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Linfan Zhu |
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Resume |
Lin-Fan Zhu, who is a PhD supervisor and professor of Physics, was born in 1971. He received his PHD in 1999 at University of Science and Technology of China. He has been a principal investigator of three National Natural Science Foundations of China (NNSFC) and 2 subprojects of key NNSFC. He extended the research area of high-resolution fast electron energy loss spectroscopy by applying the experimental techniques of time-of-flight mass spectrometer and multichannel detector into electron collision method. For the first time, he and coworkers have extended the nonresonant inelastic X-ray scattering to study the dynamic parameters of atoms and molecules. He has carried out characteristic physical works on accurate dynamic parameters and the excitation mechanism of atoms and molecules. Pro. Zhu has published more than 60 SCI papers in Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, J. Chem. Phys, J. Phys. B and etc. He has given the invited talks on international conferences on atomic and molecular physics for many times. He has won the Second Class Prize of National Natural Science of Anhui province in 2004. In 2007, he was supported by the "Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University" of the Ministry of Education of China. |
Research |
1. Electron Collision Spectroscopy [Details] 2. X-ray Scattering Spectroscopy [Details] 3. Fine Spectroscopy of Dielectronic Recombination for heavy ions [Details] |
Publications |
T. Xiong, Y. W. Liu*, K. Yang, X. C. Huang, S. X. Wang, S. Yan, K. L. Yu, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, Optical oscillator strengths of the vibronic excitations of molecular deuterium determined by the dipole (r, r) mthod, Phys. Rev. A (Accepted) Y. W. Liu, L. Q. Xu, T. Xiong, X. Chen, K. Yang*, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, Oscillator strengths and integral cross sections of the valence-shell excitations of oxygen molecule studied by fast electron and inelastic X-ray scattering, Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. (accepted) D. D. Ni, X. Kang, S. Yan, X. C. Huang, T. Xiong, D. X. Liang, K. Yang* and L. F. Zhu*, A 1-meter non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectrometer at BL15U, Shanghai synchrotron radiation facility, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 085108(2018) L. Q. Xu, Y. G. Peng, T. Xiong, X. Xiu, Y. W. Liu, Y. Wu*, J. G. Wang, and L. F. Zhu*, Inelastic squared form factors of the vibronic states of B1, C1?and EF1?for molecular hydrogen deuteride studied by the fast electron scattering, Phys. Rev. A 98, 012502(2018) S. X. Wang, X. Xu, Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen*, H. B. Wang, N. Khan, S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell, S. Schippers, S. Mahmood, L. J. Dou, X. Y. Chuai, D. M. Zhao, X. L. Zhu, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, M. T. Tang, D. Y. Yin, J. C. Yang, X. Ma*, and L. F. Zhu*, Electron-ion Recombination Rate Coefficients of Be-like 40Ca16+, Astrophys. J. 862, 134(2018) X. C. Huang, L. Q. Xu, D. D. Ni, Y. W. Liu, Y. G. Peng, K. Yang*, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, Elastic squared form factor and binding effect of carbon dioxide studied by the high resolution x-ray scattering, J. Electro. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 226, 41-44(2018) W. Q. Xu, L. Q. Xu, D. G. Qi, T. Chen, Y. W. Liu and L. F. Zhu*, Investigations of the valence-shell excitations of molecular ethane by the high-energy electron scattering, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 144313(2018) Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen*, X. Xu, S. Mahmood, S. X. Wang, H. B. Wang, L. J. Dou, N. Khan, N. R. Badnell, S. P. Preval, S. Schippers, T. H. Xu, Y. Yang, K. Yao, W. Q. Xu, X. Y. Chuai, X. L. Zhu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, B. Wu, L. N. Sheng, J. C. Yang, L. F. Zhu and X. W. Ma*, Dielectronic and trielectronic recombination rate coefficients of Be-like Ar14+, Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. 235:2 (2018) L. Q. Xu, X. Kang, Y. G. Peng, X. Xu, Y. W. Liu, Y. Wu*, K. Yang, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, J. G. Wang and L. F. Zhu*, Comparative study of inelastic squared form factors of the vibronic states of B1Su+, C1Pu and EF1Sg+ for molecular hydrogen: inelastic x-ray and electron scattering, Phys. Rev. A 97, 032503(2018) X. Xu, L. Q. Xu, T. Xiong, T. Chen, Y. W. Liu and L. F. Zhu*, Oscillator strengths and integral cross sections for the valence-shell excitations of nitric oxide studied by fast electron impact, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 044311(2018) Y. W. Liu, L. Q. Xu, T. Chen, D. G. Qi, T. Xiong and L. F. Zhu*, Oscillator strengths and integral cross sections of the valence-shell excitations of acetylene studied by the high-energy electron-scattering, Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. 234:10 (2018) S. Sardar*, X. Xu, L. Q. Xu and L. F. Zhu*, Relativistic R-matrix calculations for photoionization cross sections of C IV: implications for photorecombination of C V, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 474, 1752-1761(2018) X. C. Huang, W. B. Li, X. J. Kong and L. F. Zhu*, Field redistribution inside an X-ray cavity-QED setup, Opt. Express, 25, 31337(2017) Y. Zhang, X. Wang, L. F. Zhu, D. Lu, R. Hutton, Y. Zou and B. Wei, Studies of N2 dissociative ionization by electron impact, J. Phys. B 50, 205202(2017) Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, X. Xu, H. B. Wang, L. J. Dou, X. Y. Chuai, X. L. Zhu, D. M. Zhao, J. Li, X. M. Ma, L. J. Mao, J. C. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, W. Q. Xu, L. Y. Xie, T. H. Xu, K. Yao, C. Z. Dong, L. F. Zhu and X. Ma*, Dielectronic recombination experiments at the storage rings: from the present CSR to the future HIAF, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 408, 135-139(2017) D. D. Ni, L. Q. Xu, Y. W. Liu, K. Yang*, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, Comparative study of the low-lying valence electronic states of carbon dioxide by high-resolution inelastic x-ray and electron scattering, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012518(2017) L. Q. Xu, Y. W. Liu, X. Xu, D. D. Ni, K. Yang and L. F. Zhu*, Optical oscillator strengths of the valence-shell excitations of atoms and molecules determined by the dipole (r, r) method, Eup. Phys. J. D 71, 183(2017) Y. W. Liu, L. Q. Xu, D. D. Ni, X. Xu, X. C. Huang and L. F. Zhu*, Integral cross sections of the dipole-allowed excitations of nitrogen molecule studied by the fast electron scattering, J. Geophys. Research Space Phys. 122, 3459-3468(2017) X. Xu, D. D. Ni, X. Kang, Y. W. Liu, L. Q. Xu, K. Yang*, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, and L. F. Zhu*, Absolute optical oscillator strengths of the 3p54s and 3p54s? transitions of argon measured by the dipole (r,r) method, J. Phys. B 49, 064010(2016) Y. W. Liu, X. Kang, L. Q. Xu, D. D. Ni, K. Yang*, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, and L. F. Zhu*, Absolute optical oscillator strengths of vibronic excitations of N2 studied by the dipole(r,r) method, Astrophys. J. 819,142(2016) Y. G. Peng, Y. Wu, L. F. Zhu, S. B. Zhang, J. G. Wang, H. P. Liebermann, and R. Buenker, Complex multireference configuration interaction calculations for the K-vacancy Auger states of Nq+(q=2-5), J. Chem. Phys. 144, 054306(2016) L. Q. Xu, Y. W. Liu, X. Kang, D. D. Ni, K. Yang, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, The realization of the dipole(r,r) method and its application to determine the absolute optical oscillator strengths of helium, Sci. Rep. 5,18350(2015) X. T. Zhu, Y. W. Cao, S. Y Zhang, X. Jia, Q. L. Guo, F. Yang, L. F. Zhu, J. D. Zhang, E. W. Plummer and J. D. Guo, High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy with two-dimensional energy and momentum mapping, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 083902(2015) X. Zhang, Y. W. Liu, Y. G. Peng, L. Q. Xu, D. D. Ni, X. Kang, Y. Y. Wang, Y. Y. Qi, and L. F. Zhu*, Fast-electron-impact study on excitations of 4d electron of xenon, Chin. Phys. B 24, 123401(2015) X. Kang, Y. W. Liu, L. Q. Xu, D. D. Ni, K. Yang,N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei and L. F. Zhu*, Oscillator strength measurement for the A (0-6)-X (0), C (0)-X (0) and E (0)-X (0) transitions of CO by the dipole (g,g) method, Astrophys. J. 807, 96(2015) D. D. Ni, X. Kang, K. Yang*, Y. W. Liu, X. X. Mei, X. L. Zhao, L. Q. Xu, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, and L. F. Zhu*, Squared form factors for the A1P and B1S+ vibronic bands of carbon monoxide studied by high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. A 91, 042501(2015) L. F. Zhu*, H. C. Tian, Y. W. Liu, X. Kang and G. X. Liu, Selection rules for electric multipole transition of diatomic molecule in scattering experiments, Chin. Phys. B 24, 043101(2015) X. L. Zhao, K. Yang*, L. Q. Xu, Y. P. Ma, S. Yan, D. D. Ni, X. Kang, Y. W. Liu and L. F. Zhu*, Investigation of Compton profiles of molecular methane and ethane, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 084301(2015) X. L. Zhao, K. Yang*, L. Q. Xu, Y. P. Ma, S. Yan, D. D. Ni, X. Kang, Y. W. Liu and L. F. Zhu*, Compton profile of molecular hydrogen, Chin. Phys. B 24, 033301(2015) Y. G. Peng, X. Kang, K. Yang*, X. L. Zhao, Y. W. Liu, X. X. Mei, B. P. Xie, D. L. Feng, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, and L. F. Zhu*, Squared form factors of vibronic excitations in 12-13.3 eV of nitrogen studied by high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. A 89, 032512(2014) M. Lin, Y. W. Liu, Z. P. Zhong, L. F. Zhu*, Investigations of decay pathways of superexcited states of nitrous oxide, Chin. Phys. B 23, 053403(2014) M. Vos, R. P. McEachran, and L. F. Zhu, A comparison of the theoretical and experimental results for keV electron scattering from argon, J. Phys. B 47,055201(2014) Y. W. Liu, X. X. Mei, X. Kang, K. Yang*, W. Q. Xu, Y. G. Peng, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, P. F. Zhang, and L. F. Zhu*, Determination the electronic structure of atoms and molecules in ground state: measurement for molecular hydrogen by high-resolution x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. A 89, 014502 (2014) Y. Y. Wang, X. Kang, Y. W. Liu, W. Q. Xu, L. Wang, C. Z. Hu, J. Chen, F. Y. Liu, L. S. Sheng, X. L. Zhao, P. F. Zhang, L. F. Zhu*, Investigations of dissociative photoionization of isooctane by synchrotron radiation, Int. J. Mass Spectr. 359,1(2014) W. Q. Xu, X. L. Zhu, X. Ma, W. Q. Wen, Y. Gao, S. L. Wang, R. T. Zhang, B. Li, Y. Zhang, D. M. Zhao, H. P. Liu, J. Liu, and L. F. Zhu, Development of a single-particle detector for the dielectronic recombination experiment on HIREF-CSRm, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 735, 552-556(2014) R. P. McEachran, M. Vos and L. F. Zhu, Fast-electron scattering from Ne: A comparison of distorted-wave theory with experiment, Phys. Rev. A 87,052703(2013) M. Lin, Y. W. Liu, Z. P. Zhong, L. F. Zhu*, Momentum transfer dependence behaviors of ionization and dissociation of oxygen, Chin. Phys. B 22, 023404(2013) X. Kang, K. Yang*, Y. W. Liu, W. Q. Xu, N. Hiraoka, K. D. Tsuei, P. F. Zhang, and L. F. Zhu*, Squared form factors of valence-shell excitations of atomic argon studied by high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering,Phys. Rev. A 86,022509(2012) |
Project |
Research Projects: |
copyright ©2012 Lab of High-Resolution Energy Loss Spectroscopy All Rights Reserved No.96,JinZhai Road Baohe District,Hefei,Anhui, 230026,P.R.China Tel:0551-3603902 |