Homepage of Prof. Jinlong Yang

CV Research Publications Position Opening

Open positions for research students (Master or Ph.D. degree), postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scientists

Every year several people are leaving the group and several new people are joining.

Open positions are typically not announced. Anyone interested in theoretical and computational chemistry, condensed matter physics, or materials science who likes to join the group should send an application to Jinlong Yang.

The main fields studied in the group are described under Research, but it should be noted that this does not provide a complete description, and new ideas are always welcome.

There are also several position openings of associated/full professorship in the Division of Theoretical and Computational Sciences, Hefei National Laboratory of Physical Sciences at the  Microscale, USTC. Applicants should send a letter of application, CV,  publication list, statement of research and teaching interests,  and names and addresses of two or three referees to me.
