Demos for paper published on IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing: A Regression Approach to Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Networks [PDF]
*Yong Xu, Jun Du, Li-Rong Dai and Chin-Hui LEE, Fellow, IEEE
E-mail:, *Yong Xu
Section 1: More enhanced speech demos based on Deep neural networks
Section 2: Related waveforms refered in the submitted paper
Section 1: More enhanced speech demos based on Deep neural networks
Selected results on some unseen noise types at the common SNRs (10dB, 5dB):
Improved DNN LogMMSE Noisy CleanMachine gun, SNR10 Machine gun, SNR5 Buccaneer1, SNR10 Buccaneer1, SNR5 Destroyer engine, SNR10 Destroyer engine, SNR5 Factory1, SNR10 Factory1, SNR5
Testing on the unseen noise type: Pink at different SNRs below, and the clean speech (female, TIMIT) is the same.
Improved DNN LogMMSE NoisySNR20 SNR15 SNR10 SNR5 SNR0 SNR-5
Testing on the unseen noise type: Exhibition at different SNRs below, and the clean speech (male, TIMIT) is the same.
Improved DNN LogMMSE NoisySNR20 SNR15 SNR10 SNR5 SNR0 SNR-5
Section 2: Related waveforms refered in the submitted paper
(a) DNN-baseline (b) clean (c) noisyFig. 4 in the submitted paper to indicate the over-smoothing problem in the DNN-based method: Spectrograms of an utterance tested with AWGN at 0dB SNR: for the (a) DNN-baseline estimated (left), (b) the clean (middle) and (c) the noisy (right) speech.
(a) noisy speech (b) LogMMSE (c) DNN baseline
(e) improved by GVFig. 8 in the submitted paper to compare the performance of different proposed systems and the traditional LogMMSE method: Spectrograms of an utterance tested with Exhibition (unseen) noise at SNR= 5dB. (a) noisy speech (PESQ=1.42), (b) LogMMSE (PESQ=1.83), (c) DNN baseline (PESQ=1.87), (d) improved by dropout (PESQ=2.06), (e) improved by GV equalization (PESQ=2.00), (f) improved by dropout and GV (PESQ=2.13), (g) jointly improved by dropout, NAT and GV equalization (PESQ=2.25), and the clean speech (PESQ=4.5).
(b) LogMMSE enhanced (d) noisy speechFig. 9 in the submitted paper to indicate the ability of suppression against non-stationary noise : Spectrograms of an utterance tested on Machine gun (unseen) noise at SNR= -5dB: with (a) 104-noise DNN enhanced (PESQ=2.78), (b) LogMMSE enhanced (PESQ=1.86), (c) 4-noise DNN enhanced (PESQ=2.14), and (c) noisy speech (PESQ=1.85).
(a) DNN enhanced (b) LogMMSE enhanced (c) noisy (d) cleanFig. 10 in the submitted paper to indicate the ability of suppression against severely changing noise envrionments (non-stationary) : Spectrograms of an utterance corrupted in succession by different noise types tested on changing noise environments at SNR = 5dB: (a) DNN enhanced (PESQ=2.99), (b) the LogMMSE enhanced (PESQ=1.46), (c) noisy (PESQ=2.05), and (d) clean speech (PESQ=4.50).
(a) improved DNN (b) LogMMSE (d) noisyFig. 11 in the submitted paper to indicate the ability of enhancing the real-world noisy utterance : Spectrograms of a noisy utterance extracted from the movie Forrest Gump with: (a) improved DNN, (b) LogMMSE, (c) DNN model further post-processed using the LogMMSE method, and (d) noisy speech