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230027 安徽省合肥市 中国科学技术大学 精密机械与精密仪器系 郑津津
Tel: 0551 3607212 Email: jjzheng@ustc.edu.cn website: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~jjzheng 科大西区力二楼317室
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曾经在英国伯明翰大学机械制造学院及中国科大数学系做博士后,英国Bournemouth大学计算机动画中心做Research Fellow。现任职于中国科大精密机械与仪器系,教授、博导。
1. 中科院基金 (2004.2-2007.2,200万圆)负责人
2. 自然科学基金面上项目 (2005.1-2007.12, 24万圆, No. 60473133), 基于准LIGA技术的MEMS制造误差修正方法计算机仿真研究, 负责人
3. 973子项项目 (2007.1-2011-12, 30万圆, No. 2006CB303102) 负责人
项目名称: 可视媒体智能处理的理论与方法 课题名称: 可视媒体的计算理论与方法
4. 高等学校博士学科点科研专项基金(SRFDP, No 20060358050, 6万圆) 以太阳光压为动力的太阳帆机理仿真研究, 负责人
5. 111引智工程项目(450万圆)研究骨干
1. Zheng, JJ, HJ Zhou, and LG Shen (2006), Parametrisation over n-sided areas, JICS 3 (3), pp641-648, EI 收录
2. Zheng, JJ, XP Wang, HJ Zhou, WH Huang and LG Shen (2006), An Algorithm to Generate Cutting Path for Micro-Fabrication. In Hamid R. Arabnia (ed.): IPCV 2006, pp309-313. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. June 26-29, 2006. CSREA Press. ISBN: 1-932415-93-9.
3. Shen, Lianguan;Li, Mujun;Zhao, Wei; Zhou Ziqiang; Li, You; Wu, Mei; Zheng, Jinjin (2006),Web based cooperative virtual product design environment shared by designers and customers,LNCS(3865), pp384-393. SCI 收录
4. 周洪军,王秋平, 郑津津,et al (2006),小型气体电离室的设计和测试研究. 光学精密工程 14(3), pp351-355. ISSN: 1004-924X. EI 收录
5. Zheng, JJ, Jian J Zhang, HJ Zhou and LG Shen (2005), C2 Continuous Spline Surfaces over Catmull-Clark Meshes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3483, pp1003-1012. ISSN: 0302-9743 SCI 收录 IDS Number BCK21.
6. Zheng, JJ, Jian J Zhang, HJ Zhou and LG Shen (2005), Smooth Spline Surface Generation over Meshes of Irregular Topology,The Visual Computer 21(8-10), 858-864. SCI 收录 ISSN 0178-2789, IDS Number 964CX.
7. L G Shen, Z Q Zhou, M J Li, W. Zhao, Y Li, M Wu, J J Zheng (2005), Customer oriented virtual cooperative productive design, the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 24-26May, Coventry, UK,164-169. ISBN: 1-84600-004-1. EI 收录
8. 周自强, 沈连婠,赵玮,李木军, 郑津津 (2005), 面向用户的产品虚拟模型协同讨论环境的实现. 工程图学学报 26(3). 5-11.
9. 周自强, 沈连婠,赵玮,李木军, 郑津津 (2005), 基于Web的虚拟设计VRML实时模型的可交互处理方法, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol. 17, No 6, 1371-1377.
10. 周自强, 沈连婠,李木军, 赵玮, 武梅, 郑津津 (2005), 面向用户的虚拟设计环境的研究, 机械工程学报 Vol. 41, No 6,137-142。 EI 收录
11. Zheng J J and Zhang J J (2004). Irregular topology spline surfaces and texture mapping. In M Sarfraz (ed.): Advances in Geometric Modeling. John Wiley. April. pp241-249.
12. Zheng J J and Zhang J J (2002). Texture Mapping on Irregular Topology Surface. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV02). London. IEEE Computer Science Society. pp323-330. ISBN 0-7695-1656-4. ISTP 收录. IDS Number: BU89V.
13. Zheng J J and Zhang J J (2002). Interactive deformation of irregular surface models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2330, pp239-248. ISSN 0302-9743. SCI 收录. IDS Number: BW26C
14. Zheng J. J. and J. J. Zhang (2002), Interactive shape deformation of n-sided surfaces, Journal of Software 13(1). 15-23. ISSN 1000-9825. EI 收录
15. Zheng, J J, X. Q. Chen and J. J. Zhang (2002). On the positivity and convexity of polynomials. In: Peng Q, Li W, Yu J Eds. Proceedings of CAD/Graphics 2001, Kunming, International Academic Publishers. 22-24 August, 2001. 82-88. ISBN 7-5062-5137-X. EI 收录, 且ISTP 收录. IDS Number: BT30L Journal of Software 13(4), pp510-517. ISSN 1000-9825.
16. Zheng J. J. and J. J. Zhang (2001), Physically based sculpting of n-sided surfaces. In: Peng Q, Li W, Yu J Eds. Proceedings of CAD/Graphics 2001, Kunming, International Academic Publishers. 22-24 August, 2001. 63-69. ISBN 7-5062-5137-X. ISTP 收录. IDS Number: BT30L
17. Zheng, J. J. (2001). The n-sided control point surfaces without twist vectors. CAGD 18(2). 129-134. SCI 收录 且EI收录. ISSN 0167-8396
18. Ball, A. A. and J. J. Zheng (2001). Degree elevation for n-sided surfaces. CAGD 18(2). 135-147. SCI 收录 且EI收录. ISSN 0167-8396
19. Lin, J., A. A. Ball and J. J. Zheng (2001). Approximating circular arcs by B閦ier curves and its application to modelling tooling for FE forming simulations. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 41(5). 703-717. ISSN 0890-6955. SCI 收录 且EI收录.
20. 郑津津 (2000), 不规则有理曲面, 两千年中国博士后大会,科学出版社.
21. 郑津津(1999), 不规则曲面的几何造型,《面向21世纪的中国科学院博士后》, 中国科学院.
22. Zheng, J. J. & A. A. Ball (1998). Patterns of control points over n-sided areas, In Cripps, R. (ed.), The Mathematics of Surfaces VIII, Information Geometers, 313-324. ISBN 1-874728-15-1
23. Lin, J., A. A. Ball & J. J. Zheng (1998). Surface modelling and mesh generation for simulating superplastic forming, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., Vol. 80-81, 613-619. SCI 收录 ISSN 0924-0136
24. Zheng, J. J. and A. A. Ball (1997). Control point surfaces over non-four-sided surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(9), 807-821. SCI 收录且 EI 收录. ISSN 0167-8396
25. Zheng, J. J. (1996). Patterns of sampled points for reverse engineering, Second annual research symposium, University of Birmingham, May, 14-18. ISBN 070 441 6956
26. Zheng, J. J. and A. A. Ball (1995). Generating surfaces over non-four-sided areas, Free Form Curves and Surfaces, Mathematics Research Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany, June.
27. Zheng, J. J. (1993) On the convexity of parametric Bezier triangular patches of degree 2, Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(6), 521-530. ISSN 0167-8396. SCI 收录且 EI 收录.