每次讨论课讨论 2 篇英文文献,分别由两个小组各用英文报告一篇文章,讲20-25分钟,讨论20分钟左右,需简要介绍文章作者、基本科学背景、方法、结果、需讨论的问题及文章的优缺点等
本研讨课共有9个讨论小组 - 1组:姚家园,张欣,杨士超,何晓慧
- 2组:刘影,田冬冬,方洪健
- 3组:孙耀充,张超,雷伟
- 4组:秦维泽 ,周震,杨元
- 5组:刘志洋,于辉,聂世颖
- 6组:王月,张沛,李成
- 7组:蒋昊,韦尔迪,张淼
- 8组:王文明,林若曦,冯毓
- 9组:詹望,董一兵,何永波, 张建国
第7组:Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in MgSiO3 (by Murakami et al.,Science, 2004, 304,855-858)
第8组:Seismostratigraphy and Thermal Structure of Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary Region (by van der Hilst et al, Science, 2007, 315, 1813-1817)
第9组+第1组杨士超:华北克拉通破坏 (朱日祥等,中国科学-地球科学,42(8),1135-1159)
第5组:Seismic Imaging of Transition Zone Discontinuities Suggests Hot
Mantle West of Hawaii (by Cao et al.,Science, 2011, 332,1068-1071)第6组:Whole-mantle convection and the transition-zone water filter (by David Bercovici & Shun-ichiro Karato, Nature, 2003, 425, 39-44)
第3组:Evolution and diversity of subduction zones controlled by slab width (by Schellart, Nature, 2007, 446,308-311)
第4组:Diamonds sampled by plumes from the core–mantle boundary (by Torsvik et al, Nature, 2010, 466, 352-355)
第1组:Discovery of a magma chamber and faults beneath a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal field (by Singh et al., Nature, 2006, 442,1029-1032)
第2组:Coseismic fault rupture at the trench axis during the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (by Kodaira et al, Nature Geoscience, 2012, 5, 646-650)
第8组:Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Ruapehu Volcano: A Possible Eruption Forecasting Tool (by Gerst & Savage, Science, 2004, 306,1543-1546)
第9组:Complex layered deformation within the Aegean crust and mantle revealed by seismic anisotropy (by Endrun et al, Nature Geoscience, 2011, 4, 203-207)
第6组:Global variation of body‐wave attenuation in the upper mantle
from teleseismic P wave and S wave spectra (by Hwang et al., GRL, 38, L08311, doi:10.1029/2011GL046812, 2011)第7组:Earthquake ground motion prediction using the ambient seismic field (by Prieto & Beroza, GRL, 35, L14304, doi:10.1029/2008GL034428, 2008)
第4组:Laboratory models of the thermal evolution of the mantle during
rollback subduction (by Kincaid & Griffiths, Nature, 2003, 425, 58-61)第5组:The Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Flow: From Local to Global Scales (by Stadler et al., 2008, Science, 329, 1033-1038)
第2组:Continuing Colorado plateau uplift by delamination style convective lithospheric downwelling (by Levander et al., Nature, 2011, 472, 461-464)
第3组:Toroidal mantle flow through the western U.S. slab window (by Zandt & Humphreys, 2008, Geology, 36(4),295-298)
第9组:Towards forecasting volcanic eruptions using seismic noise (by BRENGUIER et al., Nature Geoscience, 2008, 1, 126-130)
第1组:Deformation and rupture of the oceanic crust may control growth of Hawaiian volcanoes (by Got et al., 2008, Nature, 451,453-456)
第7组:Lehmann Discontinuity as the Base of an Anisotropic Layer Beneath Continents (by Gaherty & Jordan, Science, 1995, 268, 1468-1471)
第8组:High-Resolution Surface-Wave Tomography from Ambient Seismic Noise (by Shapiro et al., 2005, Science, 307,1615-1618)
第5组:A global view of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (by Rychert & Shearer, Science, 2009, 324, 495-498)
第6组:Global anisotropy and the thickness of continents (by Gung et al., 2003, Nature, 422, 707-711)
第3组:Oblique stepwise and group of the Tibetan Plateau (by P. Tapponnier et al., 2001, Science, 294(23), 1671-1677)
第4组:The geologic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau (by Royden et al., 2008, Science, 231, 1054-1058)
第1组:Plate Motion and Stresses from Global Dynamic Models (by Ghosh & Holt, 2012, Science, 335, 838-843)
第2组:Globle Seismic Tomography: A Snapshot of Convection in the Earth (by Grand, van de Hilst, Widiyantoro, 1997, GSA Today, 7(4), 1-7)