Chen, Renjie

Renjie Chen (陈仁杰)

Graphics & Geometric Computing Laboratory (GCL)
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Email: renjiec at


Mathematical Modelling (Spring-Summer 2024-2025)
Computer Aided Geometric Design (Autumn-Winter 2024-2025)
Computer Graphics (Spring-Summer 2022-2023)
GAMES 301: Surface Parameterization
Summer School for Advances in Computer Graphics 2022 (计算机图形学前沿进展)


We have openings for postdoc positions in the field of geometry processing, geometry modelling and computer graphics in general. Please contact me if you are interested.


Zhehui Lin, and Renjie Chen
Polynomial Cauchy Coordinates for Curved Cages
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers

H. Qiu, W. Liao, and Renjie Chen
High-quality Cage Generation Based on SDF
Proc. Pacific Graphics 2024

Jingyu Lin, Jiaqi Gu, Bojian Wu, Lubin Fan, Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, and Jieping Ye
Learning Neural Volumetric Pose Features for Camera Localization
Proc. ECCV 2024

Zheng Liu, Yaowu Zhao, Sijing Zhan, Yuanyuan Liu, Renjie Chen, and Ying He
PCDNF: Revisiting Learning-based Point Cloud Denoising via Joint Normal Filtering
IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph., 30(8), August 2024

Zheng Liu, Xiaopeng Xin, Zheng Xu, Weijie Zhou, Chunxue Wang, Renjie Chen, and Ying He
Robust and Accurate Feature Detection on Point Clouds
Computer-Aided Design, 164, 2023

Kecun Wang, and Renjie Chen
Parallel Loop Subdivision with Sparse Adjacency Matrix
Eurographics 2022 ShortPaper

Kang Wu, Renjie Chen, Xiao-Ming Fu, and Ligang Liu
Computational Mirror Cup and Saucer Art
ACM Trans. on Graph., 41(5), 2022

Dongbo Shi, and Renjie Chen
Harmonic Shape Interpolation on Multiply-connected Planar Domains
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Sym. Geom. Proc.), 41(5), 2022

Wentao Liao, Renjie Chen, Yuchen Hua, Ligang Liu, and Ofir Weber
Real-time Locally Injective Volumetric Deformation
ACM Trans. on Graph., 40(4) (SIGGRAPH 2021)

Caigui Jiang, Chengcheng Tang, Hans-Peter Seidel, Renjie Chen, and Peter Wonka
Computational Design of Lightweight Trusses
Computer-Aided Design (Proc. SPM 2021)

Saishang Zhong, Zhenzhen Song, Zheng Liu, Zhong Xie, Jianguo Chen, Lu Liu, and Renjie Chen
Shape-aware Mesh Normal Filtering
Computer-Aided Design (Proc. SPM 2021)

Zheng Liu, Yanlei Li, Weina Wang, Ligang Liu, and Renjie Chen
Mesh Total Generalized Variation for Denoising
IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph., June 2021

Renjie Chen, and Craig Gotsman
Efficient Fastest-Path Computations for Road Maps
Computational Visual Media, 7(2), 267-281, 2021 (Best paper honorable mention Award)

Renjie Chen, and Craig Gotsman
Fast A* on Road Networks Using a Scalable Separator-Based Heuristic
In Proc. 13th ACM SIGSPATIAL Int. Workshop on Comp. Transp. Sci. (IWCTS '20), article 8, 1-8, 2020

Ido Aharon, Renjie Chen, Denis Zorin, and Ofir Weber
Bounded Distortion Tetrahedral Metric Interpolation
ACM Trans. on Graph., 38(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)

Björn Golla, Hans-Peter Seidel and Renjie Chen
Piecewise Linear Mapping Optimization Based on the Complex View
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Pacific Graphics), 37(7), 2018

Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman and Kai Hormann
Path Planning with Divergence-Based Distance Functions
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 66, 52-74, 2018

Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman and Kai Hormann
Efficient Path Generation with Reduced Coordinates
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Sym. Geom. Proc.), 37(5), 2018

Renjie Chen and Ofir Weber
GPU-Accelerated Locally Injective Shape Deformation
ACM Trans. on Graph., 36(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017)

Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
Approximating Planar Conformal Maps Using Regular Polygonal Meshes
Comp. Graph. Forum., 36(8), 2017

Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
Complex Transfinite Barycentric Mappings with Similarity Kernels
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Sym. Geom. Proc.), 35(5), 2016

Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
On Pseudo-harmonic Barycentric Coordinates
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 44, 15-35, 2016

Edward Chien, Renjie Chen* and Ofir Weber
Bounded Distortion Harmonic Shape Interpolation
ACM Trans. on Graph., 35(4) (SIGGRAPH 2016)

Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
Generalized As-Similar-As-Possible Warping with Applications in Digital Photography
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Eurographics), 35(2), 2016

Renjie Chen and Ofir Weber
Bounded Distortion Harmonic Mappings in the Plane
ACM Trans. on Graph., 34(4) (SIGGRAPH 2015)

Roi Poranne, Renjie Chen* and Craig Gotsman
On Linear Spaces of Polyhedral Meshes
IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph., 21(5), 652-662, May 2015

Renjie Chen, Andrew Maimone, Henry Fuchs, Ramesh Raskar and Gordon Wetzstein
Wide Field of View Compressive Light Field Display using a Multilayer Architecture and Tracked Viewers
Journal of the Society for Information Display, 22(10), 525–534, April 2015

Renjie Chen, Ofir Weber, Daniel Keren and Mirela Ben-Chen
Planar Shape Interpolation with Bounded Distortion
ACM Trans. on Graph., 32(4) (SIGGRAPH 2013)
Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
Parallel blue-noise sampling by constrained farthest point optimization
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Sym. Geom. Proc.), 31(5), 1775-1785, 2012
Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman
Localizing the Delaunay triangulation and its parallel implementation
Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Voronoi Diagrams (ISVD), Rutgers, June 2012
Yin Xu, Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman and Ligang Liu
Embedding a triangular graph within a given boundary
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28, 349-356, 2011
Renjie Chen, Daniel Freedman, Zachi Karni, Craig Gotsman and Ligang Liu
Content-aware image resizing by quadratic programming
Proc. of the NORDIA Workshop, San Francisco, June 2010. (Best Paper Award)
Ligang Liu, Renjie Chen, Lior Wolf and Daniel Cohen-Or
Optimizing photo composition
Comp. Graph. Forum. (Proc. Eurographics), 29(2), 469-478, 2010
Renjie Chen, Yin Xu, Craig Gotsman and Ligang Liu
A spectral characterization of the Delaunay triangulation
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27(4), 295-300, 2010
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu and Guangchang Dong
Local resampling for patch-based texture synthesis in vector fields
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 38(1/2/3), 124-133, 2010
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu and Guangchang Dong
Mesh smoothing with vertex tolerance constraints (in Chinese)
Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 44(9), 61-65, 2010
Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu and Guangchang Dong
Detection of principal lines in images (in Chinese)
Journal of Image and Graph. of China, 15(3), 403-408, 2010.

Ph.D. Thesis

Content-Aware Image Retargeting(in Chinese), Zhejiang University, June, 2010