
We currently have an opening for Postdoc/Research Associate Professor available in the area of mobile computing and cloud/edge computing. Interesting candidates can send me an email with the CV attached for further information. We will provide the candidate an outstanding platform for research and a package of competitive salary.

招聘: 我们正在招聘一位网络计算、云计算、人工智能系统与网络领域的博士后/特任副研究员。我们可为候选人提供科研平台和具有竞争力的薪水。详细信息欢迎来信咨询。来信请附简历。

To Prospective Students:

We are looking for self-motivated students (undergraduate and postgraduate) working on Networking algorithms and System Implementation, Edge Computing, Systems and Networking for AI, and Online Learning Algorithms. If interested, please send me an email for details.

招生: 同学如愿意参与下述领域研究,请联系我:网络计算算法设计和系统实现、边缘计算、人工智能系统与网络、在线学习算法。微信:Haisheng_Tan

Recent News:

  • Congratulations to Chi Zhang, our PhD graduate in 2023, on his receiving Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs (洪堡学者).
  • With our collaborators, we have a few results on Networking/Systm for AI published in OSDI/EuroSys/INFOCOM 2023 and NSDI 2024.
  • Recently, we further have two results on online scheduling in edge computing published in IEEE/ACM ToN and ACM Mobihoc 2022, respectively.
  • 我们与华为的在线调度相关合作成果突出,入选华为优秀高校合作项目.。
  • Our paper on Percentile Charging for Practical CDNs is accepted to appear in IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2022. Congratulations to Huan and Huiyou! This work is mainly supported by Huawei.
  • Our paper on online-learning-based uplink scheduling in HetNet is accepted to appear in IEEE/ACM ToN. Congratulations to our collaborators.
  • We have 3 papers accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (Acceptance Ratio: 225/1129), focusing on (online) scheduling and caching problems in networking systems. Congratulations to our collaborators and students.
  • 与华为合作编写的书籍《边缘计算理论与系统实践:基于CNCF KubeEdge的实现》(编著:谈海生,张欣,郑子木,李向阳)获工信学术出版基金资助,将由人民邮电出版社出版。敬请您关注!
  • 基于本科核心课程《算法基础》教学工作的开展,我们申请的教学科研项目“算法实践与算法教学质量提升”获批中国科大教学研究类重点项目
  • Our paper on BSP Job Scheduling is accepted in IEEE/ACM ToN. Congratulations to our collaborators.
  • Our paper on online caching is accepted in IEEE/ACM ToN. Congratulations to our collaborators.
  • Our paper on Coflow Scheduling in OCS is accepted in IEEE/ACM ToN. Congratulations to Chi Zhang and our collaborators.
  • We won BEST Paper AWARD in PDCAT'20. Congratulations to Wanli and our collaborators.
  • Our research results on online job dispatching won BEST PAPER AWARD in Track (Algorithms, Theory, and Protocols) at MSN 2020.
  • Our research results on edge pricing won BEST PAPER AWARD in CWSN 2020 (中国物联网学术会议 2020) . Congratulations to Ziyu and our collaborators!
  • Our research results on online scheduling jobs with Heterogeneous Utilities are accepted to ACM Mobihoc 2020. Congratulations to Zhang Chi and Haoqiang!