Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the underlying theory of Strong Interaction. It describes the interactions between quarks and gluons. QCD is strongly coupled at low-enegy scale, which leads to remarkable non-perturbative physics, e.g. confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. The non-perturbative calculation of QCD is one of the most formidable challenges in Physics. It is also the key to answer some of the fundamental questions in Physics, such as how the quarks and gluons are bound together, and how the nuclear forces are formed to bind the nucleons. The non-perturbative properties of hadrons is also the focii of some present and forthcoming high-energy experiments, such as the electron-ion colliders (EICs) and the Super Tau-Charm Facilities (STCFs). For a comprehensive yet readable introduction to QCD, we recommend the following review: F. Gross and E. Klempt et. al., 50 Years of Quantum Chromodynamics, Eur. Phys. J. C 83, 1125 (2023).
The research of our group delves into the heart of the visible matter, the structures of the hadrons, such as the proton. We aim to understand how the non-perturbative structures of hadrons emerge from the quarks and gluons. To tackle these challenging issues, we employ a combination of theory, phenomenology and computation. One of our favorite approaches is the light-front Hamiltonian formalism. In this approach, the structures of the hadrons are fully described by the wave functions defined at on the light front \(x^+ \equiv ct+z = 0\). It is also closely related to the partonic structures of hadrons. Our ultimate goal is to develop an ab initio computational framework to solve for the light-front wave functions directly from the QCD Hamiltonian. For a review of light-front QCD, see Section 5.3 of the above review 50 years of QCD.
Specific topics of our group include:
Yang Li is a professor of physics at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He graduated from USTC in 2010. He obtained his Ph.D. at Iowa State University in 2015 under Prof. James Vary. He then worked at Iowa State University, the College of William & Mary and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as postdocs and a lecturer. In 2021, he joined USTC as a professor. His primary research interests are Particle and High-Energy Nuclear Physics including non-perturbative QCD and hadronic structures. He received Gary McCartor Award by the International Light Cone Advisory Committee (ILCAC) in 2014. See his homepage and his inspire page for more information.
Contact: leeyoung1987\(@\)ustc.edu.cn
Xianghui Cao is a graduate student at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He graduated from USTC in 2022 and subsequently joined Prof. Yang Li’s group. His research interests are non-perturbative quantum field theory and hadron physics.
Contact: xianghuicao\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Liuyuan Wen is currently a graduate student at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), pursuing a Master's degree in Physics under the supervision of Prof. Yang Li. He received his Bachelor's degree at Tianjin University in 2022 under Prof. Baoyi Chen. His research focuses on quarkonium in strong magnetic fields.
Contact: lywen\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Contact: wangzhg2022\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Yihan Duan is a graduate student at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received his bachelor degree in physics from USTC in 2023 and subsequently joined Prof. Yang Li’s group. His research interests include non-perturbative QCD and nucleon structure.
Contact: dyh2019\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Wenyu Zhang is an undergraduate student at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He is expected to graduate in Fall of 2024 and join Prof. Yang Li's group. His research interests are non-perturbative quantum field theory, hadron physics and computational physics.
Contact: zwy_2020\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Qi'ao Li is an undergraduate student at University of Science and Technologu of China (USTC). He is expected to graduate in 2025 and join Prof. Yang Li's group. His interests are particle physics and non-perturbative QCD.
Contact: frontal\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn
Contact: steppenwolf\(@\)mail.ustc.edu.cn