Selected Publications
1.Gao P*, et al., MicroRNAs and the Warburg Effect: new players in an old arena. Curr Gene Ther. 2012 Aug;12(4): 285-91.
2.Dang, C. V., Hamaker, M., Sun, P., Le, A., & Gao, P. (2011). Therapeutic targeting of cancer cell metabolism. Journal of molecular medicine, 89(3), 205-212.
3.Seltzer, M. J., Bennett, B. D., Joshi, A. D., Gao, P., Thomas, A. G., Ferraris, D. V., ... & Riggins, G. J. (2010). Inhibition of glutaminase preferentially slows growth of glioma cells with mutant IDH1. Cancer research, 70(22), 8981-8987.
4.Wang, J. B., Erickson, J. W., Fuji, R., Ramachandran, S., Gao, P., Dinavahi, R., ... & Cerione, R. A. (2010). Targeting mitochondrial glutaminase activity inhibits oncogenic transformation. Cancer cell, 18(3), 207-219.
5.Gao P*, Tchernyshyov I, Chang TC, Lee YS, Kita K, Ochi T, Zeller KI, De Marzo AM, Van Eyk JE, Mendell JT, Dang CV*. c-myc suppression of mir-23a/b enhances mitochondrial glutaminase expression and glutamine metabolism (*Corresponding authors). Nature. 2009 Apr 9;458(7239):762-5.
6.Gao P, Zhang H, Dinavahi R, Li F, Xiang Y, Raman V, Bhujwalla ZM, Felsher DW, Cheng L, Pevsner J, Lee LA, Semenza GL, Dang CV.HIF-dependent Anti-tumorigenic Effect of Anti-oxidants In Vivo. Cancer Cell, 2007 Sep;12 (3):230-8.
7.Gao P, Wange R L, Zhang N, Oppenheim JJ, Howard O M Z. Negative regulation of CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis by the lipid phosphatase activity of tumor suppressor PTEN. Blood2005; 106(8):2619-26
8.Zhang H, Gao P, Fukuda R, Kumar G, Krishnmachary B, Zeller KI, Dang CV, Semenza GL. HIF-1 inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis and cellular respiration in VHL-deficient renal cell carcinoma by repression of c-MYC activity. Cancer Cell, 2007, 11(5):407-20
9.Gao P*. Chapter 20: MicroRNAs and Metabolism. In MicroRNAs in Cancer Translational Research, 1st Edition(William Cho Ed.) SpringerNew York,(2010)
10.Dang CV, Kim JW, Gao P, Yustein J. The interplay between MYC and HIF in cancer. Nature review Cancer . 2008; 8(1): 51-6
11.Gao P, Dang CV, Watson J. Unexpected antitumorigenic effect of fenbendazole when combined with supplementary vitamins. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2008 Nov;47(6):37-40.
12.Dang CV, & Gao P. Muscle fatigue from losing your PHD. Cell Metabolism;2008 Mar;7(3):191-2.
13.Kim JW, Gao P, Liu YC, Semenza GL, Dang CV. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 anddysregulated c-Myc cooperatively induce vascular endothelial growth factor andmetabolic switches hexokinase 2 and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Nov;27 (21):7381-93.
14.Sun R, Gao P, Chen L, Ma D, Wang JM, Oppenheim JJ, Zhang N. Protein kinase C is required for Epidermal growth factor-induced chemotaxis of human breast cancer cells.Cancer Res.2005;65(4):1433-41