


  1. S. Ruan, R. He*, Y. Liang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2025) Phosphorylation-Dependent Dispersion of the Response Regulator in Bacterial Chemotaxis. J. Mol. Biol. 437:168920.

  2. 2024:

  3. K. Wang, A. Tao, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Microfluidic sperm trap array for single-cell flagellar analysis with unrestricted 2D flagellar movement. Lab Chip 24:4827-4842.
  4. C. Zhang*, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Potassium-mediated bacterial chemotactic response. eLife 12:RP91452.
  5. H. Wu, Z. Wu, M. Tian*, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Torque-speed relationship of the flagellar motor with dual-stator systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. mBio 15:e00745-24.
  6. S. Zhu, R. He*, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Mechanosensitive dose response of the bacterial flagellar motor. Phys. Rev. E 110:054402.
  7. X. Chen, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Vertical confinement enhances surface exploration in bacterial twitching motility. Environ. Microbiol. 26:e16679.
  8. S. Zhu, R. He*, C. Yue, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Enhanced chemotaxis efficiency of Escherichia coli in viscoelastic solutions. Soft Matter 20:8675–8683.
  9. Q. Liu, R. He, C. Zhang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Bacterial surface swimming states revealed by TIRF microscopy. Soft Matter 20:661.
  10. Q. Liu, C. Zhang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) Speed-dependent bacterial surface swimming. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 90:e00508-24.
  11. M. Huang, Q. Chen, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, R. Zhang, J. Yuan*, D. Zhang* (2024) One-dimensional photonic crystal enhancing spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion for single-particle tracking. Light Sci. Appl. 13:268.
  12. S. Fu, M. Tian, Z. Wu*, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2024) MotY modulates proton-driven flagellar motor output in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. BMC Microbiol. 24:461.
  13. J. Martin-Roca, C.M. Barriuso G., R.M. Fernandez, C.B. Giuliano, R. Zhang, C. Valeriani, L.G. Wilson* (2024) The carnivorous plant Genlisea harnesses active particle dynamics to prey on microfauna. PNAS 122:e2409510121.

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  15. Y. Niu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2023) Flagellar motors of swimming bacteria contain an incomplete set of stator units to ensure robust motility. Science Advances 9:eadi6724.
  16. X. Zhang, C. Zhang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2023) Differential Bending Stiffness of the Bacterial Flagellar Hook under Counterclockwise and Clockwise Rotations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130:138401.
  17. A. Tao, G. Liu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2023) Precise Measurement of the Stoichiometry of the Adaptive Bacterial Flagellar Switch. mBio 14:e00189-23.
  18. C. Yue, C. Zhang*, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2023) Tethered particle motion of the adaptation enzyme CheR in bacterial chemotaxis. iScience 26:107950.
  19. G. Yue, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2023) Timescale separation in the coordinated switching of bacterial flagellar motors. Phys. Biol. 20:046002.
  20. G. Yue, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2023) Stochastic fluctuations in the rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. Chin. Phys. B 32:068703.

  21. 2022:

  22. M. Tian, Z. Wu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) A new mode of swimming in singly flagellated Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PNAS 119:e2120508119.
  23. B. Wang, G. Yue, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) Direct Measurement of the Stall Torque of the Flagellar Motor in Escherichia coli with Magnetic Tweezers. mBio 13:e00782-22.
  24. X. Liu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) Suppression of cell-cell variation by cooperative interaction of phosphatase and response regulator. Biophys. J. 121:319-326.
  25. X. Liu, C. Zhang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) The Effect of the Second Messenger c-di-GMP on Bacterial Chemotaxis in Escherichia coli. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 88:e00373-22.
  26. S. Ma, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) Observation of broken detailed balance in polymorphic transformation of bacterial flagellar filament. Biophys. J. 121:2345-2352.
  27. L. Zhang, Z. Wu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) FliL Differentially Interacts with Two Stator Systems To Regulate Flagellar Motor Output in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 88:e01539-22.
  28. Y. Yang, C. Yue, C. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2022) Chemotactic response of Escherichia coli to polymer solutions. Phys. Biol. 19:046004.
  29. R. Gupta, J. Yuan, P.P. Lele* (2022) Bacterial Proprioception: Can a Bacterium Sense Its Movement? Front. Microbiol. 13:928408.

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  31. B. Wang, Y. Niu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2021) Dynamics of Switching at Stall Reveals Nonequilibrium Mechanism in the Allosteric Regulation of the Bacterial Flagellar Switch. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127:268101.
  32. Z. Wu, M. Tian, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2021) Dynamics of the Two Stator Systems in the Flagellar Motor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Studied by a Bead Assay. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87:e01674–21.
  33. G. Liu, Z. Liu, L. Zhu, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2021) Upcoming flow promotes the bundle formation of bacterial flagella. Biophys. J. 120:4391-4398.
  34. M. Tian, C. Zhang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2021) Collective motion enhances chemotaxis in a two-dimensional bacterial swarm. Biophys. J. 120:1615-1624.
  35. H. Huo, R. He*, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2021) Swimming Escherichia coli Cells Explore the Environment by Lévy Walk. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87:e02429–20.

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  37. A. Tao, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2020) Direct Mapping from Intracellular Chemotaxis Signaling to Single-Cell Swimming Behavior. Biophys. J. 119:2461–2468.
  38. Z. Wu, R. He, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2020) Swarming Motility Without Flagellar Motor Switching by Reversal of Swimming Direction in E. coli. Front. Microbiol. 11:1042.
  39. R. Wang, Q. Chen, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2020) Measurement of the Internal Frictional Drag of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor by Fluctuation Analysis. Biophys. J. 118:2718–2725.
  40. G. Liu, A. Tao, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2020) Robustness in an Ultrasensitive Motor. mBio 11:e03050-19.
  41. A. Tao, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2020) Characterization of Photophysical Properties of Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins for Super-Resolution Microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 124:1892-1897.
  42. W. Nie, S. Wang, R. He, Q. Xu, P. Wang, Y. Wu, F. Tian, J. Yuan, B. Zhu*, G. Chen* (2020) A-to-I RNA editing in bacteria increases pathogenicity and tolerance to oxidative stress. PLoS Pathog. 16(8):e1008740.

  43. 2019:

  44. H. Shi, S. Ma, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2019) A hidden state in the turnover of a functioning membrane protein complex. Science Advances 5:eaau6885.

  45. 2018:

  46. R. Wang, F. Wang, R. He, R. Zhang*, and J. Yuan* (2018) The Second Messenger c-di-GMP Adjusts Motility and Promotes Surface Aggregation of Bacteria. Biophys. J. 115:2242-2249.
  47. C. Zhang, R. He, R. Zhang*, and J. Yuan* (2018) Motor adaptive remodeling speeds up bacterial chemotactic adaptation. Biophys. J. 114:1225-1231.
  48. X. Hua, C. Guo, J. Wang, D. Kim-Holzapfel, B. Schroeder, W. Liu, J. Yuan, J. French, S. Jia* (2018) Depth-extended, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy: whole-cell imaging with double-ring phase (DRiP) modulation. Biomed. Opt. Express 10(1):83-91.

  49. 2017:

  50. B. Wang, R. Zhang, and J. Yuan* (2017) Limiting (zero-load) speed of the rotary motor of Escherichia coli is independent of the number of torque-generating units. PNAS 114:12478-12482.
  51. C. Zhang, R. Zhang, and J. Yuan* (2017) Growth-dependent behavioral difference in bacterial chemotaxis. Phys. Rev. E. 95:062404.
  52. F. Wang, H. Shi, R. He, R. Wang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2017) Nonequilibrium effect in the allosteric regulation of the bacterial flagellar switch. Nature Physics 13:710-714. (:co-first authors)

  53. 2016:

  54. R. He, R. Zhang*, and J. Yuan* (2016) Noise-induced increase of sensitivity in bacterial chemotaxis. Biophys. J. 111:430-437.
  55. T. Si, J. Yuan, Y. Wu, J.X. Tang* (2016) Physical biology of bacterial motility. Acta Physica Sinica 65(17):178703.

  56. 2015:

  57. Y. Yuan et al. (2015) Bridging cells of three colors with two bio-orthogonal click reactions. Chemical Science 6(11):6425-6431.

  58. 2014:

  59. F. Wang, J. Yuan* and H.C. Berg* (2014) Switching dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor near zero load. PNAS 111:15752-15755.
  60. J. Yuan* (2014) 细菌运动行为及趋化信号转导网络的研究. (invited review) 中国科学技术大学学报 44:382-388.

  61. 2013及之前(@哈佛大学):

  62. J. Yuan and H.C. Berg (2013) Ultrasensitivity of an adaptive bacterial motor. J. Mol. Biol. 425:1760-1764.
  63. J. Yuan and H.C. Berg (2012) Characteriaztion of the adaptation module of the signaling network in bacterial chemotaxis by measurement of step responses. Biophys. J. 103:L31-L33 (Biophysical Letters).
  64. J. Yuan, R.W. Branch, B.G. Hosu and H.C. Berg (2012) Adaptation at the output of the chemotaxis signaling pathway. Nature 484:233-236.
  65. J. Yuan, K.A. Fahrner, L. Turner and H.C. Berg (2010) Asymmetry in the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. PNAS 107:12846-12949.
  66. J. Yuan and H.C. Berg (2010) Temperature and solvent-isotope effects on the flagellar rotary motor near zero load. Biophys. J. 98:2121-2126.
  67. J. Yuan and H.C. Berg (2010) Following the behavior of the flagellar rotary motor near zero load. Exp. Mech. 50:1263-1265.
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  69. J. Yuan and H.C. Berg (2008) Resurrection of the flagellar rotary motor near zero load. PNAS 105:1182-1185.

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