Qifeng Hou

2020 - present Ph.D student
Hefei National Laboratory For Physical Sciences At The Microscale, USTC, China (Advisor: Prof. Feng Zhang) -
2019 - present Visiting student
Center for Combustion Energy, Tsinghua University, China (Advisor: Prof. Bin Yang)
2018 - 2020 MS student
National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, USTC, China (Advisor: Prof. Feng Zhang) -
2014 - 2018 Bachelor of Safety
Science and Engineering
Zhengzhou University
Research Area
Gas phase kinetics in combustion
Model analysis
1.Decomposition of 2,6‐diamino‐3,5‐dinitropyrazine‐1‐oxide (LLM‐105): From thermodynamics to kinetics. Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 2021, 53(2): 242-249.