
Equation Rate Constants: a Case Study for Ethanol Decomposition, Flame 162, 33427-3436 (2015).
Wang, Z. –D; Bian, H.-T; Wang, Y.; Zhang L.-D.;* Li, Y.-Y.; Zhang F.*; Qi, F., Investigation on Primary Decomposition of Ethylcyclohexane at Atmospheric Pressure, Combust. Inst. 35, 367-375 (2015)
Wang, Z.-D; Zhao, L.; Wang, Y.; Bian, H.-T.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang, F.;
Li, Y.-Y.; Sarathy, S. M.; Qi F.,* Kinetics of Ethylcyclohexane
Pyrolysis and Oxidation: An Experimental and Detailed Kinetic Modeling
Study, Flame 162, 2873-2892 (2015).
Jiao, Y.-G.; Zhang, F.; Dibble T.S.;* A Quantum Chemical Study of Autoignition of Methyl Butanoate, Phys. Chem. A, 119, 7282-7292 (2015)
Bian, H.-T.; Wang, Z.-H., Zhang, F.;* Wang, Z.-D., Unimolecular Reaction Properties for the Long Chain Alkenyl Radicals, J. Chem. Kinet. 47, 685-694 (2015).
Cheng, Z.-J.;, Xing, L.-L.; Zeng, M.-R.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.-D.; Qi, F.; Li, Y.-Y.; Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of 2,5-Dimethylfuran Pyrolysis at Various Pressures, Flame 161, 2496-2511 (2014)
Cai, J.-H.; Yuan, W.-H.; Ye, L.-L.; Cheng, Z.-J.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Dong, W.-L.; Zhang, L.-D.; Li, Y.-Y.; Zhang, F.;* Qi. F.;,* Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of i-butanol Pyrolysis and Combustion, Flame 161, 1955-1971 (2014).
Wang, Z.-D.; Ye, L.-L.; Yuan, W.-H.; Zhang, L.-D.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Cheng, Z.-J.; Zhang, F.;* Qi, F.;* Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study on Methylcyclohexane Pyrolysis and Combustion, Flame 161, 84-100 (2014).
Wang, Z.-H.; Zhang, Z.-D.; Zhang, F.;* Kinetics of Homoallylic/Homobenzylic Rearrangement Reactions under Combustion Conditions, Phys. Chem. A, 118, 6741-6748 (2014).
Wang, Z.-D.; Li, Y.-Y.; Zhang, F.;
Zhang, L.-D.; Yuan, W.-H.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Qi, F.;* An Experimental and
Kinetic Modeling Investigation on a Rich Premixed n-propylbenzene Flame
at Low Pressure, Combust. Inst. 34, 1785-1793 (2013).
Zhang, K.-W.; Zhang, L.-D.; Xie, M-F.; Ye, L.-L.; Zhang, F.; Glarborg, P.;*, Qi, F.,* An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Premixed Nitroethane Flames at Low Pressure, Combust. Inst. 34, 617-624 (2013).
Lucassen, A.; Wang, Z.-D.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang, F.;
Yuan, W.-H.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Qi, F.;*, Kohse-Höinghaus, K.,* An
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Pyrrolidine Pyrolysis at Low
Pressure, Combust. Inst. 34, 641-648 (2013).
Cai, J.-H.; Yuan, W.-H.; Ye, L.-L; Cheng, Z.-J.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang, F.; Li, Y.-Y.; Qi, F.,* Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of 2-butanol Pyrolysis and Combustion, Flame 160, 1939-1957 (2013).
Jia, L.-Y.; Yang, J.-Z.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang,;* Qi, F.;* Fan, H.-Y.; Cai, J.-B., Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Pyrolysis of Chrysophanol and its Derivatives, J. Anal. Appl. Pyro. 100, 237-244 (2013).
Zhang, F.;*
Wang, Z.-D.; Wang, Z.-H.; Zhang, L.-D.; Li, Y.-Y.; Qi, F., Kinetics of
Decomposition and Isomerization of Methylcyclohexane: Starting Point for
Studying Monoalkylated Cyclohexanes Combustion, Energy Fuels 27, 1679-1687 (2013).
Wang, Z.-D.; Cheng, Z.-J.; Yuan, W.-H.; Cai, J.-H.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang, F.; Qi, F.,* Wang, J., An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Cyclohexane Pyrolysis at Low Pressure, Flame 159, 2243-2253 (2012).
Dibble, T. S.;* Sha, Y.; Thornton, W. F.; Zhang, F., Cis-Trans Isomerization of Chemically Activated 1-Methylallyl Radical and Fate of the Resulting 2-Buten-1-peroxy Radical, Phys. Chem. A 116, 7603-7614 (2012).
Cai, J.-H.; Zhang, L.-D.; Zhang, F.; Wang, Z.-D.; Cheng, Z.-J.; Yuan, W.-H.; Qi, F.,* A Comprehensive Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of n-butanol Pyrolysis and Combustion, Energy Fuels 26, 5550-5568 (2012).
Yang, J.-Z.; Zhang, F.; Jia, L.-Y.; Zhang, L.-D.;* Qi, F.; Fan, H.-Y.; Cai, J.-B., Experimental and Theoretical Study on Pyrolysis of Isopsoralen, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 249-253 (2012).
Ye, L.-L.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.-D.;*, Qi F., Theoretical Studies on the Unimolecular Decomposition of Propanediols and Glycerol, Phys. Chem. A 116, 4457-4465 (2012).
Zhao, L.; Ye, L.-L.; Zhang, F.;* Zhang, L.-D.,* Thermal Decompostion of 1-pentanol and its Isomers: a Theoretical study, Phys. Chem. A 116, 9238-9244 (2012).
Zhang, F.; Dibble, T. S.;* Effects of olefin functional group and its position on kinetics of unimolecular reactions of peroxy radicals, Phys. Chem. A 115, 655-663 (2011).
Zhang, F.; Dibble, T. S.;* Impact of Tunneling Effect on Hydrogen-migration of n-propyl Peroxy Radical, Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 17969-17977 (2011). (cover article)
Ai, Y.-J.; Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;* Luo, Y.;* Importance of the Intra-hydrogen Bonding on the
Photochemistry of Anionic Hydroquinone (FADH-) in DNA Photolyase, Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 743-747 (2010).
Cui, G.-L.; Zhang, F.; Fang, W.-H.;* Insights into the Mechanistic Photodissociation of Methyl Formate, Chem. Phys. 132, 034306 (2010).
Zhang, F.; Ai, Y.-J.; Luo, Y.;* Fang, W.-H.,* Nonadiabatic Histidine Dissociation of Hexacoordinate Heme in Neuroglobin Protein, Phys. Chem. A. 114,1980-1984 (2010).
Ai, Y.-J.; Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;*, Luo, Y.,* Ultrafast Deactivation Processes in the
2-Aminopyridine Dimer and the A-T Base Pair: Similarities and
Differences, Chem. Phys. 133, 064302 (2010).
Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;* Luo, Y.,* A multi-dimensional microcanonical Monte Carlo
study of S-0 -> T-1 intersystem crossing of isocyanic acid, China, Ser. B-Chem., 52, 1885-1891 ( 2009).
Zhang, F.;
Ai, Y.-J.; Fang, W.-H.;* Luo, Y.,* Nonradiative decay of the lowest
excited singlet state of 2-aminopyridine is considerably faster than the
radiative decay, Chem. Phys., 130, 144315 (2009)
Fang, Q.; Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;* Luo, Y.,* Photodissociation of Phosgene: Theoretical
Evidence for the Ultrafast and Asynchronous Concerted Three-Body
Process, Chem. Phys. 131, 164306 (2009).
Cui, G.-L.; Li, Q.-S.; Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;* Yu, J.-G.,* Combined CASSCF and MR-CI Study on
Photoinduced Dissociation and Isomerization of Acryloyl Cholorid, Phys. Chem. A 110, 11839-11846 (2006).
F.; Ding, W.-J.; Fang, W.-H., Combined nonadiabatic transition-state
theory and ab initio molecular dynamics study on selectivity of the
alpha and beta bond fissions in photodissociation of bromoacetyl
chloride, Chem. Phys. 125, 184305 (2006).
Li, Q.-S.; Zhang, F.;
Fang, W.-H.;* Yu,J.-G., Probing Mechanistic Photochemistry of Glyoxal
in the Gas Phase by ab initio Calculations of Potential-energy
Surfaces and Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Rates, Chem. Phys.124, 054324 (2006).
Fang, W.-H.;* Zhang, F.;
Li, Q.-S.; Chen, S.-L., Probing Mechanistic Photodissociation of
Carbonyl Compounds from ab Initio Calculations, Molecular Dynamics
Simulations, and non-Adiabatic Rates, Trends in Chemical Physics 13, 1-27 (2006).
Li, J.; Zhang, F.; Fang, W.-H.,* Probing Photophysical and Photochemical Processes of Benzoic Acid from ab initio Calculations, Phys. Chem. A 109, 7718-7724 (2005).
Lin, L.; Zhang, F.; Fang, W.-H.,* Striving to Understand the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Thiophosgene: A Combined CASSCF and MR-CI Study, Phys. Chem. A 109, 554-561 (2005).
Zhang, F.; Lin, L.; Fang, W.-H.,* Insights into Dynamics of the S2 State of Thiophosgene from ab Initio Calculations, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6830-6834 (2004).